• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

'Jigoku ni itte , U jarasanthathi

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
A Sydney neurosurgeon, jailed over the cocaine-related deaths of two sex workers, is facing deportation from Australia.




Just goes to show ....anyone can be a neurosurgeon . What a complete and utter waste of talent, and respect for the medical profession. :nurse:
This idiot got a degree in being a drug induced murderer .....to think the 2 lives he took, were only worth 3yrs...wow...yip put him on a boat and send his ass back...


Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Not sure that this SOB was a boat refugee Raye and I do wonder if the women he was so careless with had been nurses ant school teachers how much jail time would be served ?


Legend Member
Good point farmboy-yes it does seem very strange that he got such a ridiculously small sentence considering he took two lives. And him being a Doctor that is meant to save lives....where is the justice??


Foundation Member
So many mistakes there:

Why was a drug-abuser permitted to keep operating at all, let alone for 5 years?

Why only 5 years, reduced on appeal for manslaughter and supplying? Some comparatively small scale drug dealers get worse than that on the drugs charge alone.

I whloeheartedly agree with kicking him out of the country - Malaysia is far better at handling drug dealers than we are.


Legend Member
There doesn't appear to be the usual outcry fro the ABC and similar organisations about the sending back of this man Maybe even our overly one eyed press cant see to many redeeming features in this fellow

The only people upset are more than likely the Malaysians

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Not sure what it is....but there must be a few elements missing for it to be profitable in the media.

Of its just totally off beat with the political agendas currently targeted.

Thus no coverage. ...


Australia must really be running outta doctors, this guy reminds me of that QLD overseas doctor (Plattel i think) who operated and amputated limbs on people just because he felt like it not because the patient needed that surgery.

Having spent many of my party years in the eastern states i gotta say it doesn't take much convincing to get young people to join your party if theres blow on offer; so while this nutter brain surgeon should probably take a career in manual labour (or politics), hosting a drug party isn't murder its just people doing a risky thing that sometimes kills.

Tania Admin

Ahoy;- Throw him out, the sooner the better.

He should have been sent home from the first incident,,migrate here then keep your nose clean ,Literally.

If he isn't sent back it just proves how messed up our system is.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Australia must really be running outta doctors, this guy reminds me of that QLD overseas doctor (Plattel i think) who operated and amputated limbs on people just because he felt like it not because the patient needed that surgery.

Having spent many of my party years in the eastern states i gotta say it doesn't take much convincing to get young people to join your party if theres blow on offer; so while this nutter brain surgeon should probably take a career in manual labour (or politics), hosting a drug party isn't murder its just people doing a risky thing that sometimes kills.

Think again

While the deaths themselves were shocking, it was the doctor's behaviour on the nights in question that sparked public outrage during his trial.
NSW Police forensic scientist William Allender described Ms McIntyre's blood-cocaine reading as ''startling'' and one of the highest he had ever witnessed. In Ms Zaupa's case, Nair left her dead in his bed for almost two days as he moved the cocaine party to a nearby hotel and hired more escorts.

Woman left for dead did not call for help just more Escorts and a new room one without crook and dying WLs in the bed.