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KISSING πŸ’‹ πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

As a punter would you prefere a girl that kisses or you don't care either way?

What services do you expect to be included in you booking?

What services are you prepared to pay extra for?

Is a good massage in a full service what you look for or do you not care either way?

What is the reason you would go back to see a lady. What makes her stand out from the rest.

Is it enough if she is stunner!?

What is a deal breaker for you?

Would ❀️ if you could take the time to voice what makes a 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
service for you.?

Have you had one lately?


Kissing:As far as kissing is concerned if it feels natural in the moment and not pushed, then I'm all for it.
Services: I'd like is to be able to perform a massage on the lady,I so love to do this,It turns me on.

What services I'm prepared to pay for:that depends on what the lady has to offer.

A massage in a service;
Most definately,absolutely, A great way to start some intimacy between two people.

What would the reason i would go back:To be totally honest,the connection both physically and definately mentally, nothing nicer than being able to converse freely about almost anything with a lady,
Nothing worse than a forced conversation,
Then on the other hand if the lady is quite I respect that and I'll go with her flow.

Is it enough if she is a stunner:definately a no no,
I've has an Asian girl,not a lady (perform)a massage on me once...absolutely stunning beautifull butt great body enhanced boobies,which I'm really not a great fan of,(I love natural)and she was as cold as a kelvinator refridgerater,horrible experience,I couldn't wait to do a runner.

What is a deal breaker for me: πŸ€”

As a punter would you prefere a girl that kisses or you don't care either way?

What services do you expect to be included in you booking?

What services are you prepared to pay extra for?

Is a good massage in a full service what you look for or do you not care either way?

What is the reason you would go back to see a lady. What makes her stand out from the rest.

Is it enough if she is stunner!?

What is a deal breaker for you?

Would ❀️ if you could take the time to voice what makes a 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
service for you.?

Have you had one lately?




Gold Member


8 health benefits of kissing: -

1. Kissing helps reduce blood pressure

Making out isn't just good for your emotional heart, it gives your anatomical one a workout, too. "Kissing passionately gets your heartbeat revved in a healthy way that helps lower your blood pressure," says Demirjian. "It dilates your blood vessels -- blood is flowing in a good, solid fashion and getting to all your vital organs."

2. Kissing zaps cramps and headaches

"Kissing is great if you have a headache or menstrual cramps," says Demirjian. You may be inclined to wave away advances when you're curled into an achy ball, but the blood-vessel dilation brought on by a good long smooching session can really help ease your pain. In fact, Demirjian recommends replacing the old "Not tonight, dear -- I have a headache" line with, "Honey, I have a headache. Come kiss me!"

3. Kissing fights cavities​

A smooch-a-thon gets all, er, fluids flowing -- including your saliva. "When you're kissing, you're secreting more saliva in your mouth," says Demirjian. "That's the mechanism that washes away the plaque on your teeth that leads to cavities." (So much more fun than gargling!)

4. Kissing amps up your happy hormones​

"If you're feeling stressed or rundown, a little kissing or lovemaking [is] actually the elixir you need to... feel better," says Demirjian. "It will relax, restore and revitalize you... The feel-good chemicals in the brain get percolating: serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin -- things you can get from the rush of exercising."

5. Kissing burns (a few) calories​

It can't compare to 30 minutes on the elliptical, but a vigorous makeout session can burn 8 to 16 calories per smooch, says Demirjian. "Kissing and lovemaking can be a vigorous exercise if you're fully engaged," she says. "You need to have a passionate kiss [in order to burn those calories], but it doesn't have to be a 10-hour makeout session."

6. Kissing boosts self-esteem​

One German study found that men who got a nice juicy kiss from their wives before leaving for work made more money. "If he leaves his home happy, he's more productive at work because he's not feeling emotionally distressed, so he's going to make more money," explains Demirjian. "Kissing has so much to do with your self-esteem and feeling loved and connected."

7. Kissing can give you a facelift (kind of)​

Per Demirjian, deep kissing can shape up the neck and jawline, which are often trouble spots for those concerned about looking older. "Your mouth has a number of facial muscles," she says. "When those are engaged in kissing, you can tighten and tone them."

8. Kissing is a barometer for sexual compatibility​

It can be an excellent way to check out a potential partner for sexual compatibility before getting naked and emotionally involved, says Demirjian. But if your very first liplock with a new partner is meh, she recommends giving him or her one more shot.
"Sometimes during the first kiss, people are feeling awkward, nervous, or embarrassed," she says. "That might not breed the most seductive, sexy experience." The second kiss is crappy, too. That's your cue to take your lips -- and the rest of you -- elsewhere.


Vineta Sexting

Sexting Princess
Legend Member
As a punter would you prefere a girl that kisses or you don't care either way?

What services do you expect to be included in you booking?

What services are you prepared to pay extra for?

Is a good massage in a full service what you look for or do you not care either way?

What is the reason you would go back to see a lady. What makes her stand out from the rest.

Is it enough if she is stunner!?

What is a deal breaker for you?

Would ❀️ if you could take the time to voice what makes a 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
service for you.?

Have you had one lately?


Kissing amps up your happy hormones.