• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

On not keeping promises


Bronze Member
Does anybody else get tired of promises being made and not kept?

Maryanne started a new competition promising a prize of a free room at Langtrees, and so far the dealine has changed three times, and the rules changed as well.

The last deadline was 8 October, and so far there has been no result. This is not an isolated case. Several other competitions have been held in the past that have never had a result, or the winner did not get the promised prize.

And speaking of promises, where is the 24/7 live online help that was to be with us by 10 October?

Maryanne, are you finally going to honour your promises and at least start voting on the avatar competition and declare a winner?


Bronze Member
Thanks for the reply happytimes. My point is that this is a common theme. Start a compeitition, change the deadlines, change the rules, decide there's not enough entries, ignore it until it goes away, whatever it takes to not actually award a prize. And if a winner is ever announced, don't actually give the winner a prize.

This competition was going to be drawn in August, then there wasn't as many entries as desired, then it was going to bevoted and drawn about the 8th of October. My point is, there have been entries so there should be a prize draw. When is it going to happen??
EDIT: This not sour grapes about me not winning, because I have not entered. It is about the principle of following through with what you promise you will do.
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Foundation Member
Hi Panhandler, goverments and polies have been making promises and not keeping them since time immemorial, and there are hundreds of the bastards out there, and of which we have all wittingly or unwittingly voted into power.
MAK is just one person, and a busy one by the sound of it, if you have visited Langtrees in the last year or so you would no doubt understand what an undertaking it would be to get the place back up to scratch, so fair go is my take on this, give her the chance to make good. Very few of us believe governments will ever come good with their promises
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Bronze Member
Does anybody else get tired of promises being made and not kept?

Maryanne started a new competition promising a prize of a free room at Langtrees, and so far the dealine has changed three times, and the rules changed as well.

The last deadline was 8 October, and so far there has been no result. This is not an isolated case. Several other competitions have been held in the past that have never had a result, or the winner did not get the promised prize.

And speaking of promises, where is the 24/7 live online help that was to be with us by 10 October?

Maryanne, are you finally going to honour your promises and at least start voting on the avatar competition and declare a winner?

Better chalk up another whinge, Farm Boy. And I still stand by the original whinge - no competition result, and no 24/7 help. ::)


Gold Member
Get real folks,
What is this forum all about.
Smoke and mirrors.
Fantasy & Make Believe.

Expect the worst and be supprised if it actually eventuates.


Bronze Member
Smoke and mirrors.
Fantasy & Make Believe.

That about sums it up.
I predicted the Avatar competition would never be drawn, and so far it seems that would be right. Just like all the other competitions that never went anywhere.
If you run Langtrees like you run this forum Maryanne, god help the poor punters who try their luck!



keeping promises is a big deal for all of us sometimes it is hard or things happen that we didn't expect which in this case you can't keep your promise but hey shit happens all the time we just have to be more understanding