• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Quiet Time.. Dont Get Yourself Down

Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
Don't assume that others cannot offer equal or better service. I travel in Asia a lot and there are many smaller, intimate so called 3* hotels that provide a far better service than their 5* cousins. I'm staying in a great one right now. Could be the same principle with other sorts of establishments
I've dined at Rockpool twice and thought it was pretty ordinary for the money...

Just because a girl charges $400, doesn't mean she's any better than a girl charging $200 ;)
I could not agree more. I too was disappointed with rockpool for the money.


Foundation Member
I've dined at Rockpool twice and thought it was pretty ordinary for the money...

Just because a girl charges $400, doesn't mean she's any better than a girl charging $200 ;)
when you consider langtrees ladys are working for $200 ph it would be reasonable to expect better service from a private who makes $300.
for $400 ive had no problems advertising and getting petite young ladys very enthusiastic for 2-3 hours.
basic commercial facts as to where the better value lays
1 hour with a clinical by the numbers lady for $400
or 2-3 hours with an enthusiastic ametuer wanting fun and getting the rent paid is a bonus


Patron Saint of Werewolves
Diamond Member
People - this is really basic economics 101. Not rocket science.

The price for any specific good/service is the relationship between the forces of supply and demand.

For example, suppose that market forces determine that it costs $5 for a widget. This suggests that widget buyers are willing to forgo the utility in $5 in order to possess the widget and that the widget seller perceives that $5 is a fair price in exchange for giving up the widget. This simple theory of determining prices is one of the core principles underlying economic theory.

On a slightly different issue - Both Woolworths and Coles (Two very successful companies) have determined that it is better to make less profit on an item while at the same time attracting more customers.

On the other hand, the corner grocery store charges more for the same item but get far fewer customers.

The quality of the items sold is exactly the same.

I know which financial model I would choose. - How about you?


Bronze Member
We've seen a once in a century boom. Baby boomer driven, add to that unlimited credit, prices and wages have blown out. The reality is that it's gone and will never come back to that peak, as we don't have another baby boomer cycle in existance. The sooner we accept this the better we can deal with it. In our business peak period
is October to Christmas we didn't have one, we were fortunate though we got enough sales in a 2 week period to be able to manufacture till christmas. Come christmas I was stressing what was going to happen in the new year, I was doing some research and stumbled on, estimates were, that due to the credit boom prices were around 30% higher than they should be. Thinking on this it made sense in relation to us, during the boom we could name our price people would use their equity or some form of credit to pay us. Now that has changed credit not easy to come by so they are having to use their savings, which now makes them think twice and they want value for money. So what I did was drop our prices 30% and we haven't been able to keep up with our sales, are we profitable? not much. But we know we've hit price point , slowly getting our suppliers and labour costs down and improving efficiences.
How this relates to WL's I don't know. All I know is that the real problem is not the economy. What has changed
is people's psyche, difference between boom and recession cycles is whether people are optimistic or pessimistic. At the moment there is more money in savings than there has ever been before, people are reluctant
to spend as they aren't optimistic of the future, have a look at yourself see if your spending habits have changed
and why. Sorry about the long winded essay. The solution! when everyone else is pessimistic be optimistic,
don't worry about the money just keep improving your services or product. For us it's just get people to see us
build friendships if they don't buy today they'll buy tomorrow if we were good and polite them and have the best value for price product .

Taslyn Pierce

♥Exotic Dancer of Langtrees♥
Diamond Member
So times are a little bit quiet at the moment, but we all are in this together, and as my mother used to say, "many hands make lite work" so maybe doing a little bit of extra adverts we can get the regs back up, and let the bookings hit the roof!

Come on sexy, strong, beautiful independent women that we all are, we can do this together! So keep the smiles going and we can push through the tough times together. <3
Trying ♥


I swear to God I had something for this...
Silver Member
Most clients want the most and pay the least....thats in any business.

Yep, exactly. It is the same in the industry that I work in at the moment too. Every industry, really.

Times are tough, and you can't be ignorant to that fact. Really, all you can do is:
  • Deliver top quality service - Absolute No. 1 priority. It should be all the time, but it's much more critical when the market 'softens' (so to speak...), because people will just go elsewhere. It's all about people feeling that they're getting value for their money. We get this hammered into us when times are tough: you may not have much to do, but what you have to do, make sure you do it (so to speak, again....) damn well. It's the best way to guarantee repeat work.
  • Get innovative - yep, an increased focus on advertising is good, but if you can come up with some 'out of the box' ideas to generate interest, then it's worth looking in to.
  • Be prepared to compromise on rates in the short term.

Langtrees VIP Perth

0487 977 707
Staff member
Legend Member
We can spectate all we like on what will make the men come back through the doors but speculation does nothing. Peta is taking the right step, advertising is key. When maccas has a dip in sales of a burger, the don't drop the price, they re market the burger. My advice to all girls is to promote yourselves as much as you can.


Silver Member
We can spectate all we like on what will make the men come back through the doors but speculation does nothing. Peta is taking the right step, advertising is key. When maccas has a dip in sales of a burger, the don't drop the price, they re market the burger. My advice to all girls is to promote yourselves as much as you can.
Advertising might make you stand out from your competition. You are likely to get more clients but that means other girls will lose business. You could end up being one of those if your advertising is not as good.
On the other hand, if you consider dropping your rates or adding more value to your services (e.g. extras), that will make punters see more value for their coin and you could potentially generate new business from punters who are only willing to spend their hard earned money (or redundancy payment) if they see a really good deal out there.
Times have changed and the cashed up punters who used to throw away hundreds of dollars in average punts are long gone.


Legend Member
We can spectate all we like on what will make the men come back through the doors but speculation does nothing. Peta is taking the right step, advertising is key. When maccas has a dip in sales of a burger, the don't drop the price, they re market the burger. My advice to all girls is to promote yourselves as much as you can.

Is this why Maccas do meal deals to get more money by value adding???


Legend Member
Some also ask a question the punters give them the answers but it's not what some want to hear they are the ones who will be doing it tough in a few months the average punter has a budget every time they go to a session over pricing only turns them to the cheaper alternative !


Miss Andi, Maccas did lower prices (loose change menu) as well as adding more value (drive through, breakfast, mccafe etc) to their business.

It seems to fall on deaf ears but the places we all visit often (coles / woolworths) are constantly dropping prices and advertising that to all of us. Many of us see right through any employee signing up to a forum and just spruiking their services.

If you aren't at all interested in dropping prices, that's when you start looking at diversifying a lot more. I assume this is what the pleasure lounge is about but use that to gain revenue regularly. Topless girls behind a bar (not sure about liquor licenses though), a pool comp, jelly wrestling nights etc. Plenty of things you could do to make more guys spend more money without dropping $400 at a time.

Otherwise there will be another thread in June about how quiet its been.
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Diamond Member
There is no doubt the economy and governments, both state and federal, are in poor shape. This has the effect of driving punters hands deep into their pockets as their are not sure about the future, so they don't spend and save for a rainy day.

That is why the average Aussie has reduced their credit card debts and their mortgage debts over the last few years as the government aka Reserve Bank has eased monetary policy. So the good news is we don't owe as much, which is also a good thing as house prices have softened and the old adage of your house value doubling every 7 years is now a historical fact, not a current one. We have just sold our house for 82.5% of what we were offered about 4 or 5 years ago and we were happy to take that. But we are looking at buying another house and will be offering much less than the top prices of a few years ago.

Another problem we have is that during the global financial crisis the average West Australian did little more than catch a cold, where in many other locations people died of the flu. We did it a lot easier than many, and to some degree, I think we're now playing catch up. But on the bright side, the price of gold in Aussie $ terms is good and although other commodities like oil, iron ore, copper etc are very low, this is due to our big buyer, China, going through a slow down re metals and the Saudis et al getting pissed at rogue states using oil revenue to cause a bit of bother. Sure as eggs are eggs China will kick it up a gear in the next couple of years as they have to build so many new cities to move their people from the farm to the industrial centres. Then there's the oil men who just love to screw you at the pump so expect that to jump up in the same time frame.

OK, so what does that mean for us...I think we will continue to see a new mantra of punters looking for value for money and great service. This is much easier to find and also review online so where once upon a time it was hard to get into the punting scene and know what to pay and what to expect, the exact opposite is true now. Do I think they want to pay less? Our experience is if you have your price point pitched well, as GDA also found, that the punters are happy to spend that amount. Remember a cheap price often doesn't get the sale as it's seen as being cheap, and in this luxury business, cheap = cheap and who wants to do that when you can spend a few minutes at home dulling the urge for free.

My final thought before I apply for a job at a big four bank as an economic commentator (heaven forbid LOL) is that as in all businesses you need to advertise, but be smart about it and make sure you can measure the effectiveness of every dollar you spend and what it brings in. Now is not a time to be looking for record sales volume, it is a time to work out your costs and then set a level of business that is achievable and possible then work hard to get your quota. Trying to kill the pig may only kill you off.


Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
The Reserve bank could drop a few more points to stimulate the economy. We are still paying too much in interest rates.


Patron Saint of Werewolves
Diamond Member
OK - How do you like this for an "out of the box" idea?

What about a reverse auction ???

DEFINITION of 'Reverse Auction'
A type of auction in which sellers bid for the prices at which they are willing to sell their goods and services. In a regular auction, a seller puts up an item and buyers place bids until the close of the auction, at which time the item goes to the highest bidder. In a reverse auction, the buyer puts up a request for a required good or service. Sellers then place bids for the amount they are willing to be paid for the good or service, and at the end of the auction the seller with the lowest amount wins.

This is done all the time in business procurement.

Ladies - before you dismiss this idea - give it some thought. Setup correctly, it could be a win-win for everybody.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
But who would LT ladies be bidding against? Private operators (with relatively low overheads)? Surely not the el cheapo (Asian) shops? That would hardly be a fair contest.


Legend Member
Swedish auctions are the worst Seen them once or twice The girls would sell their services at a lower price certainly But not much lower as Punter ?buyers who use this system only need one persons nerve to break
Knowing another letch will stop the bidding


Foundation Member
But who would LT ladies be bidding against? Private operators (with relatively low overheads)? Surely not the el cheapo (Asian) shops? That would hardly be a fair contest.

We've seen a once in a century boom. Baby boomer driven, add to that unlimited credit, prices and wages have blown out. The reality is that it's gone and will never come back to that peak, as we don't have another baby boomer cycle in existance. The sooner we accept this the better we can deal with it. In our business peak period
is October to Christmas we didn't have one, we were fortunate though we got enough sales in a 2 week period to be able to manufacture till christmas. Come christmas I was stressing what was going to happen in the new year, I was doing some research and stumbled on, estimates were, that due to the credit boom prices were around 30% higher than they should be. Thinking on this it made sense in relation to us, during the boom we could name our price people would use their equity or some form of credit to pay us. Now that has changed credit not easy to come by so they are having to use their savings, which now makes them think twice and they want value for money. So what I did was drop our prices 30% and we haven't been able to keep up with our sales, are we profitable? not much. But we know we've hit price point , slowly getting our suppliers and labour costs down and improving efficiences.
How this relates to WL's I don't know. All I know is that the real problem is not the economy. What has changed
is people's psyche, difference between boom and recession cycles is whether people are optimistic or pessimistic. At the moment there is more money in savings than there has ever been before, people are reluctant
to spend as they aren't optimistic of the future, have a look at yourself see if your spending habits have changed
and why. Sorry about the long winded essay. The solution! when everyone else is pessimistic be optimistic,
don't worry about the money just keep improving your services or product. For us it's just get people to see us
build friendships if they don't buy today they'll buy tomorrow if we were good and polite them and have the best value for price product .

The Langtree's ladies would be bidding against each other is the aim of Zeus' post, I think!


Silver Member

Let's get this right.... The punters want to have a good time (time, setting, price and service are factors), the ladies want to have money (time, setting and service are factors) and the brothels want to have money....

As always, the market reacts on demand and availability. It needs to be noted that it might be a little hard to compare places, ladies, services. But, obviously, there seems to be a little issue.

Lowering prices, special offers and additional service are widespread tools to fight low sales. If this will lead to a permanent fix can be doubted.
But.......and now it comes........ If the ladies would lower their price, if the ladies offer more service.....it is the ladies putting in for better sales. What are the etablissements doing? And....is it all about price and service??

So...this situation comes with more questions then answers. Some research might be required to understand the situation in order to find an appropriate response;

- Are punters punting less (because of their financial situation)?
- Are punters avoiding high class places and turn towards cheaper alternatives?
- Is the 'etablissement' concept still valid? Or is there a general trend,not driven by economy, to go for fast encounters?

It is easy to enlarge this list. The right approach to the entire situation can only be found after good analysis of the current situation....


Gold Member
OK - How do you like this for an "out of the box" idea?

What about a reverse auction ???

DEFINITION of 'Reverse Auction'
A type of auction in which sellers bid for the prices at which they are willing to sell their goods and services. In a regular auction, a seller puts up an item and buyers place bids until the close of the auction, at which time the item goes to the highest bidder. In a reverse auction, the buyer puts up a request for a required good or service. Sellers then place bids for the amount they are willing to be paid for the good or service, and at the end of the auction the seller with the lowest amount wins.

This is done all the time in business procurement.

Ladies - before you dismiss this idea - give it some thought. Setup correctly, it could be a win-win for everybody.

Like all auctions - this may work for things that are linearly and solidly tangible.

Escorts to me however; just like anyone who is a good creative freelancer / designer - provide more intangible outcomes but with a tangible surface. Thus, I don't think auctions could apply on this..

I do agree with Peta's initial suggestion - improving on each ladies' branding (if they do have one that is) / advertising is perhaps more important - but beware of the fact that incentives need to exist hand in hand. Whether that would be all inclusive extras as default, or 5% discount for next visit/s, etc.

And best of all - they should still choose who to offer to in their own terms.

For others - have a pause and think on your terms too. Would you charge $5 for a comparatively 15 hour set of independent work? I don't think so. Lost my job back since December and surviving on just $50 a week on food.

"Good Work ain't cheap. Cheap work ain't good."


HM, if I offered you $100 for 10hrs work, you'd jump at it though wouldn't you? $10p/h is beneath the majority of Australians but after 4 months out of work it's a truckload better earning something rather than nothing at all right? Especially once the savings have dried up and your faced with selling your house or paying rent.

Australians seem to subscribe to the Linda Evangelista theory of money ;)

I really wish you all the best in finding work. I've been fortunate to never face unemployment but i think it'd be a really shitty experience.
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Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
- Is the 'establishment' concept still valid? Or is there a general trend,not driven by economy, to go for fast encounters?

Interesting I was asking myself the same question, Karl, and looking at the development of internet websites and the trend in general one might come to that conclusion. But as you said as well and I totally agree to get a clear picture of the situation and a possible solution requires more research. Every thing else is jumping to conclusions.


Gold Member
Isn't jumping to conclusions ecomonics? Where theory thrives in the face of reality.
Like infinite growth on a finite planet.
What the planet needs is more sex and less procreation. We could suggest the Greens take this up as policy.
W/Ls feeling the pinch could move into politics. I realize that this is a a desperation measure involving a step down in regard and social status but if you are hard up its an option.


Legend Member
Maybe the so called cheaper options are providing a better service than they once did and not at an overly inflated price
I can do much better than $400 for 1 hr or even $300 for 40 mins
I think bang for bucks the other options are much better value for money
Maybe the house has to stop being so greedy and fleecing the actual workers so its more beneficial for all concerned (this can also apply to cheaper options too )


Patron Saint of Werewolves
Diamond Member
Hypothetically - If I knew that I wanted to make a booking with a W/L next weekend, with a reverse auction I should be able to submit a post onto a website with all my requirements.
The w/l's would then see this post and they could then decide what they would charge for the services required.
The Auction would close maybe a day before the required appointment and the punter would then chose which of the "bids" suited him the most. (Not necessarily the cheapest bid).

So one could have a lady bidding as well as a lady from BC bidding for the same service.
Even though the lady from BC would probably be cheaper, I might prefer to go to a more upmarket establishment even though it is a bit more expensive.

I have no doubt that there will be teething issues, however, I believe that with the help of all the smart and enthusiastic people on this website, we could sort them all out.

What do you say - are we going to revolutionize the way sex is bought and sold in Australia??