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Hi everyone I'm new to this forum and got 2 questions:
1. Do the ladies have orgasm when they are with clients or do they fake it?

2. I really want to learn to go down on a girl, I have read the theory and need to put it into practice. I get really turned on when I can get the girl to have orgasm. I wonder if all the ladies at Langtrees will accept cunnilingus or only a few?

Thanks in advance, I realise these may be stupid questions but I'm really new an inexperienced at this.:angel12:


Foundation Member
The only silly question is the one you should have asked and didn't. I can't pretend to answer your question about orgasms- maybe the ladies can help out, but I do know about eating pussy. It is one of my favourite sexual acts.

No less an expert than the legendary Ron Jeremy once said.

"If you want to be known as a great lover there are only three things you need to know:

1) Learn to eat pussy really well

2) Learn to eat pussy really well

3) Learn to eat pussy really well"

All the Langtrees ladies now have menus which detail what they will and won't do so that takes the guesswork out of it. Don't be afraid to ask the receptionist to recommend a lady to initiate you into the mysteries - they know their staff.

If you have to wing it, the watchword is "gently, gently" keep it soft at first and as she gets more into it you can go harder. Ask her what she likes and deliver it and you will soon get the hang of it. Don't get too wrapped up in what you see porn stars doing on X rated tapes - a lot of that stuff is strictly for the cameras and not so good in reality.

Above all, have fun


Thanks for the advice Svengali!
Also how do I perform cunnilingus safely? I've heard of dental dam but not sure where to get those.
What sort of smell or taste can I expect?


Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Give up your dreams of "eat pussy really well" as our friend describes if you are worried of the adventure.Dental Dams are a excuse to say no rather than a reality of protecting your saftey.
I believe the above termonlogy is wrong (yes I can't spell)
A pussy is for patting, when a man knows what to do its "Eat my Cunt" are the words, like all good meals you should taste, savour explore and when you are satisfied the food is to your liking eat like their is no tomorrow.
Where do you get the experience?
Start with the Shopping and Business Services Section then go to Sex Products, Toys and I think the second post the best sex book I have ever read should give you a link to order this book.
It is the best I have ever read I have a few copys you can hire for a $50 deposit and when you return you get $25 back or buy your own from the World's Best Sex Educator Betty Dodson.
I learnt more from this book than I have learnt from any other and I believe should be "the bible for men that want to understand woman.
When you have read it post again and I will answer all your other questions.


Thanks for that Maryanne, will rush to get the book.

I just thought I asked that question since I heard that you can get STD from cunnilingus, not sure if this is true.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
You can't get a life threatening one learn to check like us ladies have to do, life works both way and taste and smell will tell you most of what you need to know,,,discover.


Hi Maryanne
Can you recommend one of your ladies then? Since I heard Langtrees has a high standard when it comes to hygene and safe sex practice.



Foundation Member
................I believe the above termonlogy is wrong (yes I can't spell) A pussy is for patting, when a man knows what to do its "Eat my Cunt" are the words, \................

I agree with most of your remarks M.A. - except this one. I absolutely hate:angry1: the word "cunt" and would never use it in front of anyone, male or female, for whom I had any respect. Certainly, when rappers and other similar swaggering males use "cunt" or "bitch" to refer to a woman I have an uncontrollabe urge to drag them to the nearest tap and scrub their mouths out with strong soap.

I know some people find dirty talk a turn-on during sex but it does nothing for me and, in several years of punting, I have found most ladies appreciate being treated like ladies and respond accordingly. Maybe I am just a bit old-fashioned??

Mary Anne PA

come on in and meet the ladies jimbob, and chat to them till you feel comfortable with one of them. the receptionist will help you out also.


You CAN most certainly contract sexual diseases from unprotected oral sex and I am shocked that the owner of a brothel would say otherwise!! It's also illegal. You can EASILY catch herpes in particular, even if there are no visible blisters it is still very contagious!! It is possible to contract other serious stds as well although it's low risk, it's certainly still risky.
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