• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Legend Member
Isn`t marriage a commitment of love forever???

Therefore it should be about who you love, not who people want you to.

It`s not important if it`s male, female, dog, cat or whatever, the only important thing is that it is love forever...


Re: Sexy Rochelle

Just to let you know my client today has seen you before Rochelle and he had WONDERFUL things to say about you ...AND apparently we both have similar perfect breasts...lol!!!:love10:


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
Re: Sexy Rochelle

Hi Saige, thanks for the feedback :love10: always nice to hear positive things.

By the way......small titts are the best :eek:ccasion14

have a great night.



Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: Sexy Rochelle

I saw this thread and, not having posted on the forum for awhile, I thought I should say something about "La Belle Rochelle". I've never done a review so here goes.

Not having punted for nearly 2 years, I took the plunge, went to LTs for the first time and saw Rochelle. I wish I gone to see her before. Rochelle’s attitude and personality coupled with a smoking bod and a butt I could stare at all day, well......

I wont go into details suffice to say that Rochelle is a beautiful woman in that she was able to see past the fact that I look like the bastard love child between Jabba the Hut and a Wookie (kids - go speak to your parents about Star Wars...lol), put me at ease, was playful and knew how to treat a man. Chatting with Rochelle was like chatting with an old friend, she is genuinely interesting and a great conversationalist. A gem of a lady.

Fudd :)

ps: little Fudd says hello too..... :)


Re: Sexy Rochelle

Still haven't got over to Perth to see you R !!


Re: Sexy Rochelle

YAY FUDD....glad you got out there and put one away....by the sounds of it you could not have pickked a better person...mwahhhhh!!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Re: Sexy Rochelle

Hi Fudd.........OMG I am blushing right now :love10:
Thanks babe, that is very sweet of you. Mutual enjoyment is the secret so you are as "guilty" :thumbsup:


PS: hi to little Fudd.......hope he is all good xxxxxxxx

Hi Scottie1975..........if you can't make it happen in 2011 you should put it on top of your to-do-list for 2012 :angel1:



Legend Member
Re: Sexy Rochelle

Wow who's the smokin' babe?? Why it's the gorgeous Rochelle! I've done a few doubles with Rochelle and can say she is fantastic in the room. Had lots of fun times with her...and have you seen her 6 pack??? Amazing body-coolest lady!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with that expensive double-pane energy efficient kind, and today, I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was complaining that the work had been completed a whole year ago and I still hadn't paid for them.
Hellllllooooooo,..........just because I am blond doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid. So, I told him just what his fast talking sales guy had told me last year, that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves! Hellllllooooooo? It's been a year! I told him.
There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally just hung up. He never called back. I bet he felt like an idiot.


Ha hahahahah love it , good girl its great to be cheeky some times lol


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
ok........can anybody tell me why a girl called Kim K who happened to get divorced after 70 plus days is all over the news for the last 2 or 3 days?
What has she done to be so famous........making headlines?
What is so special about her? Can somebody fill me in? I do have the awful feeling I am missing something here :icon_scra



Gold Member
She did a Sex tape and then somehow after that she got her own tv show, very much like Paris Hilton it seems


Silver Member
Shes just LA trash with Kmart quality clothing being sold as a labelled brand for millions of $$$$... Oh and did i mention, she was married to a basketball star... Meh, couldn't care less! LOL

Siren x


Diamond Member
ok........can anybody tell me why a girl called Kim K who happened to get divorced after 70 plus days is all over the news for the last 2 or 3 days?
What has she done to be so famous........making headlines?
What is so special about her? Can somebody fill me in? I do have the awful feeling I am missing something here :icon_scra


Because, unfortunately the media these days would rather report on non newsworthy stories, rather than the news. ::) Although Maryanne was on the news tonight...?
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Shes just LA trash with Kmart quality clothing being sold as a labelled brand for millions of $$$$... Oh and did i mention, she was married to a basketball star... Meh, couldn't care less! LOL

Siren x

wouldn't really call him a star more like a benchwarmer, she earns more than him easily .. I know too much, need to go back to my little hole now


She's simply famous for just "being famous"!

What's scary is the young girls who were devastated because they missed seeing her by 30seconds. You'd think the world just ended


The funny thing is showns and news is only reported on what will sell.....so for they percentage of us who think is is ridiculous unfortuantley ther has to be a larger percent that love and buy into the it.

Imagine in 50-100yrs those genreations will look back at it and think "jersey shore" is how we really where....shudder!!!



Not to be rude but sometimes she looks like those women that dylansdelight posted earlier

Farm Boy

ok........can anybody tell me why a girl called Kim K who happened to get divorced after 70 plus days is all over the news for the last 2 or 3 days?
What has she done to be so famous........making headlines?
What is so special about her? Can somebody fill me in? I do have the awful feeling I am missing something here :icon_scra


There a little bit of Jerry Springer in all news organizations ABC right thru to Al Jazeer

Madam Jacqui

Madam @ Langtrees
Legend Member
To start off with, she is the daughter of a rich millionaire. He was the famous lawyer for the Simpson Case. There you go Rochelle. xxxxx


And she's cracked it and left Australia early!

Too much hassling from the people who've made her famous. Wonder if Chloe has left as well? She seems really nice.

Reality stars not wanting to talk about the very things that have made them squillions.. "The Situation" would never do something like that :D
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what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
no matter what you think of her, she played the media all the way to the bank, the so called marriage which was her 2nd choice made her 10grand an hour just in magazine endorsments.
So i would say she is pretty smart and played it all the way.
Plus it goes way back, and what you said Jacqui is spot on.

Good on them, just shows how the media can make you a very rich person if you use them to your favor.
I doubt they couldn't care less what people think of them, they get heaps of viewers in U.S.A and here and you only have to look at the media circus at the airport, just to see how some people think there like rock stars.
Not for me but you can't knock her for using the media to there advantage.