• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

New Covid Rules


Legend Member
Wl's must be more worried about the police investigating their visa status and working rights than the covid.
At the moment TAFE & Universities are on vacation break - so any girls on a student visa can freely work fulltime hours at the moment.


Legend Member
Of course they will say that. LoL. 🤣 🤣 🤣 By saying they are closing down due to a shop covid break out is signing their own death warrant.

After 2 week of quarantine i don't see business returning back to normal any time soon. Punters will avoid that shop like a plague.

And we have seen what happens to places that become hotspots.

Cross our fingers boys, and see if the U natural name will survive this. 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞
I just hope that the guys who visited both of the premises stop punting, go & get tested & isolate for the required time.

Be Nice

Diamond Member

“We’re coming off the lowest number of beds per head of population and the lowest number of ICU beds per head of population of any state or territory in Australia.

Close to 30 years of a mining boom all those billions in state royalties etc , really it benefited all Western Australians now didn't it just... They all should hang their heads in shame....

Mark got in to fix the BS that Barnett caused including the spike in crime under the liberals but hey it's only got worse.... on a hot day Perth CBD smells like a septic tank... but nothing to see here...

View attachment 125502
Yes, this is the real reason why he’s being so pig headed.

Deleted member 49173

The plot thickens where governments are concerned… hmmm 🤔
At long last , they have prevailed .. the Australia Card failed miserably 30 yrs ago , but now they have ALL your info .. voluntarily I would add .. on your mobile phone , including MyGov ATO , MEDICARE , banking , Google pay , sleep and waking times, etc etc .. and you're gps tracked 24/7

The plot thickens is SUCH A SERIOUS understatement


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
At long last , they have prevailed .. the Australia Card failed miserably 30 yrs ago , but now they have ALL your info .. voluntarily I would add .. on your mobile phone , including MyGov ATO , MEDICARE , banking , Google pay , sleep and waking times, etc etc .. and you're gps tracked 24/7

The plot thickens is SUCH A SERIOUS understatement

Well said..... Smartphones Dumb Humans..


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
You must own one for every day of the week then

Im Jewish so not for Sabbath.... :)

Don't leave your house... work from home, get your food home delivered, lock your front door tell you family and friends to stay away....

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I may be wrong. But this new article 2 hours may be the first to blatantly state that AMPs are sexual services massage parlours.

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Legend Member


Gold Member
WA records another mystery COVID case after man presents to emergency department

Western Australia has recorded two new local cases of COVID-19 overnight including a mystery case who was detected after a man presented at an emergency department.

Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson said the man, aged in his 60s, lives with four other men and is suspected of being linked to the massage parlour cluster.

“Authorities are working with the man on his whereabouts to understand how he may have contracted COVID-19,” she said.
“My understanding is he did present [to Fiona Stanley Hospital] with some symptoms that were not related to COVID and it came through he was positive.

“I think around 12 staff have been identified as contacts and are isolating.”
The second case is a man in his 50s linked to the massage parlour cluster and was in quarantine while infectious.

There are now 82 active cases of COVID-19 in WA with 25 people in hotel quarantine and 57 in home quarantine.


Legend Member
Well we all did. But there will be more interesting conversations across dinner tables everywhere tonight.
I can imagine the conversations over the finest glassware and crockery in Mt. Pleasant and Applecross - "Oh honey, did you know that place next to the music tuition centre, opposite Clancy's is a place of ill repute?" " I hope you don't know anyone who has visited the place, I'll think I'll start a petition with the other ladies in my spin class to get the City of Melville to close the place down." " Can't have a place like that in this area!!!!"


Gold Member
That's the world we live in today and the fear of what we have no control over. That restaurant/brewery is only protecting itself as does so many other establishments. Have you seen what happens to a business when it gets labelled a hotspot on the local news? 1 person or 2 that complain vs a workplace of ppl that has to shut down and have no jobs in their future.

That friend of yours chooses to be ignorant to the dangers of catching covid, till him or someone else close to them experiences it first hand how bad it really is. We are really lucky medicine has advanced in this day and age, might not be perfect but still its better then ppl dying in the thousands every day.

I heard 1 story about in England when the spread was so bad, the ambulances<not enough of them> had to choose who to save and who to leave to die. Someone's grandmother was really ill, and they were waiting for a ambo. Long story short the ambo never came and, their grandmother passed away in front of them.

I won't be surprised in the future if WLs, AMPs or brothels..ect have set restrictions in place.They have higher chances of spreading it, cause there is always some form of physical contact. And once a girl or shop becomes a hot spot. Good bye business.

If you're living in WA feel lucky, cause i hate to think what east is really experiencing. And the things they need to do to try and keep a job.

So true , my own family that lives in my Native cpuntry got it worse. I have 2 brothers that got covid. the 1st he got it when only had 1 jab only and when the covids hits him he really bad condition, he already prepared to die we all family worried. Hospital and icu cant accept him coz overcrowded, so luckily at least he got 1 jab. and my 2nd brother got covid when he got 2 jabs so luckily not as worse as my 1st brother. so it's not about hearsay ehatever i have my own family experience it in much worse infection places and the hospital cant keep up there. so i feel thankfull livin in WA now

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I can imagine the conversations over the finest glassware and crockery in Mt. Pleasant and Applecross - "Oh honey, did you know that place next to the music tuition centre, opposite Clancy's is a place of ill repute?" " I hope you don't know anyone who has visited the place, I'll think I'll start a petition with the other ladies in my spin class to get the City of Melville to close the place down." " Can't have a place like that in this area!!!!"
Not out of the question. But your post was hilarious 😂


Silver Member
I’m not vaxxed and have been rejected at a tavern last night. I’m not angry over that - disappointed yes. I’ve never viewed a conspiracy site but I believe in choices and not being forced. I’m wary because debate has been squashed, honest questions are shouted down, choice removed, and division created because of wrong perceptions, media news and possibly political agendas.
Remember anti or delayed vax people aren’t all extremists or nutters AND the vax doesn’t stop you getting Covid or spreading it. It does reduce the symptoms, hospitalization and pressure on health system. I’m not a risk to anyone.
I respect each persons choice so should everyone else.
Unfortunately you will possibly become a risk. As you are not vaccinated when you get sick your symptoms will be more severe. You are more likely to require hospitalisation meaning you may require someone to care for you. Effectively this will make you a risk to the health care workers who have to care for you. There are reports of cancer patients being moved out of hospitals and into hospices to free up beds for covid patients. Yes they were going to die but the covid patient taking their bed prematurely, reduces the limited number of days they have left.
It is unfortunate that we have limited choice in being vaccinated but if it was left as completely voluntary the health care system would have no chance of coping.
The food chain and our way of life is crumbling on the east coast due to the number of sick people and that is with 90% vax. If all of them were twice as sick and required twice as much time of off work imagine how much worse it would be