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MaryAnne's Thailand Diet & Medical experiences

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Mrs Langtrees

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This is a closed thread so I can add to it daily without interuption to my experiences.I have a reply post on the Langtrees board which I will move over when I figure out how to get the button re-working.

Day One and Two
I have been travelling for last two and half months around the world. In New York and America I put on nearly 5 kilos, all the food portions were big but the alcohol measures where enormous and with both together bingo...... fat, fat, fat.
I have stopped off in Bangkok for a month to get fit and lose this weight.
Staying in a great serviced apartment in the heart of town that has its own gym.
To keep committed to this thing thought i'd start this diet post so every day I can write what I did to make a diffence.
Yesterday was my first day.
Fruit for breakfast and one coffee,
Japanese beancurd and vegetables for tea and a little fish.
About 10 bottles of water, last night I went out and kept to water at $8 a bottle.
Walked about 8 kilometres, a little shopping but kept the walk brisk.
Today so far.
Fruit for breakfast, one coffee.
40 minute work out in the gym, machines and weights. Feeling pretty puffed but handled a little more than I thought I could. Kept the weights one over minimum but will try to up every few days.
One bottle of water so far today.
Enjoying a massage or beauty treatment like facial every day to pamper myself.
Any tips appreciated.
By the way starting weight is 75 kilos last Saturday.
Today 9.00am 74 kilos. I will weigh myself once to twice a week, should keep it to once but I always get tempted.
Goal 68 kilos or lose of 6 more kilos in 30 days.
The rest of my day
I went out to check out two of the Thailand hospitals, one that was close by www.BNHhospital.com
I must say very impressed with the service, after 10 minutes of asking questions I was already having a scale and clean for my teeth which took 1/2 an hour and cost 1500 Baht which is around $30. I think the equivalent would be double in Australia.
My main interest was laser eye surgery (at least to start with finding my glasses has slowed me down the last few years) so off I went to www.bumrungrad hospital.com to discover how much and how long it would take if I passed the test.(not all eye problems are suitable for this service)
I arrived at 12.30 and they said if I returned at 1.30 I could see a doctor for a free consultation.
The place was packed as on Monday they had a public holiday and I wondered what I had let myself in for.
It was about 1/2 hour wait to see a doctor, before that I had my blood pressure taken, a eye power and eye picture test.
The doctor was great, he said my eyes were suitable for surgery and that only one eye would need to be done.
He informed me very clearly that I would lose 10% of my far vision and regain around 85% of my reading vision. He did another four or five tests and was able to show me what the loss looked like and the gain looked like. I was hooked and asked when it could be done.
At this stage he said I needed some more tests which I could have straight away and after they were finished he would make a date. Todays tests would cost 2000 baht around $60 and the cost for the laser surgery would cost 31,000 baht which is approx $1000 Australian dollars. I am not sure of the cost in Australia but did check out the price in America and the cost was $6000 american dollars.
Its about 2.15pm by now and my only complaint about the afternoon was though he mentioned further tests, he didn't make it clear that I would have more than 6 different tests done. I was back for my second consultation by about 4.15pm. The date is set for Thursday this week at 4.00pm. By Friday I may be able to type on this forum without my glasses which need to be found.
I forgot after this consultaion it was another 45 minutes to process all the needed paperwork.
While I was waiting I was watching the staff and the clients, most were from other countries, lots of Arabic people and Chinese from Hong Kong and America with a few Aussie's. At this clinic there are nine working specialists that I noticed and another 6 younger doctors taking the various tests, with countless administration staff.
I started to wonder how long this process would have taken in Australia and think it would have been 3 to 5 visits to have got this far advanced.
I never forgot the exercise and diet plans so read up on the hospitals other services, I intend to have a few other treatments which I will mention in individual posts.
Not forgetting the exercise I tried a trick my last partner taught me.
Put your back against a flat wall, squat as far as you can and hold for as long as possible. He could do it for 10 minutes. My body was burning after a minute, but did do three times over the afternoon and quite a few stretches.
Did remember to have four small meals yesterday and consumed around 6 bottles of water.
See you all tomorrow.
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Mrs Langtrees

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Hospitals that I have visited.

Bumrungrad Hospital www.bumrungrad.com

BNH Hospital www. BNHhospital.com

Vital Life Wellness Centre www. e-vitalife.com part of Bumrungrad Hospital

Bangkok Nursing Home, 5 star service a little cheaper than Bumrungrad Hospital
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Mrs Langtrees

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Wellness Programs

Vital Life have many packages,
Vitality Programs
Wellness Programs
Weight Loss Programmes
Anti Aging programs

All of these include countless tests and many more than we take in Australia when we have a yearly check up. Tomorrow I will check up how long they take, but if similar to yesterdays experience and I can do all the tests in one or two days, I am going to have the biggest all over medical so that I can see how my body is ageing and the areas I need to concentrate on now that I am 50 Years.
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Mrs Langtrees

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Wednesday the 15th August

Started today a little bit sore from yesterdays exercise, but mostly rather tired from not sleeping well last night. Up all night with the little wees you get when you increase your water intake.
At least I know it will stop after a week or so. I remember from my gym days that someone told me, if you don't drink enough water daily your kidneys go on holiday, probably a trip to Paris because they feel that you don't love them enough and they are bored with nothing to do.
They ask the liver to take over the water flushing process. As the liver is for processing fats, they are rather busy so store the fats on the hips and thighs while doing the kidneys job.
Once you show the kidneys that you are serious about your water intake (up to two weeks) they return from holiday, which means they retain the water better and really cleanse it before sending it to waste. (Only need to wee three or four times daily with the larger flows rather than running to the loo 20 times a day for 1/2 cup. The Liver has time to process the fats because not overloaded with work and merrily goes about using up all the stored kilos.
That's when real weight loss begins, the first few weeks i'd have just excess water, and when we lose weight its the accumulated fats we want to get to.
Not sure if I have the Liver and Kidneys in the right order, but you get the picture and one of the members will no doubt bring me up to date.
Its 11.00am and am off to the gym now with a light work out today probably just the treadmill as you can overdo the weights when first starting a program.
I had a good 15 minute treadmill workout went to 6.5 in speed and 2.5 in grade. I waved my arms around a lot, looked a bit dorkish, but the underarm flab I have is the worse so have to put in the extra effort on this area.
Only got through one bottle of water so far but just opening the second. I have done one crunch burn but had to keep my legs wider today as a lot of burn, only lasted a minute.
I have been smoking too much today but have cut down pretty well, but doing so much posting and private emails has had me puffing away. Have a date later so will have a 6 hour break to try to compensate.
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Mrs Langtrees

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Receptionists at Langtrees

To keep up with the posting I need someone to edit this post on a regular basis for spelling and grammar, etc
Let me know who is taking on the job on the reply post please.
Also can someone check out how much for a dental scale and clean in Austrlia and how much Eye laser Surgery is for one eye including all the necessary tests please.
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Mrs Langtrees

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Thurdsday 16th August

Slept well so a little tired like I always am when sleeping deeply.
Today is the day that I have the eye laser surgery and also seeing the Golf Doctor for a consultation.
Running late so will only have time for 1/2 hour workout. I will do treadmill for 15 minutes and weights, especially arms for 15 minutes.
Be back later......
Never got to the exercise as needed to get to Doctor Golf then had my Lasik eye surgery in the afternoon, more below under the headings for Doctor Golf and Laser Eye Surgery (Lasik), but guess what I can see without my glasses as typing away this morning and could read the instructions on eye drop bottles with no glasses and less than 14 years since they were done. Loving it already.
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Mrs Langtrees

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Doctor Golf the Back Specialist

While waiting at Bumgrungrad I noticed a brochure for Doctor Golf and have made an appointment to see him at 11.40am tomorrow. His program looks very interesting and I'm more interested in understanding it for my golf tv progamme so I will discover all about this system tomorrow.
I want to include specific sports medicine segments in Bogeys to Birdies and this one seems very well suited to golfers.

While at the eye clinic the other day I saw a brochure for Doctor Golf at Bumrungrad Hospital and booked a visit for this morning.
Arrived 11.30am for 11.40am. Saw the Doctor on time, explained that I have never had back problems before but when in Amsterdam I got constant lower back uncomfortable Pain.
As I am interested in golf for the tv show I booked to see him. Within minutes he checked me over and explained where the discomfort was coming from and the need to address it now before it got more severe. It's basically age and posture, so he put me in a brace that feels like wearing a corset. I need to wear the brace for one or two months a year to keep the problem at bay. He gave me some great exercises to help change my sitting posture that will also help a lot.
Wearing the corset is quite comfortable and holds my tummy in and makes me straighten up.
Review of service was 10/10.
I discussed the golf tv show with the doctor as would be great to include an Asian medical expert as well as our Australian one on the show, he was very excited and organised for me to meet the hospital press secretary, and wants me to meet the hospital director next week.
Think I am on to a winner contact with todays appointment for my health as well.
The Doctor is a Orthopedic Specialist named Nanthadej Hiranyasthiti.
66 2667 1000 Bangkok.
I forgot to mention the fee for brace, consultaion, medicine was 3600 Baht about $80 Australian $$$$ In Australia this brace would cost alone $150.
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Mrs Langtrees

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Lasik Eye Surgery

This post will take me some time to write up all the experiences but I can say I had the surgery last night around 7.00pm and it's now 10.00am the next day and I can read the instructions on the eye drop bottles.

My main interest was laser eye surgery (at least to start with finding my glasses has slowed me down the last few years) so off I went to www.bumrungrad hospital.com to discover how much and how long it would take if I passed the test.(not all eye problems are suitable for this service)
I arrived at 12.30 and they said if I returned at 1.30 I could see a doctor for a free consultation.
The place was packed as on Monday they had a public holiday and I wondered what I had let myself in for.
It was about 1/2 hour wait to see a doctor, before that I had my blood pressure taken, a eye power and eye picture test.
The doctor was great, he said my eyes were suitable for surgery and that only one eye would need to be done.
He informed me very clearly that I would lose 10% of my far vision and regain around 85% of my reading vision. He did another four or five tests and was able to show me what the loss looked like and the gain looked like. I was hooked and asked when it could be done.
At this stage he said I needed some more tests which I could have straight away and after they were finished he would make a date. Todays tests would cost 2000 baht around $60 and the cost for the laser surgery would cost 31,000 baht which is approx $1000 Australian dollars. I am not sure of the cost in Australia but did check out the price in America and the cost was $6000 american dollars.
Its about 2.15pm by now and my only complaint about the afternoon was though he mentioned further tests, he didn't make it clear that I would have more than 6 different tests done. I was back for my second consultation by about 4.15pm. The date is set for Thursday this week at 4.00pm. By Friday I may be able to type on this forum without my glasses which need to be found.
I forgot after this consultaion it was another 45 minutes to process all the needed paperwork.
While I was waiting I was watching the staff and the clients, most were from other countries, lots of Arabic people and Chinese from Hong Kong and America with a few Aussie's. At this clinic there are nine working specialists that I noticed and another 6 younger doctors taking the various tests, with countless administration staff.
I started to wonder how long this process would have taken in Australia and think it would have been 3 to 5 visits to have got this far advanced.
I returned at 4pm on Thursday evening for the laser surgery.
They started with another blood pressure check, a eye pressure and another eye picture test then in to see the doctor.
He redid some of the tests from Tuesday, asked if I fully understood that I would lose 10% of my long vision in the eye that I was having lasered but would regain 85% of my reading vision.He also pointed out that I may still need glasses for reading and that over time this eye ability would lessen and that if I didn't need glasses now in 5 to 10 years it was likely that I would.
He also said that it would take a few weeks for my eyes to completely adjust and work in tandem, things like playing golf would take a little readjustment.
I was happy to go ahead so he said see you upstairs in an hour.
One of the nurses then took me to the office next door to pay the bill, small wait here about 5 to 10 minutes maximum.
Back in the clinic the nurse then gave me two tablets which were something to make me a little drowsy, then they took me upstairs to the lazik surgery.
Upstairs I changed into hospital PJ's had all my jewllery and money locked away then was taken to a ward next to the lazik room.
I slept for about an hour, mostly because I was scared they were going to give me an injection for local anesthetic.This didn't happen so I had nothing to worry about.by 6.30 I was taken to the lasik room where the doctor administered some pain killer drops then started the procedure.I had to keep looking at this very bright light, a little noise, 10 minutes and it was all done.
Taken to the recovery room where a eye patch was put over the eye, my blood pressure was rechecked and after 40 minutes I was allowed to go home.
There was no pain at all, a very slight discomfort feel.I had to make sure that I didn't screw up my eyes or rub them in any way.
I did have problems sleeping that night but mostly scared I would clench my eyes when I was asleep.
Up early for breakfast the next morning, put in the eyedrops I was given, took off the patch and downstairs in my sunglasses.
The eye was a little red and very slightly swollen.
Eating breakfast I read the newspaper for the first time in years with out having to find my sun glasses.
Three days later I played golf and found I had to aim to the left of what I usually did but played 106 which is a little better than I usually play after haven't had a game for more than a month.

The cost again is about $1000 Australian Dollars more than I was losing in glasses every year.
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Mrs Langtrees

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I have lost 5 kilo

Sorry I haven't been posting much, so busy with my health regime.
So far I have lost 5 kilo and down to 70 kilo.I have 8 more kilo to lose but feels good to be 40% of the way.
Here for another 9 days so hoping I will lose 2 more kilo.
I have tried the colonic irrigation services twicw which I think are beneficial and intend to have another three before I leave.
Hydro Health was the best service around $90 for a treatment.
The other day I had the best body scrib massage I have ever had.The scub was mixed with coffee and very detoxifying so they say.My skin still feels vitalised.
Another treatment I tried was an electrical stimulation facial.
It was called Derma light and Lift.It certainly seemed to work and made my skin a lot firmer with less lines.Around $200
I have been a bit slack with the exercise but I am walking a lot,
Had two cheats on my diet, scoffed a tub of ice cream the other day and last night at the Aussie Bar I had 5 drinks of gin and soda and left rather mellow and intoxicated.
its Saturday night and going out for a while tend to only stay an hour or so the water bloats one so.

Mrs Langtrees

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Plastic Surgery Prices

I visited the plastic surgery centre at Bumbergrad the other day to check out the cost of some treatments.
Boob Jobs were around $4000 including Hospital stay and anesthic.

Face Lifts were around $5000

Liposuction for the tummy around $2500

Planning on organising some health and Medical Holidays to Bangkok for later this year so if any one wants some info please email me on ma@langtrees.com
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