• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

I hope this wasn't one of our ladies


Silver Member

horrific. what would possess someone to do such a thing

that link is from my mobile so I'm not sure if it will work

Farm Boy


Naughty Thoughts

Ow, that's bad.

Article didn't mention if it was an accident or an assault.

Farm Boy

TTHE sister of Dana Vulin, the woman who suffered life-threatening burns when she was set alight in her Rivervale apartment, has sat by her unconscious sibling's hospital bedside reading aloud messages of support.

While Ms Vulin, 25, remained in an induced coma on life support, police continued their hunt for her attacker, interviewing friends and associates.

A neighbour investigating a smoke alarm found Ms Vulin smouldering in the doorway of her riverfront apartment about 6am on Thursday, suffering burns to 60 per cent of her body. He put her in the shower, running cold water on her horrific injuries.

Ms Vulin's sister, Svetlana Velickovski, wrote on Facebook yesterday: "Thanks for all the wishes in all the forums we are getting them, I am reading all your hopes to her every single one."

It is understood Ms Vulin will remain in an induced coma at Royal Perth Hospital at least until mid-week.

Det-Sen-Sgt Chris Adams said police were investigating several leads but no one had been charged over the attack.

A fund has been set up to help pay Ms Vulin's medical expenses. Anyone wanting to donate can visit the Westpac bank or deposit into the Foundation for Dana Vulin account, BSB 036-000, account number 939549.


Diamond Member
Yes, that is disturbing news, although there is nothing in the article to suggest there is any correlation as to why it would be a lady that frequents this forum.

Farm Boy

Yes, that is disturbing news, although there is nothing in the article to suggest there is any correlation as to why it would be a lady that frequents this forum.


Legend Member
They have edited that part out about being hazardous occupation.


(yes that was appropriate)


Oh that's awful. It really makes me wonder what thoughts are going through someones mind when they commit such an act.

Did the newspaper edit the line stating Hazardous occupation? That's an interesting term. Would never consider our industry hazardous. Hmmm.....

Farm Boy

Oh that's awful. It really makes me wonder what thoughts are going through someones mind when they commit such an act.

Did the newspaper edit the line stating Hazardous occupation? That's an interesting term. Would never consider our industry hazardous. Hmmm.....
No I should have been more accurate The Cock misunderstood my reasoning . and yes I consider your industry to bit a bit more hazardous than mine,


Gold Member
I listened to Channel Nine News tonight on the radio on the way home tonight.. and they said she did 'Marketing'.

Nobody deserves what happened to her (except the one who did it to her).


Legend Member
Speaking of which, do you think it had something to do with the other torchings in Perth?


Probably not..

The other couple were a young girl and a Samoan lady. You don't just set someone on fire for no reason (not that there's any reason) but it's probably someone known to them.

Perth is becoming more and more fucked up that's for sure.


Foundation Member

Lillian Tan just recently moved into an appartment in Rivervale.

I do hope it wasn't her but, really, nobody deserves that.



Thank you for the concern :)

I'm not in Rivervale and I'm still in one piece....perfectly well and healthy :p

As for what happened..I guess noone can really tell what goes on inside humans' minds, can't they?


Farm Boy


"In Australia, there are about 85 farm injury deaths per year. And for every 1000 farms, between 200 and 600 injuries need hospital treatment each year."

If I can be so bold as to assume you are a farmer.


Very astute observation Alexandra and I am what I say , plus when young Long distance truck driver + miner ( open cut) same insurance group as police and firemen , still have to take my hat of to WL's tho.

Alecia the Foxx

This industry is most definitely a hazardous occupation. Prostitutes are the most likely occupation to be murdered. That is part of the reason why we can charge as much as lawyers and doctors.


Resident kinky pervert
Foundation Member
Because people want to murder their lawyers too ?

Its not Perth thats to blame... its the minds of the people in it


This industry is most definitely a hazardous occupation. Prostitutes are the most likely occupation to be murdered.
Wow Alecia! I never realized.
Escorts to private homes certainly make me a little nervous. Which is why I prefer to see a client at my place before visiting them at home. The one exception is gentleman from the Forum. The gentleman who frequent here are some the most wonderful clients and I never have to worry with them.


Foundation Member
Wow Alecia! I never realized.
Escorts to private homes certainly make me a little nervous. Which is why I prefer to see a client at my place before visiting them at home. The one exception is gentleman from the Forum. The gentleman who frequent here are some the most wonderful clients and I never have to worry with them.

That is the problem. I would bet punters generally are decent people who would never hurt a woman or anyone else for that matter. True baddies are one in a few thousand but you only have to meet one of them once........


It can be very hazardous...getting in a cab with a driver while intoxicated, sitting down in the park after a morning walk to meditate, taking/going home with someone you meet for first time or don't know that well....have all put me in positions far worse than I have ever been in at work...however have made me VERY cautious in what i do.

Self preservation and care is paramount and putting those safety procedures in place for yourself...even if others don't agree with them it what you have to do, your own personal safety AND peace of mind is key always.

But prayers and thoughts go out to that poor woman and her family, burning would be one of the most horrible, painful and the scars internal and external will be there for SO long, she has a long road of recovery ahead of her physically and emotionally...I can for me in different situation but similar in the feeling like your safety had been stolen so even walking out the door can be one that takes every ounce of strength in you...even if you only make it to the front gate.

Such a hateful crime, this person really wanted to cause pain beyond all pain.....I really shake me head and wonder what happened to these people for them to not only have thoughts like that put to plan it out and then actually light that match....WTF???


Just wondering why to...after researching further into the story do people think she was working lady...she is blonde glamorous beauty? she lives in apartments in Riverdale?. The reports I read was that she is uni educated and works in marketing...or is that the family's way of wanting to keep her privacy? Interesting how we pigeon hole (I hate the word judge) people with a few sketch leads..people finish off the story on there own!!


Foundation Member
This industry is most definitely a hazardous occupation. Prostitutes are the most likely occupation to be murdered. That is part of the reason why we can charge as much as lawyers and doctors.

not even close

i think the defense force has the highest rate of fatalities in the workplace


Lol but that's a bit different! You'd expect that a person who joins the defence force expects / wants to go to on a "war" deployment. War = death.

With prostitution you have the unknown of exactly who your seeing. Girls generally aren't prepared to get assaulted, aren't as strong etc


Legend Member
Just wondering why to...after researching further into the story do people think she was working lady...she is blonde glamorous beauty? she lives in apartments in Riverdale?. The reports I read was that she is uni educated and works in marketing...or is that the family's way of wanting to keep her privacy? Interesting how we pigeon hole (I hate the word judge) people with a few sketch leads..people finish off the story on there own!!

Im not sure but I think the article was edited and that part was removed.