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Implanon- The Silent Killer


Foundation Member
I had a friend who recently had this implanted based on ill advice and since then I have noticed a substantial change in her mood, personality and her general mental state. She has isolated herself from all her friends, those who she really cared, she would sometimes cry for no apparent reason and most of the time she just wants to be left alone. Nothing else matters to her and she can't give a toss if she has no friends.

She is starting to realise this after we had some very extended discussions. The issue is that she is not even aware that she is pissing off all her friends.
She now plans to have her implanon removed. Hopefully she will go ahead and actually get it done.

I would like to know if anyone here has a similar experience.

Sean 39

They are huge signs of depression! im not sure if it is related to it or not(Implanon)but she may just have pre- despostion for depression anyway and there maybe OTHER things going in her life,i would personaly take her to a doctor and they will go through a 'check list'of things for ur friend..
Good luck! let us all no how it all went.
Ps FarmBoy is right.


Foundation Member
I'm going over to Sydney in a few days' time and will catch up with her. I will discuss with her about seeing a doctor.
I've heard that some had it removed and their hormones went back to "normal" and they become their normal self again.

Alecia the Foxx

Have never had Implanon, but a couple of years ago, I got one of those "Merina" IUCD's. They release small amounts of the relevant contraceptive hormone into the blood stream. After insertion, I got hit with the meanest bout of depression I have ever experienced. I had it removed, and all returned to normal, but my doctor reckoned that that small amount of the hormone could not have caused the depression. Whatever, I know what I went through.


Exclusive Private Escort
Foundation Member
All contraceptives have some side effects. Some women tolerate them better than others.

If a method isnt working then fortunately there are lots of other methods to try.

Any of the chemical based contraceptives are known to have side effects such as mood swings, depression, weight gain, headaches, bloating, breakthrough bleeding, etc.

I was one of the first women in SA to have the implanon inserted and I am now on my 3rd one. So I have had them in for 7 years now.

I had side effects with Depo Provera (injectable contraceptive every 12 weeks) which included depression, loss of libido, mood swings, headaches.

Since using Implanon I had no side effects for the for 2 implants....and no periods either which was a massive bonus after spotting continuously on Depo. However when I had the last one changed they couldnt located the implant by palpatation, and so I had to have it removed under ultrasound. That appointment was 3 mths down the track, and so they inserted the new one in my right arm. Within 2 weeks I developed the same pigmentation I had when I was pregnant, and it extended all the way over my back.

It has now taken over 12 mths for that pigmentation to fade.

That however is the only side effect I had.

Each woman is different in how she reacts to contraceptives, some cannot take the pill, some have issues with iuds, some have problems with implants, its a matter of finding what works for each woman, and the woman being alert to any changes after starting contraceptives.



My friend went through a very similar situation after having her implanon inserted. She had it removed three months later and went back to normal.


Foundation Member
Just a general medical observation and a bit of advice for anyone taking prescribed drugs:

No-one knows your body better than you do. If you think a drug is causing trouble, even if the Doc says "Nah! that can't be the drug" you are probably right.

I was once prescribed a drug to control minor symtoms associated with an enlarged prostate. It fogged my brain so much that I found myself doing silly things driving. Once I stopped taking it all was well but the Doctor insisted no-one had that trouble with that drug and it had been around for years. Bottom line is that I knew what it did to me and stopped taking it pronto.

Farm Boy

Just a general medical observation and a bit of advice for anyone taking prescribed drugs:

No-one knows your body better than you do. If you think a drug is causing trouble, even if the Doc says "Nah! that can't be the drug" you are probably right.

I was once prescribed a drug to control minor symtoms associated with an enlarged prostate. It fogged my brain so much that I found myself doing silly things driving. Once I stopped taking it all was well but the Doctor insisted no-one had that trouble with that drug and it had been around for years. Bottom line is that I knew what it did to me and stopped taking it pronto.

Nar the doc probably had a dirty finger when he discover your puffed up prostate.

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
Thankfully I haven't had any side affects with my implant, & sometimes your friends do know better than you either way she really needs to see a doctor by the sounds of it!


Legend Member
Svengali is dead right Its your body and the sympyoms will be unique to you.
And if a doctor wont believe you maybe a doctor who believes his patients is required.

Dirty finger! Naughty naughty TD

Farm Boy

Svengali is dead right Its your body and the sympyoms will be unique to you.
And if a doctor wont believe you maybe a doctor who believes his patients is required.

Dirty finger! Naughty naughty TD

Sorry it was only a theory but it is important to discover all possible causes of mysterious side effects of peoples prescribed medication.
Svengali depression may even have been a mental issue some blokes don't approve of things shoved up there bum.

adventurous annie

Just checked this out and the manufacturer claims that a mere 6.1% of women taking this drug experience emotional lability (also known as involuntary emotional expression disorder - IEED).
I think this is probably horse shit myself as any hormone based contraceptive has the ability to significantly alter emotional and physcological states.
Either way - i agree with the general consensus here - if it don't feel right - don't do it!