• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

New Covid Rules



I got my booster at Priceline yesterday and the Pharmacist was telling a lady in the store they are still illegal to sell in WA. From next week they will be on sale.
why r they illegal - that’s the question. It doesn’t make sense.

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
why r they illegal - that’s the question. It doesn’t make sense.
Why is Ivermectin also illegal? I think that this preparation has been found to offer some assistance in treating the original strain.

Ivermectin used to be available off the shelf in Chemists. Now it is stored in a warehouse in Queensland and harsh penalties are in place for anyone who supplies it. Some tests do seem to support its efficacy: Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infectio... : American Journal of Therapeutics (lww.com).

This is a time of doubt and uncertainty, but also a time of financial opportunity. It may be a case of "follow the money". ???

I must add here that I am not advocating the use of any drug or preparation.

John Smithl

Legend Member
I got my booster at Priceline yesterday and the Pharmacist was telling a lady in the store they are still illegal to sell in WA. From next week they will be on sale.
? Booster or Rapid Antigen Test?
I didn't think boosters cost anything apart from having the appropriate timeframe from second vax shot.
Last edited:

John Smithl

Legend Member
Wow. I did not expect such interest, or hatred in response to my question. However, the replies do seem to support the suggestion of a division of the populous. When and where did we learn to hate each other so much? Where is our compassion and understanding for others' free will and right of choice for self? Who among us has the authority to force others to their will?

Just because it is possible that the majority of people have either sought out this vaccine, or have been coerced into accepting it on pain of losing their job, family, friends, associates, peers, etc. etc. it doesn't naturally follow that this decision is correct for everyone.

It is proven now that this vaccine does not prevent you from being infected by the virus, nor does it prevent you from passing it on. In fact, it may be that the only benefit of having taken the vaccine, is the possibility of it reducing the severity of symptoms. This may be a good thing for you, but please also remember that there are many cases of the infection with absolutely no symptoms and people need to be tested to even discover whether they have it.

So, back to my point: Why are we so keen to hammer people who make choices other than the one we may have made? Is it fear? Is it jealousy? It certainly isn't concern for the safety of un-vaccinated people, is it?

I suggest we take a really hard look at ourselves and examine our motives for such behavior. Let's all live our own lives; make our own decisions and respect the right of others to make theirs. You don't walk in their shoes.

Now, say sorry and learn to love. Hate has no place in the human heart.

I like to understand how people make their choices, how they may review it and adjust as new data comes in.

The problem with covid is that there are so many versions of statistics, contexts and agendas from all sides.


Legend Member
With what every nation now knows about Covid, the dangers & the reasoning behind vaccinations, anti vaxers must surely rank as brain dead.
it is ironical that so many "freedom of choicers" are being driven by equally dogmatic ideological organizations (requiring get onboard or be pilloried!). Wonder if any remember Jonestown?

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
it is ironical that so many "freedom of choicers" are being driven by equally dogmatic ideological organizations (requiring get onboard or be pilloried!). Wonder if any remember Jonestown?

"Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it". A phrase coined by George Santayana, but was displayed prominently on a sign above Jim Jones' throne in Jonestown.


Gold Member
I agree with some of the views on here, including freedom of choice & that some comments are best left for FB or Twitter. However, with new mandates & rules & laws coming into place it makes it pretty difficult to do too much without a jab ... so onto the subject in hand so to speak ... I had a great run up to Xmas believing that Jan is always quiet & borders will open to all manner of carriers ...
Tried to see every private in my little book & even build a few new numbers in the anticipation of very dry 2022. The only one i couldn't get to was Sasha in the CBD whom I have recommended on here ... she was always too busy - so good for her.
I even took an afternoon off to venture further afield & get a visit to Elle in Maylands ... a 90min appt is so intense & so mutually pleasurable apparently.
Now, working from home dreading the time I have to head back into the office but also needing a fix as Spankbang is so aptly named !

Lets keep it interesting & informative for reading, if you disagree say so & why ... the only bagging we need to do is to bag up as those offers of natural don't interest me either !!

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I’m not vaxxed and have been rejected at a tavern last night. I’m not angry over that - disappointed yes. I’ve never viewed a conspiracy site but I believe in choices and not being forced. I’m wary because debate has been squashed, honest questions are shouted down, choice removed, and division created because of wrong perceptions, media news and possibly political agendas.
Remember anti or delayed vax people aren’t all extremists or nutters AND the vax doesn’t stop you getting Covid or spreading it. It does reduce the symptoms, hospitalization and pressure on health system. I’m not a risk to anyone.
I respect each persons choice so should everyone else.
One of the better responses here. As mentioned before, choice is an illusion. I for one believe that freedom never existed, so I have lost nothing.

In 2019 a person with non main stream views suggested that 2022 is the year where the world reaches a boiling point. And the control bubble of those in charge will burst.

The current events have not been a surprise to me at all. I have my popcorn, slurpee, and choc bomb in hand and I am enjoying the show of how this unfolds.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I agree with some of the views on here, including freedom of choice & that some comments are best left for FB or Twitter. However, with new mandates & rules & laws coming into place it makes it pretty difficult to do too much without a jab ... so onto the subject in hand so to speak ... I had a great run up to Xmas believing that Jan is always quiet & borders will open to all manner of carriers ...
Tried to see every private in my little book & even build a few new numbers in the anticipation of very dry 2022. The only one i couldn't get to was Sasha in the CBD whom I have recommended on here ... she was always too busy - so good for her.
I even took an afternoon off to venture further afield & get a visit to Elle in Maylands ... a 90min appt is so intense & so mutually pleasurable apparently.
Now, working from home dreading the time I have to head back into the office but also needing a fix as Spankbang is so aptly named !

Lets keep it interesting & informative for reading, if you disagree say so & why ... the only bagging we need to do is to bag up as those offers of natural don't interest me either !!

Yes when the borders open the punting scene will light up. Shops will be busy and a wave of punters and hot girls will be spilling over here. How long will it last till we are in lockdown? And also as mentioned yesterday all the AMPs and others will be in public light.

What happens then?


Diamond Member
Even if it is a selfish and wrong choice? Are you looking forward to suffering and spreading COVID?
This is such a strange view to hold. If the vaccines are truly safe and effective, than anyone who has had their forced jabs has absolutely nothing whatsoever to worry about from someone who hasn't. And if they aren't actually effective at stopping infection or spread (which eastern states, UK, and everywhere else is showing us is correct), then why would it matter to you whether someone else is jabbed or not?

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
Even if it is a selfish and wrong choice? Are you looking forward to suffering and spreading COVID?

Sorry, but your question could be seen as just as selfish and wrong. It seems to be a typical example of "I've made the decision and it is the only correct and acceptable decision to make".

Please try to respect others' decisions, no matter what their reasons are. They are not trying to force their life choices on you.

Your personal decision is based on your personal perception, which is your personal reality. Not anybody else's.

Love Thy Neighbour. This division is evil.


Diamond Member
This is such a strange view to hold. If the vaccines are truly safe and effective, than anyone who has had their forced jabs has absolutely nothing whatsoever to worry about from someone who hasn't. And if they aren't actually effective at stopping infection or spread (which eastern states, UK, and everywhere else is showing us is correct), then why would it matter to you whether someone else is jabbed or not?
I think there are three main reasons for mandatory vaccinations (and other measures to slow the spread of the virus):
1. Keep essential services going;
2. Keep as many people as possible out of ICUs and hospitals in general, so they don’t get clogged; and
3. Try to keep as many people as possible from dying.
in my (simplistic?) view they are all good goals.

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
I think there are three main reasons for mandatory vaccinations (and other measures to slow the spread of the virus):
1. Keep essential services going;
2. Keep as many people as possible out of ICUs and hospitals in general, so they don’t get clogged; and
3. Try to keep as many people as possible from dying.
in my (simplistic?) view they are all good goals.

I understand your reasoning, perfectly and agree that the reasoning seems to be generally successful. However, through some healthcare and other workers' wishing to decide themselves what is injected into their bodies, there is now a shortage of workers in key industries, including healthcare. This has led to hospitals over east requiring positively tested vaccinated and non vaccinated nurses to return to work in COVID and non COVID wards.

So we now have the situation where those people having chosen not to accept the vaccine are without jobs, through being sacked or refused access to their workplace and infected vaxxed and unvaxxed healthcare workers exposing themselves to hospital patients.

Is this because latest Omicron variant is no worse than a common cold and is of only slight risk to those with commodities?
Is it because those employers were just being pig headed and forced the point, because they themselves were vaxxed and therefore everyone should also get vaxxed, or have their freedoms removed?

Just asking.



Diamond Member
I understand your reasoning, perfectly and agree that the reasoning seems to be generally successful. However, through some healthcare and other workers' wishing to decide themselves what is injected into their bodies, there is now a shortage of workers in key industries, including healthcare. This has led to hospitals over east requiring positively tested vaccinated and non vaccinated nurses to return to work in COVID and non COVID wards.

So we now have the situation where those people having chosen not to accept the vaccine are without jobs, through being sacked or refused access to their workplace and infected vaxxed and unvaxxed healthcare workers exposing themselves to hospital patients.

Is this because latest Omicron variant is no worse than a common cold and is of only slight risk to those with commodities?
Is it because those employers were just being pig headed and forced the point, because they themselves were vaxxed and therefore everyone should also get vaxxed, or have their freedoms removed?

Just asking.

Hi Spikey,
Omicron may be less severe than Delta, but it’s still killing people and putting others in ICU. Even if it’s half as severe (in terms of how many people it puts in hospital per 100 infections), but it’s 5 times more infectious, that’s 2.5 times as many people in hospital or dying. That’s not an outcome I want to see or be a part of.

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
Hi Spikey,
Omicron may be less severe than Delta, but it’s still killing people and putting others in ICU. Even if it’s half as severe (in terms of how many people it puts in hospital per 100 infections), but it’s 5 times more infectious, that’s 2.5 times as many people in hospital or dying. That’s not an outcome I want to see or be a part of.

Hi Gobble_Doc.
Good points and all grist for the mill (which is a stupid expression, as grist is what comes from a mill, not what is fed into it).

2019 saw 812 people die in Australia from influenza.
There have been a total of 2,289 deaths in Australia attributed to COVID-19 since November 2019.
In 2020, there were a total of 909 deaths in Australia attributed to COVID-19
In 2020 ZERO people in Australia died from influenza.

Is the fear and terror justified?

I'll just leave that there.


Oh and before you comment; neither the Astra Zeneca, nor the mRNA vaccines were available in 2020


Legend Member
Hi Gobble_Doc.
Good points and all grist for the mill (which is a stupid expression, as grist is what comes from a mill, not what is fed into it).

2019 saw 812 people die in Australia from influenza.
There have been a total of 2,289 deaths in Australia attributed to COVID-19 since November 2019.
In 2020, there were a total of 909 deaths in Australia attributed to COVID-19
In 2020 ZERO people in Australia died from influenza.

Is the fear and terror justified?

I'll just leave that there.


Oh and before you comment; neither the Astra Zeneca, nor the mRNA vaccines were available in 2020
Actually 55 people in Australia died from influenza in 2020.
Causes of Death, Australia, 2020 | Australian Bureau of Statistics (abs.gov.au)

Rex Feral

Pistola a noleggio
Gold Member
I’m not vaxxed and have been rejected at a tavern last night. I’m not angry over that - disappointed yes. I’ve never viewed a conspiracy site but I believe in choices and not being forced. I’m wary because debate has been squashed, honest questions are shouted down, choice removed, and division created because of wrong perceptions, media news and possibly political agendas.
Remember anti or delayed vax people aren’t all extremists or nutters AND the vax doesn’t stop you getting Covid or spreading it. It does reduce the symptoms, hospitalization and pressure on health system. I’m not a risk to anyone.
I respect each persons choice so should everyone else.

Rubbish, There is no such thing as a choice when pandemics hit like this. if we left it to choices the world would be in even greater mess than it already is!! There is a time & place for choices & this isn't one of them!!

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
Considering your influenza report is dated October 2019, how can it show how many people died of influenza in Australia in 2020?
Ummm, end of Flu season?

Anyway, sircurious' information was from a different site which shows even less COVID-19 deaths, so.....
If we just consider the trends, we can see that COVID-19, in Australia, seems no worse than the seasonal flu.

My point is that the fear and panic and terror may not be justified.
I am not trying to downplay the affect that the virus has had all over the world; nor am I non-compassionate toward those who have suffered or lost loved ones. My point is that the vaccines have done little to reduce the incidents of infection and death when compared to the infections and deaths from influenza. The first jab didn't stop it. The second jab didn't stop it. The third and fourth jabs aren't stopping it in Israel, etc.

Isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result"?

I do not judge those who have been vaccinated. They have made their own decisions, as is their right.

I am yet to make my decision as, as of today, I am not convinced that the vaccines are safe, effective, or necessary.


Lord Spikey

Legend Member
This is a cut and paste from your above mentioned document: 898, not 55

2020: COVID-19 mortality
COVID-19 is a respiratory infection caused by a new coronavirus. On 11 March 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic. Information relating to COVID-19 mortality for both 2020 and 2021 is also published in the Provisional Mortality Statistics publication.
For the 898 people who died from COVID-19 in 2020:
  • COVID-19 was the 38th leading cause of death.
  • Their median age at death was 86 years.
  • Just over half were female (460 female deaths, 438 male deaths).
  • People who died from the virus under the age of 70 were more likely to be male.
  • Dementia was the most common pre-existing condition (275 deaths).
  • Chronic cardiac conditions, hypertension and diabetes were also commonly reported comorbidities.
  • The majority of deaths occurred in people with a usual residence of Victoria (800 deaths).


Legend Member
Ummm, end of Flu season?

Anyway, sircurious' information was from a different site which shows even less COVID-19 deaths, so.....
If we just consider the trends, we can see that COVID-19, in Australia, seems no worse than the seasonal flu.

My point is that the fear and panic and terror may not be justified.
I am not trying to downplay the affect that the virus has had all over the world; nor am I non-compassionate toward those who have suffered or lost loved ones. My point is that the vaccines have done little to reduce the incidents of infection and death when compared to the infections and deaths from influenza. The first jab didn't stop it. The second jab didn't stop it. The third and fourth jabs aren't stopping it in Israel, etc.

Isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result"?

I do not judge those who have been vaccinated. They have made their own decisions, as is their right.

I am yet to make my decision as, as of today, I am not convinced that the vaccines are safe, effective, or necessary.


This is the figure taken from the 2020 causes of death in Australia which I attached.
  • There were 55 deaths due to influenza. Influenza and pneumonia dropped to the 17th leading cause of death (down from the 9th leading cause in 2019). The ranking of influenza and pneumonia is influenced by the severity of the flu season.
Furthermore you stated in this post "umm, end of flu season" in my response to you posting statistics from 2019. You cannot state that nobody died of influenza in 2020 if you are using statistics from 2019 (dated 30th October) - 2020 had yet to happen!!!!