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Old fashioned bartering...


Legend Member
Was having a talk with my boss tonight about his good old days where he used to pay his electrician with not money but some good food at the resturant. I`ve also seen on Gumtree where someone was willing to swap a couple tyres for a carton of beer.
It made me wonder, I think most of us here work, some in a trade or maybe some white collar work. So how many of us would be willing to barter with each other instead of having to pay with cash??
For example, would a W/L be willing to swap an hour of her time in exchange for someone who might be able to fix her car excluding parts?

Sadly all I can offer is my good looks.


Would a W/L be prepared to swap some time for their tax/accounting work done?


I love the batering system...fremantle have a very successful one called the "Lets System". I think if the exchange is fair and it is something that both of you actually need, why not...its a great idea!!!!

Billybones....you looks is all you need hunni;D


Sure, the barter system exists in all service industries.

There is a client of mine who is a clothes designer. He will bring garments in my size and we will swap.

On weekends particularly Sunday I will receive calls from young men who "don't have any cash but have an 8ball(???) of speed/coke/meth etc" To which I reply, I can't pay my bills with drugs. Why don't you sell your drugs and come give me a call.


Hi Ms Silk...welcome back :) I have received good reports from your little tour away (of course). Hope up had a wonderfully relaxing, with sprinkles of sexiness, time away.

mwahhhh x


Full Member
Foundation Member
....as I work for myself, I would consider it..... :)

...thinking back on this......I doubt that what I do (AFSL/ACL compliance & corporate governance) would be all that attractive for bartering...lol... :)


Legend Member
Sure, the barter system exists in all service industries.

On weekends particularly Sunday I will receive calls from young men who "don't have any cash but have an 8ball(???) of speed/coke/meth etc" To which I reply, I can't pay my bills with drugs. Why don't you sell your drugs and come give me a call.

Congrats on your response to the druggies Ms Silk.

I can remember once when a druggie tried to swap a winning TAB ticket for some food at my first bosses shop. My boss at the time ripped the ticket up in front of him. While the druggie was still trying to think, my boss explained to him that if he had money to gamble then he had money for food. What was his priority.

Farm Boy

Congrats on your response to the druggies Ms Silk.

I can remember once when a druggie tried to swap a winning TAB ticket for some food at my first bosses shop. My boss at the time ripped the ticket up in front of him. While the druggie was still trying to think, my boss explained to him that if he had money to gamble then he had money for food. What was his priority.
If that's true Bill your boss was a self righeousness sanctimoniousness, Prick however its more likely someone was trying a scam and your boss got rid of a pest,


If that's true Bill your boss was a self righeousness sanctimoniousness, Prick however its more likely someone was trying a scam and your boss got rid of a pest,

Absolutely 150% correct on both your comments there, Farm Boy :notworthy:eek:ccasion14:eek:ccasion14:notworthy


Foundation Member
If that's true Bill your boss was a self righeousness sanctimoniousness, Prick however its more likely someone was trying a scam and your boss got rid of a pest,

Personally, I thought that was a brilliant response on the bos's part. Gambllng is definitely a mugs game and should only be indulged in after the necessities are taken care of.

As a taxpayer I get sick of being taxed to pay dole money to no-hopers who won't try to help themselves. They cry "poor" but a look into their 'fridges will reveal cartons of beer and a look in the pantry will probably turn up a carton or two of fags. Then they will whine that they can't afford school uniforms for the kids........:angry4:


savengali, there is a big difference between someone who has beers in the fridge, and some cartons of fags complaining about lack of affordability of life's necessities, and a full blown addict. An addict's (including gamblers) first priority is to feed his/her addiction. An addict knows no consequences. An addict has a mental condition (generally) which needs medical assistance amongst other things. Addiction is an illness just like heart / lung disease caused by smokers, and liver disease caused by drinking which all get government assistance paid for by us tax payers.
Food for thought!


Sure, the barter system exists in all service industries.

There is a client of mine who is a clothes designer. He will bring garments in my size and we will swap.

On weekends particularly Sunday I will receive calls from young men who "don't have any cash but have an 8ball(???) of speed/coke/meth etc" To which I reply, I can't pay my bills with drugs. Why don't you sell your drugs and come give me a call.

I would have concerns about working with people who sell and/or use drugs.


Legend Member
To some my boss may have been seen as a prick but I agree with what he did, Addiction may be seen as an illness by some but what if he had a family to feed. If he was able to buy a TAB ticket and not drugs then he should have been able to buy food.
Or are you going to say he was an addicted gambler as well as a druggie?? :dontknow:

Farm Boy

Personally, I thought that was a brilliant response on the bos's part. Gambllng is definitely a mugs game and should only be indulged in after the necessities are taken care of.

As a taxpayer I get sick of being taxed to pay dole money to no-hopers who won't try to help themselves. They cry "poor" but a look into their 'fridges will reveal cartons of beer and a look in the pantry will probably turn up a carton or two of fags. Then they will whine that they can't afford school uniforms for the kids........:angry4:

Brilliant or not one has the right to destroy another persons property or administer vigilante justice, Not in Australia anyway.


Legend Member
Had my boss given the food in exchange for the ticket, then ripped it up Would that have been better?? What would that have taught him?
I know if a druggie asked for some of my polony I wouldn`t part with it.
How many of us would be willing to feed one??
How many of us would be willing give them a lift home??
How many of us would be willing to share our home??

Do we have to show them more compassion because they simply waste their money??


Had my boss given the food in exchange for the ticket, then ripped it up Would that have been better?? What would that have taught him?
I know if a druggie asked for some of my polony I wouldn`t part with it.
How many of us would be willing to feed one??
How many of us would be willing give them a lift home??
How many of us would be willing to share our home??

Do we have to show them more compassion because they simply waste their money??

billybones, your boss DID have a right to not accept anything but cash for his produce, but he DID NOT have a right to rip up someone else's property (ie winning TAB ticket)!
Had my boss given the food in exchange for the ticket, then ripped it up Would that have been better?? What would that have taught him? Yes it would have been better (at least for the purchaser). It is not your boss's job to teach a customer a life lesson. If the customer was an addicted to gambling and/or drugs, consequences and all other priorities become non-existent!
I know if a druggie asked for some of my polony I wouldn`t part with it. Not very kind or community minded. At least they asked as the next option for them would possibly be to rob or mug you for it!
How many of us would be willing to feed one?? Plenty of us. I know I have numerous times. When they ask me for $2 to buy something to eat, I say "NO, let me take you somewhere and I'll buy you something to eat". The genuine ones accept the offer, and the non-genuine ones tell me to fuck-off!
How many of us would be willing give them a lift home?? I picked up a guy who was both drunk and high on Monday night. He was lying in the middle of intersection of Thomas Street / Kings Park Road, Subiaco and complaining that nobody would run him over! I picked him up and dropped him off at Graylands Hospital (mental hospital for those who don't know). It was quite a scary experience, but I'm glad I did it, as nobody was hurt, and he didn't get killed!
How many of us would be willing to share our home?? I have not been in a position of needing to do this as yet, although I have offered. On the other hand, as a recovering addict of over 25 years myself, I have had others put me up in their homes for various periods of time when I was in desperate need of a roof over my head!
Do we have to show them more compassion because they simply waste their money?? NO we don't. We have to show EVERYONE equal compassion based on their needs at any given point in time.
Do we deny tax payer assisted lung transplants and other related services to smokers???????
Do we deny tax payer assisted liver transplants and other related services to drinkers??????????


Full Member
Foundation Member
...I can remember once when a druggie tried to swap a winning TAB ticket for some food at my first bosses shop...

....surely, if it WAS a winning ticket, then it begs the question.....why didnt the druggie just go into a TAB and cash the ticket???


....surely, if it WAS a winning ticket, then it begs the question.....why didnt the druggie just go into a TAB and cash the ticket???

Sadly, logical thinking of any sort tends to go out the window with most addicts, no matter what the addiction is. When I was in the depths of my illness, NOTHING ELSE MATTERED!! I didn't care about my kids. I didn't care about my then wife. I didn't care about friends, job, or even my own general health. My whole life, and almost every moment I was awake was focused on my next fix, and what I needed to do in order to achieve it.


Legend Member
Do we deny tax payer assisted lung transplants and other related services to smokers???????
Do we deny tax payer assisted liver transplants and other related services to drinkers??????????

Not myself personally but the argument has been mentioned over the years about whether in fact we should make the smoker or the drinker pay more for their health treatment.
I`m quite certain I have read somewhere that most health insurance companies make smokers pay a higher premium.
If I was a sex addict and spent my money on sex instead of food for the table should I expect others to help me out??

FUDD, the reason the ticket wasn`t cashed was that it was early morning and the TAB had yet to open.


If I was a sex addict and spent my money on sex instead of food for the table should I expect others to help me out??

No, you should never expect anything from anyone. It is nobodies business what someone's addiction is, especially when it comes to offering help or not. People will either help or they won't. What the addiction is has no relevance.
I am by no means suggesting that the addict gets off scott-free in terms of consequences for their life choices, but until they are in a position physically and mentally to fight off their addiction, help from any / all sources is necessary and appreciated.


Gold Member
Congrats on your response to the druggies Ms Silk

I can remember once when a druggie tried to swap a winning TAB ticket for some food at my first bosses shop. My boss at the time ripped the ticket up in front of him. While the druggie was still trying to think, my boss explained to him that if he had money to gamble then he had money for food. What was his priority.

I knew a not so clued up WL that accepted a TAB 'winning' ticket as payment.. Needless to say she was duped. Poor girl.. I'd have to ensure the goods/service was bartered at the time of transaction, as from previous experience, it's prudent to receive payment up front.. (not inc the avg forum member - most seem respectful :))


Gold Member
Sure, the barter system exists in all service industries.

There is a client of mine who is a clothes designer. He will bring garments in my size and we will swap.

On weekends particularly Sunday I will receive calls from young men who "don't have any cash but have an 8ball(???) of speed/coke/meth etc" To which I reply, I can't pay my bills with drugs. Why don't you sell your drugs and come give me a call.
LMAO... good one, that is if they dont get busted.


Gold Member
back to the original question:
Would I barter my services?
Answer is "yes" if what I got in return was worth it.
As a photographer I've been asked several times to "barter" my images for sexual favors and on one occasion I did mainly because this woman had been trying to get me in the sack and I would not go that way with her, so after many attempts (we shoot quite often) and many calls I had agreed and it was fine, but the 2nd time (same person) I did it she did not deliver the goods on the day we had agreed to. I still have not been paid nor do I want to "barter" with her at this point, just pay the bill. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. I will not barter my services for sex, just never works out in the end and in this case it ruined a good working relationship. I prefer to conduct my business in a professional manner that way there is no issues, it was a lesson learned to say the least.


I would have concerns about working with people who sell and/or use drugs.

You'd be very surprised at some of the people who do drugs. We've all seen / met / been stoners or junkies on ice and H who have no idea about whats going on but some of the people doing coke recreationally would come as a major surprise ;) perfectly functioning people who hold important jobs etc.