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Nothing but lies...


Legend Member
Let`s try to be honest... OK, we have all told lies before.
Some may have been little white lies and some may have been big whoppers.

Anybody willing to share if they have ever told a whopper and got away with it or has it come back to bite you on the bum??

Years ago after a fight with my late stepfather I left home and if anybody asked me about him I would sat he had passed away.
Then one night I was at a bar having a coke and laugh with friends when he walked in and spotted me in the corner... OOPS...

Another time I had a work colleague that used to complain of lower back pain and couldn`t sit down too long, After a long weekend I asked her how did she spend it when she replied she and her B/F had gone to some bush track to go 4WD driving....


Lies always come back to haunt us; this is something i believe anyways.

However, we all lie, but i have not done anything dramatic in order sway events that are to occur in the future.

Alecia the Foxx

There is also the question of whether it is ALWAYS wrong to lie. People in Germany, Holland and Austria who hid Jewish people from Hitler and his fascist regime had to "lie" about what they were doing. There are numerous other examples of similar incidents.

Perth boy

My wife was told that her father died of cancer when she was 3. I asked her how do you know that was realy what happend. She got thinking and went and got a death Certificate. He died of a over dose.

Lies will alway come back to get you.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I think lies are part of our lifes. Don't think there is a way to live without lies. Guess it depends on why we do it.

Biggest whoppers as a child:
1) Santa is coming through the chimney,
2) My brother was dropped off by a stork,
3) God can see and hear everything..........yeah right.




The biggest Lie I've told was telling someone close I wasn't a prostitute when they openly asked. Only for them to find out 2 months later I was. They accept my choice now. However, I do wish I had been honest with them.


Foundation Member
There are lies and then there are "white lies". I know fundamentalist Christians and ethicists don't recognise the distinction but I do.

A lie told to deceive someone, gain a personal advantage or avoid responsibility is a lie and, when found out reflects poorly on the liar. Do it often enough to gain a reputation as a liar and you will quickly find yourself on the outer with most people or organisations. As Granny used to say: "trust a thief before a liar".

A white lie is one designed to spare someone's feelings or shield them from a fact they may not be ready to deal with. Perth Boy's story is a classic of this type - children should not have to deal with suicide. Likewise, if you tell a rather plain girl she looks "great with that new hairdo" it is far nicer than saying "Gawd - ask for your money back".

Farm Boy

Link is broken so has been taken down

This one takes the cake.
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Gold Member
Interesting - I'm dealing with a person now that I've asked a certain question (if she is still seeing her ex) and gave her the opportunity to clear the air i.e. tell the truth and she stuck to her story (that she is not seeing her ex) and yet she slips every now and then and mentions that she is seeing the person at certain swing parties and that they have no sex as she wants us to be exclusive (which brings on another question in a separate post). What is this a white or a dark lie?


Gold Member
I do a fair bit of withholding of the truth in my job, I tell a shitload of white lies on a daily basis because most of the time its just more convenient than telling the truth or because I'm too lazy to explain something. I've told some serious whopper lies and got away with it before, not something I'm proud of but I think most of the time I just lie to protect my own insecurities or personal hang up's. I generally don't lie because I've transgressed or cheated on someone for example. It's mostly because I'm ashamed of what people might think if I actually told them what's going on or about past events.