• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Hahaha! I know exactly how you feel Rochelle. I did the same thing last night. I think the best thing for me was a couple of strong bourbons and a sexy dance in the mirror before I left for Langtrees. A crazy dance in the mirror always does it for my confidence, no matter how ballistic I look :p


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hahaha! I know exactly how you feel Rochelle. I did the same thing last night. I think the best thing for me was a couple of strong bourbons and a sexy dance in the mirror before I left for Langtrees. A crazy dance in the mirror always does it for my confidence, no matter how ballistic I look :p

LOL........what a great idea.......guess I go for the crazy dance (considering my "natural [not]feeling" for rhythm and movement.......oh noooooooo :blob3:.......somehow "crazy" seems to come easier to me especially after a holiday).

Oh dear FUDD!!!!!!!!!........now you are on the other side of the world and we still can't get rid of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love10:



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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I am positive there is still a sex-life after an annoying cold and very boring days without any at all............I am back on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night this week.....all up and running again and more than ready for some fun......:love76:



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
What type of person are you? Are you getting out of bed in the morning easily and with bounce (morning person) or is it a rather slow and painful process (not morning person)?

In case you are the latter.......5 reasons to get out of bed really fast and very bouncing:
1) you have slept through your alarm and you are running late for the job interview of a life time,
2) you open your eyes and recognise the person next to you,
3) something is crawling up your leg and it is not your partners hand,
4) a hot date with a morning person,
5) a very full pladder and in your dream you just about to sit down on the loo and let go........

Embrace the day ;)



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
After finishing 'Sons of Anarchy' and 'Dexter' and 'Breaking bad' I do run out of options to watch. I started 'OZ' a week ago but after 2 episodes I am not sure if I will get into it.
Any suggestions?


Tania Admin

I bounce out of bed in the mornings even when I have to be up for work by 3am. The morning being my favourite time of day :)


Gold Member
Game of Thrones, The X-Files, Stargate, The IT crowd, The Inbetweeners, Futurama, just to name a few.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Thanks ecchimiki, sounds good. Might have a look. What series are you at?

Hi 5ome0ne, which one is your favourite one?



Legend Member
Alphas, Warehouse 13, Falling Skies. I am waiting for the return of Fringe, Person of Interest.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Same here.......I am very instant (instant awake/instant bubbly/instant coffee.....:la:.) when it comes to waking up and getting out of bed.


Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
True Blood !!!!
Continuum (google it) its surprisingly good :)
Once upon a time

If your into fantyasy/suspense, these are cool
and I second Game of Thrones


Dexter kicks arse. Oz is good a bit to much graphic gay sex though for my tastes. Deadwood and The Sopranos also kick gluteus maximus.
Does anyone know if Chopper Squad is on DVD?

Perth boy

Doesn’t matter what time I get home, doesn’t matter how drunk I got, I’m up early with a bounce. Sometimes it drives me nuts that I cannot sleep in after a late night but I love the mornings it’s the best part of the day. I live on the coast so I love a run on the beach as the suns coming up.


I got out of bed at 10.20am this morning. Its a shitty day so no golf. Might go off for a punt... or 2


An ABC afficionado myself. Borrow "Rake" on DVD or "Spooks". One's from the ABC, the other from the BBC. Also, the BBC British version of "The Office" with Ricky Gervais.


Entourage, babby daddy, the league, la complex, beaver fallsand strike back are sll good

Season 5 of sons starts in 7 days!! Going to be huge. Clay is just warming up i think, maybe we'll see a nasty side to OP but not sure about jax

Thank god for a 500gb download limit and a bullshit fast net connection


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
The walking Dead will start in a months time;- excellent zombie series.
Great but old series;- Sci Fi;- I recommend;-Battlestar Galactica (2004) and Caprica (2009-2010)
Excellent drama and sci-fi
"Two families, the Graystones and the Adamas, live together on a peaceful planet known as Caprica, where a startling breakthrough in artificial intelligence brings about unforeseen consequences. A spin-off of the Sci Fi series "Battlestar Galactica"


Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
Gosh oh Gee .....
Now we are in my Vice area...
I have a love affair with my Sony55"Telly & my 3 terabyte Hard Drive!!!
Love Sons of Anarchy / Dexter/ True Blood/ Spooks / The Tudors - lovely period series /

Then... We have Firefly / "V" old series & New / Battlestar Galactica - wanted the be the cylon Sharon Agathon aka Number 3
Babylon 5 / DUNE - their Blue eyes were amazing... Great read too / Roswell - too short a series!
Continuum - now have to watch that one!!

Then the Funnies .... clever one would be the classic British series "Faulty Towers" Only 12 episodes made but still so clever!
"Seinfeld" .... Classic americian comedy... luckily Jerry stopped at 9 years..... "Friends"went on a wee bit too long.....

Can't think now.... but Rochelle .... lots to see.. I can lend you my 2 terabyte hard drive if you like... BUT NOT the big one!!

Tania Admin

Gosh oh Gee .....
Now we are in my Vice area...
I have a love affair with my my 3 terabyte Hard Drive!!!

Can't think now.... but Rochelle .... lots to see.. I can lend you my 2 terabyte hard drive if you like... BUT NOT the big one!!


Ummm I think I may have a dirty mind!!!

:laughing4 :laughing4 :laughing4 :laughing4