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Legend Member
While on a recent trip to Vienna an English speaking cab driver recommended a place called Laufhaus Vienna to me, which was a very interesting concept. Apparently they are very popular in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and the independent ladies rent rooms and set their own prices and range of services they offer. I can only comment on the one in Vienna.

Basically you walk into the entrance and the walls are adorned with photos of each lady, her room number and the range of services she provides and the languages she speaks. This place had about 40 rooms over four floors and it was like the league of nations of sex with a menu, but mostly they are stunning looking Eastern European ladies.

If the ladies are already booked her door is closed with a red light above, if she is free the light is green and you can knock and go in to talk to her or mostly if they are not busy they leave their door open and you stroll past and say hello, and if you like what you see you negotiate a price and list of services and away you go.

So I make a mental shortlist of the rooms I want to visit ( only about half! ) but the first room I walked past had the door open and lounging on her bed was a stunning blonde haired blue eyed young lady who spoke good English, that is my Kryptonite, so my list went out of my big head and into my little one!

She was from a former Soviet country and was very sweet and accommodating despite it being very late and they were about to close and her rates were a very reasonable 70 Euro for a half hour or 120 Euro for an hour, I took the hour and had a great time, despite her laughing at my Aussie accent every time I talked to her!

The next night was my last night in Vienna so of course I had to go and experience it again, just to make sure it was as good as the night before, but this time I went online and studied which ladies were available that night and made another list of English speaking ladies I would like to visit, but this time I wrote them down.

So in I go and walk down the hall with my list in my hand and the first room I come to with an open door is the stunning English speaking blonde lady with the blue eyes from last night, as I walked past she smiled sweetly at me, as she remembered me.

What can I say I am a creature of habit and very loyal and believe if you find something good you stick to it, so my list went back into my pocket and I spent another wonderful hour with an angel.

Afterwards I had a great talk with her about her life journey and what is was like to work in a Laufhaus, which I found out means Walking House in English.

Anyway if you are ever in the beautiful city of Vienna I can certainly recommend this place.

I am already planning my next visit to Vienna and this time I might be able to get past the first room I come to, but hey if I don't at least i know what is in store for me!

Here is a link to their website : https://www.laufhaus-vienna.at/en


Legend Member
Sorry I also meant to mention that they also have rooms with Sex Dolls available, but why you would want that when you have forty beautiful real women you can choose from, but each to their own.