• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Insight into Sex with a person with a Disability part 1



Thought I would keep this section of the forum going cause I think its important for a lot of people to change their perception of people with a physical disability. Firstly, well done Christyne on getting this section of the forum going, its great that you have blown away a few of the misconceptions about physical disability.

I was interested to read the info about overheating and it got me thinking. As a person with a disability it is important to relay information about your disability to your sex partner and to educate them a little about your disability. I have been a quadriplegic for 8 years and have had about 25 different sex partners in that time, all off whom were able bodied. I experience the overheating problem because my body has no way of regulating its core temperature anymore i.e I cant sweat.

I play sport with people of all sorts of physical disabilities (all male) and have played international sport for the last 7 years so I feel I am reasonably well placed to be able to tell you about the various issues guys face. Some people have ultra sensitive area of their bodies (called hypersensativity) that can cause immense pain if touched even very lightly. Others have a burning sensation in those areas.

I have VERY good touch sensation in my lower body even though I
cant use muscles from the chest down. This means that I can get an erection and ejaculate naturally. However spinal chord injury is so varied that sensations change massively from one person to the next even if their were injured in the exact same spinal location as someone else. The type of disability also detmermines the level of feeling. Those guys with muscular dystrophy for example, can feel and their entire bodies (hot and cold sensation, pain sensation and touch sensation) but have very little movement ability in their arms and legs. Generally, paraplegics have no feeling below their waist but very good upper body sensation. And generally quadriplegics have good sensation through their bodies but reduced movement in their upper bodies and no movement below the chest.

I have read in other threads that guys physical disabilities (particularly acquired disabilities - e.g spinal injury) have hugely enhanced oral skills. I have found this is particularly the case and have made a lot of ladies orgasm simply by using only my tongue. I also still retained a lot of my finger dexterity which I find makes up for the lack of stamina I have when I am on top - you can only imagine how much load that puts on your upper body muscles when you cant use your legs, hips or abs.

So speaking from a guy's perspective, as much as we still want to orgasm, its much more about the mental pleasure than it was before we got hurt. This is illustrated by kiwibiker's post who still wants to have sex even though he cant feel it. Its more of a mental stimulation for him to see the sex taking place, knowing he has an active part in the process. We get off on knowing that we can still get a girl off so we give women a lot more oral and manual stimulation - fingering. The other bonus for women is that guys are generally hell bent on pleasing the woman and ladies, that means unheard of quantities of foreplay (I define foreplay as every but vaginal or anal sex). And in most cases guys want the woman to cum first.

There is only one case that I have experienced with a female with a disability. She was a paraplegic and had no feeling below the waist. She was a house mate of mine and we had a few sexual experiences together but she eventually found another guy, while we still shared the house together. She would go to his place and come back the next day telling me how good it was. It didnt bother me as she and I were really good friends but one thing I remember her saying was that she loved to be f*!ked like a porn star and we did a lot of crazy things together. This indicated to me that she got off on the mental stimulation of being treated like a porn star.

Im not totally sure of this but from my experience I think its a plus for women that when I cum, it lasts for around a minute. My whole body shakes uncontrollably and its a huge experience for her for the first time. I think its again linked to the mental stimulation thing where the woman knows that even if I have a disability, they can still give me the satisfaction of cumming.

I have experienced threesomes, same room sex and swinging since my injury and have had no problems at all with either my partner or the people I we have been involved with. I am confident in my own abilities and see the positives in everything that I do. Having said that, I am a very independent person, my partner would say stubbornly independent, but I exude this and also exude confidence when I go to a club or meet new people which really helps.

At the end of the day just remember one thing. We have exactly the same dreams, aspirations and desires as you. I dont see my disability as limiting, I see it as a new direction in my life and a new driving force. For me nothing is impossible, it just takes a little longer or requires a little inventiveness. My partner loved doggy style sex which is impossible for me to give. So I got online and found a bench seat that is specifically designed just for that reason. Now she LOVES it and yeah, is not the regular way doing things but when it comes to sex what is regular? Is it any different to using a sex swing? I dont think so.

OK that's my two cents worth for now, I will post later when I get some more time. If anyone has questions, comments or suggetions about anything relating to the topics I have written about or anything to do with sex and disability then please, feel free to reply.

Bronzed :la:


Insight into Sex with a person with a Disability - part 2

In my last post I wrote about communication and understanding of a person's disability being an important key in overcoming some of the 'hangups' about sex with such people.

In this post I will try and give you a 'heads up' on what to expect visually when engaging in sex with a person with a guy with a physical disability.

As mentioned in my last post, there are large differences in body function from one person to the next. Different conditions result in different levels of function and this is particularly the case with bladder and bowel function.

Bladder and bowel dysfunction is, in my opinion, the single, most devastating and embarrassing part of living with a physical disability. That being said, it rarely limits a person's sexual enjoyment and should never be cited as reason for not engaging in sexual relations with such person.

Bladder and bowel dysfunction is associated with many different medical 'conditions', the most common being spinal cord injury and cerebral palsy. I am not a doctor nor do I have have any medical training however, as noted in my previous post, have spoken to, roomed with (as part of my sporting life) and worked with many people with physical disabilities, the most common being spinal injury so I feel I am reasonably qualified to write about bowel and bladder dysfunction.

Bowel and bladder dysfunction CAN be managed and most people living with the condition do so with the aid of operations and equipment. This is what I want to give you a 'heads up' about.

OK, as I said before, there are many different levels of function and these reflect how bowel and bladder dysfunction are managed. Paraplegics (those with complete use of their upper bodies) generally lack any feeling that they need to empty their bladder. So to manage this, they wear a leg bag with a small plastic hose attached to a type of condom which is worn in the penis. The condom looks like a regular prophylactic condom however the condom itself attached using a washable adhesive and the end of the condom is cut off, allowing drainage to the leg bag. The leg bag is worn either on the thigh or on the side of the calf. There is a small tap on the leg bag which is opened when the leg bags is full, allowing for drainage into a toilet.

The downside to using condom type drainage is the condom can, from time to time, become unstuck from the penis, resulting in unwanted wetting. So to overcome this, some people opt for a something called a superpubic catheter. This is a tube that inserts into the bladder from a hole made in the stomach, funnily enough, just above the pubic bone and below the navel. This tube then attaches to the leg bag similar to the condom type leg bag. A superpubic catheter has a small balloon which is filled with water to stop it from coming out of the bladder. The superpubic catheter is changed every week to prevent infection of the bladder. If you are with a man or woman with this type of bladder management, DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, PULL THE SUPERPUBIC CATHETER. Doing so will not remove it, but cause excruciating pain, as you try to force the water filled balloon up the urethra, kind of like forcing an elephant through the eye of a needle.

For quadriplegics, the situation can be different. Most quadriplegics suffer from a condition known as dysreflexia or hypereflexia. This stems from a short circuit in the autonomous nervous system. The sufferer starts feeling tingles and/or hot flushes, goosebumps then appear on the skin and the blood pressure rises, leading to flushed skin on the face. Quadriplegics (such as myself) use these feelings/symptoms to recognise pain below their level of feeling, generally caused by a full bladder or bowel.

Quadriplegics that can, such as myself, insert one end of a lubricated plastic tube (a catheter) through the eye of their penis, up the urethra (or ureter in the case of females) until the flow of urine starts. The other end of the catheter is placed in the toilet. When the bladder is empty the catheter is removed and generally disposed of. This process is called catherisation. Quadriplegics that have little to no hand function will have a leg bag configured in the aforementioned paragraphs.

You may be asking yourself "this is all good and well telling me about all this, but what the hell does it have to do with me and sex???"

In the case of catheterisation, generally nothing. Most guys and girls empty their bladder discretely before sex and that's all there is to it. Paraplegics will generally remove their leg bag and condom draingage before sex too. However, in the cases where a superpubic catheter is involved, or 'high level' quadriplegics (those with little to no hand function), things are a little different.

Those people with superpubic catheters can still have sex like anyone else, with the catheter in place. In some cases, people can remove the attached leg bag for the duration of sexual activity, others cannot. Remember, a superpubic catheter or leg bag is just like a wheelchair, or even like a vibrator. It is a tool, nothing more. Unlike a vibrator, a superpubic catheter and wheelchair are essential tools, they don't change who the person is, their dreams or desires so don't react as if they are different to you.

OK, one more factor you need may need to take into consideration is unwanted wetting. This has happened to me only 4 times in the hundreds of times I have had sex since my injury but it is still something I feel you should know about. I mentioned before about catheterisation and the process involved. Well, due to the process of introducing a foreign body into your body (the catheter), there is the possibility of introducing bugs into the bladder. Likewise, those with leg bags do not completely empty their bladder, a small amount of urine sits in the bladder which becomes stagnant and can harbor infection. The result being a UTI (urinary tract infection). These are treated with antibiotics and are the personal bane of my existence. Some able bodies women will know exactly what happens when you have a UTI but for those who have never experienced one or dont know what happens, prepare to be educated.

The problem with UTI's is that the bladder lining becomes irritated, kind of like having salt on an open wound. So the muscles around the bladder spasm, quickly forcing the bladder sphincter to open. In able bodied people this forces a rush to the toilet, but for those with a physical disability it causes unwanted wetting. I was personally in tears when this first happened to me when I was in bed with my partner. I was playing with her and all a sudden, without warning, a small splash hit her, causing her to almost roll out of bed! We just put a towel down and kept going, no big deal.

OK, by now you are probably thinking that you want nothing to do with a guy or girl with a physical disability but, for the vast majority of the time, there are no issues at all. All guys and girls with a physical disability have thought this through and prepare their bodies for sex (either by going to the toilet or removing unwanted apparatus from their body) to minimise fuss and problems.

The only problem I have experience (and my partner gets upset about this from time to time) is that it sometimes takes the spontaneity out of sex. We just start getting hot and heavy when I say I have to go to the toilet. But that's also because our sessions last up to 3 hours and she completely understands.

So to all you guys and girls out there maybe holding back from sexual encounters with people with physical disabilities because you dont know what to expect, consider yourself now informed, talk to the person about any hangups or questions you might have. You will find that they are VERY open about it all, and you will both enjoy awesome sex and, more often than not, come back for more!

Again, any questions, comments or suggestions, please post a reply and I will deal with them as best I can.

Grant (bronzed)


Re: Insight into Sex with a person with a Disability - part 2

Hi I have a sexual question can i ask it here very new to this thanks


Gold Member
Re: Insight into Sex with a person with a Disability - part 2

Hi and welcome to the forum Frances

go ahead ask your question there might be other people thinking the same about asking questions but are to shy to ask


Re: Insight into Sex with a person with a Disability - part 2

Hi i know of some one in a wheel chair and has needs no partner and longs to be touched is there any thing available.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Re: Insight into Sex with a person with a Disability - part 2

Hi Bronzed, this is a quick reply to say what a great post. Very informative and I am sure this post will help many over the years.I will reply again later as your post has raised a question or two I wish to ask.Thank You for sharing.
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Re: Insight into Sex with a person with a Disability - part 2

Hi Frances and Maryanne,

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Be as open and forward as possible so I can be as informative as possible. Nothing is taboo or too much. The more I can educate the better. Maryanne, if you need assistance with the web site or forums please let me know as I have extensive web programming experience.




Re: Insight into Sex with a person with a Disability - part 2

I am bronzed partner and I must say that sex with him is the best I've had. I dont think an able bodied guy cares more about you then a guy with a disability...Yes we cant do all the positions that everyone else does but this gives me a well deserved workout. I am losing weight and enjoying sex alot more now. The reaction I get from him coming is the best feeling, and I know he cant fake this like some guys can.

Miranda Fox

Hi Bronzed and Princess,
I have just read your posts and I am truly touched.
I am a private escort, ok new to it for the last six years. Previous to that I worked for over 10 yrs for the Health Department in Mental Health.
I am a caring person and last year had noted on my website that I see clients with special needs ie blind, deaf, intellectually handicapped, cerebral palsy, wheelchair bound.
I have seen men with one leg, and all of the above. I have seen men with the colostomy bag ( sorry not sure of the correct terms to use ).
Princess you must be a very caring and loving lady too.

Be safe and enjoy life.
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I just joined this site today and during my wanders found this post, which I must say is excellent. We must treat people with a disability with respect, they have needs and feelings to. I hope everyone reads this. Well done keep it up


I know many workig ladies including myself that are more than happy to see people with a disability no matter what it is and my personal attitude to it is is that everyone has problems and why judge between them instead of just adjusting around them.

Mary Anne PA

Re: Insight into Sex with a person with a Disability - part 2

I am bronzed partner and I must say that sex with him is the best I've had. I dont think an able bodied guy cares more about you then a guy with a disability...Yes we cant do all the positions that everyone else does but this gives me a well deserved workout. I am losing weight and enjoying sex alot more now. The reaction I get from him coming is the best feeling, and I know he cant fake this like some guys can.

One of my earliest experiences with a guy, was with a guy who used a wheelchair for Muscular Dystrophy. The sex was great, as I was in control :evil4: and I know what you mean about a great workout!

I also had a few patrons who had disabilities, while I was dancing, as I understood that they would enjoy different things than other guys. A grinding lapdance is no good to some people, instead a cuddle and boobs in the face is much nicer ;)


Foundation Member
Hey bronzed great post,being a quad myself (13yrs)i think you pretty much explained it all and i hope its a help for others abled or disabled.I know exactly what you mean when you say we get off by getting them off,i love nothing more than eating pussy for hours and hear the pleasure it gives the ladies.



Like everyone here I was so impressed with your posting. It makes things so much easier to understand and help avoid some embarrassment. Its nice to have the facts from someone who knows rather than generic text!! I am sure this posting will enlighten so many more people and remove the 'unknown/scarey' factor of sexual activity with someone in this situation.
Well done!!


adventurous annie

Just wondering about penis pump implants?? I saw a guy who had one but had many issues with it. Are these common?


I have no problem with people with disabilities, or having them as a client for that matter (I never have but have disabled friends who I chat to online)

I've always been respectful that everyone has needs :)

Just curious... How many escorts are ok with providing services to disabled individuals?

adventurous annie

Lolita - i have worked with a couple ( i am trained in auslan and makaton signing systems). I have had deaf clients and also a client with cerebal palsy. not an easy job at all - hated taking their money.


Lolita - i have worked with a couple ( i am trained in auslan and makaton signing systems). I have had deaf clients and also a client with cerebal palsy. not an easy job at all - hated taking their money.

If you look at it that way, I guess it would be challenging...

A good friend of mine who's a paraplegic is a really happy person despite his disability... But I'm aware others aren't.


For Precious Ladies
Bronze Member
Hi Bronzed - and others - i can give you a view from a slightly different perspective.
Some years ago i dated a female paraplegic. She was a very beautiful lady and i was very nervous about having sex with her.
She explained some of her limitations - along the lines of what Bronzed has described. But because I luv connecting with peoples eyes, I didn;t see any of her limitations as an issue at all.
We were together for a few months and during that time she was the most amazing bj and hj ever. She taught me a lot - we had a full and open sex life - and when she went to get married i was devastated at losing her - but sooooo happy to have had her in my life. I still think about it to this day - 15 years later
If i can help anyone in a similar position - as Bronzed would say - be open, understanding and loving, and you will open yourself up to a new experience.

Laura Myer

Hi Bronzed,

Thanks for sharing and giving us more insight about disabilities.

I am an ex-Sydney escort, and I remember a few men who had disabilities or were mentally challenged too. My memories with them were terrific! It did boil down to communication whether it was from the gentlemen themselves or direct from their carer.

But it was so worth it to see the smile on their faces afterwards, and to see that they were so happy to have an interlude with a woman.

One man who was mentally challenged had a smile from ear to ear. Before he left to return to the nursing home, I put a few kisses all over his face which we wore with pride heading to the car, as well as to show off the kisses to all his friends.

It was really good to see him so happy!



The aim of this section is to offer sex and sexual facts, information and advice relating to disability and the disabled person and their partners sexual needs. Sites containing pornographic images will not be included. Should you the viewer see such sites change to included such material please email us. If you are offended by sex and sexual matters of the disabled please leave.
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Davis i can't grasp your comment, there are no photos on this thread? can you take the time to make me understand your point please.

Laura Myer

Hi Darthron

When WL's experience uncomfortable feelings, it's only because it is through lack of training and education about men with physical limits.

There's no training in the industry on how to be an effective escort. (Although in NSW they are starting to train re: disabilities and I remember a workshop being offered).

So the best people can do, is communicate their needs as best as they can.

I worked privately so it was easier to try to communicate needs. If you see a WL in a parlour, maybe you might need to phone ahead or if you select someone in a parlour, just try to explain as best as you can how things work with you.




Wow i'm so glad i read this information i have learn't so much just by reading this and i know alot of people with a disability so this was great insite for me. I don't mean just with sexual things i mean in general. so thank u Bronzed for your insire and would love to learn more about some other things.


If you are the client with a disability coming into an establishment it does help when you give the venue heads up.... or if your disability is not an obvious one and you prefer to discuss this with your hostess in a lounge environment this is also ok, just as long as it's communicated before the service and due to the lack of experience as not everyone works with people with disabilities it helps if you be somewhat directive about how you like things...... second time round will be a lot more easier if any difficulties in initial play time.... for the hostess... it's ok to ask questions.. if the client is in your establishment expecting to meet new girls then they too are aware that this is common... don't be shy.....go fly & enjoy..... ps. even if the disability is Erectile dysfunction ask the client what he likes or strap it on and just go wild..... At the end of the day none of us are perfect... we all come with some type of disability some just more obvious than others.....Respect for another is a universal value....How we use it, is another thing entirely... ciao ciao.... Cleo :)


people with disability they have needs too therefore coming to langtrees will help us girls deal with disability and educate us girls


If you are the client with a disability coming into an establishment it does help when you give the venue heads up.... or if your disability is not an obvious one and you prefer to discuss this with your hostess in a lounge environment this is also ok, just as long as it's communicated before the service and due to the lack of experience as not everyone works with people with disabilities it helps if you be somewhat directive about how you like things...... second time round will be a lot more easier if any difficulties in initial play time.... for the hostess... it's ok to ask questions.. if the client is in your establishment expecting to meet new girls then they too are aware that this is common... don't be shy.....go fly & enjoy..... ps. even if the disability is Erectile dysfunction ask the client what he likes or strap it on and just go wild..... At the end of the day none of us are perfect... we all come with some type of disability some just more obvious than others.....Respect for another is a universal value....How we use it, is another thing entirely... ciao ciao.... Cleo :)

Well said hunni and i totally agree with u :)


you knows pobably the most touching thing ive ever read and its totally opened my eyes you girls are truly the bomb and i have much respect for you all girls at langtrees especially you cleopatra you hungry lovely thing