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microwave cooking bacon

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Mr wriggling bum what thread doses not get hijacked is more the question :smuggrin:
How did you go with cooking the bacon luv
Did it turn out to your liking


Diamond Member
Bacon in the pan is best, use a non stick pan and use a paper towel to wipe clean and you don't need to wash the pan. I never use anything but the fat in the bacon, put the bacon in the pan cold and turn up high and have lovely bacon in four to five minutes...I am off to a bacon breakfast, remember its the quality of the steak, hp or spicy red sauce that you add to the bacon after its cooked that is just as important.
If the grease doesn't run down your shirt, its not cooked just right.

I would have agreed with you Mary-Anne up until the point where I had Bacon BBQ'd on Hot Coals. The Fat drips down and the flames rise up and sizzle the bacon ! - Ooohhhh it's the best.....


Another World Member
Legend Member
Mr wriggling bum what thread doses not get hijacked is more the question :smuggrin:
How did you go with cooking the bacon luv
Did it turn out to your liking
thanks for ur interest MM
actually i fried some bacon n an egg (both sides ) it went down ok ,hasnt cum back up so spose it was to my liking .only problem now gotta clean the mess
yeah ur true there wat thread doesnt get Hi-Jacqued ahh well thats life


Legend Member
I dont make Bacon I PANFRY Bacon, Happy2 is the Bacon making machine up there, so aim that at him, and you dont make Bacon you raise pork which becomes bacon..... Did you ever pay attention in science class?
A _ I don't make bacon
B_ I raise a few pigs not pork
Didn't you pay attention in science?


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
A _ I don't make bacon
B_ I raise a few pigs not pork
Didn't you pay attention in science?

So are you a pig farmer or pork farmer? as if you are a pig farmer I am going to petition coles to change the sigh that says "pork" and change that to "Pig" lamb to "sheep" and beef to "cows" ...... after all country of origin laws, should be the same for animal or origin hey....


Another World Member
Legend Member
Cum on u 2 i only wanted to no if u could microwave bacon so leave ur domestic issues for annudder thread


Gold Member
As long as H2 isn't makin bacon by porking the pigs.
On topic - if you like your bacon crisp pan fry some thinly sliced kaiserfleisch

1. Take a frying pan add some rosemary, and thyme, put on a medium heat and add the bacon.

2. Cook on each side until the bacon is brown.

3. Add about 1/3 can Guinness (1/3 pint), and reduce until you get a treacly mess in the pan and coating the bacon.

4. Keep cooking until you have enough crunchy bits.

5. Stick bacon in roll, add HP sauce to taste. Drink freshly made coffee. Enjoy.

In the purest and simplest sense, bacon is a belly of pork which has been cured by salting; but of course there are numerous regional variations of bacon; some smoked, some not, some cooked and some raw - some don't even use belly pork, but another cut entirely.

Historically, bacon was a staple food for the working class. Pigs were cheap and easy to breed for the table, as they will eat virtually anything (including cars if you believe Emir Kusturica). Bacon is always cured, or salted - a process that draws moisture out of the meat and significantly delays spoilage, so it can be kept for long periods. In addition, many styles of bacon are smoked, which combined with the fatty nature of pork belly provides bacon with a rich and hearty flavour - meaning a little went a long way to feeding the whole family.

The English word is derived from the Old French word, bakko; meaning ham. The Modern French word bacon came to mean any cut of pork, usually salted. The French even had a term repas baconique, which was a festival where only pork was served. The English perfected the technique of salt curing and smoking belly pork and borrowed the French term for the meat, and the word was returned to the French and now means what it does in English speaking countries; salted belly of pork.

The traditional preparation of bacon involves salt - and lots of it. Once the pig has been slaughtered, the belly is removed and rubbed with dry salt. The moisture that is drawn out of the pork due to simple osmosis quickly forms a brine. The belly is left to steep and cure in this salty liquid and turned daily, for up to 2 weeks. Once fully cured, the belly is washed of excess salt and then given one of three treatments - air-drying, cold-smoking or hot-smoking. The first two result in raw bacon, much in the same manner that gravlax and smoked salmon result in raw fish. Hot smoked bacon on the other hand has been cooked through.

These days most bacon found in supermarkets is hot smoked, but not in the traditional manner. The whole process is expedited (and therefore much cheaper) by first injecting the un-cured belly with brine, then an atomized smoke and hot water solution is injected to cook and provided a smoky flavour to the belly. This is bacon at its most pointless, and when prepared in such a manner it tends to ooze moisture in the pan and end up dry. The flavour also suffers, instead of a full and delicious natural smoke flavour, a pale chemical imitation is the result.

The only way to get real bacon these days is to visit specialist butchers that prepare their own. Not only will you receive a superior product, but you will be supporting a dying art that if we are not careful, will disappear forever. German and Austrian butchers make a product called kaiserfleisch or sometimes speck, and good Italian butchers will make pancetta. These are both prepared in a very similar manner to good quality bacon. Of course, you could try visiting a specialist English or Irish butcher and ask for raw or green bacon, which ideally should be cold smoked.

Bacon is not made form the same pigs you get regular pork from. Table pork is produced form 3 different grades of pigs; porkers, superporkers and finishers. These tend to have lean meat and a dressed weight of up to 60 kg. Pigs bred for bacon production are known as baconers and are sold at an age of around 24 weeks. They have a higher body fat ratio than regular pigs and can weigh up to a whopping 100 kg.

There are several different varieties of bacon. Middle bacon rashers possess the familiar bacon shape, that is a thin strip of belly pork with a lean round piece of loin at one end. Streaky bacon is the same cut minus the round loin end. Picnic or café bacon is various off cuts of pork that are pressed into a pseudo-bacon shape and should obviously be avoided. Gammon is a specialty of the United Kingdom that is a joint of pork - not the belly, that is cured and prepared in the same manner as regular bacon.

Just as there are a large variety of bacon styles, there is an equally large array of cooking methods, depending on the dishes country of origin.

In Britain and countries influenced by their cuisine, such as the United States, Australia and New Zealand, bacon is cut into thin rashers, then grilled or fried. It is generally considered a breakfast dish, witnessed most often in the famous dish of bacon and eggs. In Germanic countries bacon tends to be cut into thicker slabs, then poached or braised. The cooked bacon is often served up with an accompaniment of cabbage or potatoes. This is rich and robust fare perfect for colder climates. French influenced cuisine tends to use bacon as a flavouring agent, rather than a solo ingredient. This is typified by lardons, which are small dice or rectangular strips of bacon that are cooked at the beginning of a dish to enrich the final result with a nice smoky, salty pork flavour.


Another World Member
Legend Member
Wow well written Normansland well done very informative


Another World Member
Legend Member
Well go on then... ask him for some microwaving bacon tips
after all that info I'll let him rest..i wont drawlspush him theres been auite a few MKR cooks give us some tips and i THANK them very much I can see I'll b very busy in the kitchen in cuming weeks



Diamond Member
I notice that they microwave the bacon at Subway all the time and it seems to be okay


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
after all that info I'll let him rest..i wont drawlspush him theres been auite a few MKR cooks give us some tips and i THANK them very much I can see I'll b very busy in the kitchen in cuming weeks

Here's another tip for you, bepp:



Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
Although some girls can pull it off:


(That's right, peeps, there's a Naked Bacon II.)

So much hotter than girls eating pussy, eh Homer?



And this is the extra I'll request when I see Ginger: full breakfast service, sunny side up. :hungry:



Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
I must ask Your XLNC Where's your sausage ?

Me thinks in his hand and wishing it was buried in her buns...........

Man to woman " How do you like your eggs in the morning?"

Woman to man "Unfertilized"


Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
Although some girls can pull it off:


(That's right, peeps, there's a Naked Bacon II.)

So much hotter than girls eating pussy, eh Homer?



And this is the extra I'll request when I see Ginger: full breakfast service, sunny side up. :hungry:


Never cooked bacon naked, but have cooked pancakes naked. I would'nt suggest it.