• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

How do we stop illegal immigration?


Foundation Member
Our boarders have been compromised and the country has reached breaking point with the huge number of illegal immigrants entering Australian waters. The detention centres are full. These arrivals are now being placed into the community and have little or no resources and cant work. Due to the sheer number of these people the authorities don't have the manpower to monitor them. A convicted murderer and Jihadist was in minimum detention for months at a place in the Adelaide Hills yet the Minister didn't know that an alert of the highest had been issued for this guy several months earlier. Nobody knows how many of these people have drowned at sea but it must be in the hundreds including many children.

It appears that we are going to get a change of government in September but how can the Coalition stop this influx? Has the genie escaped the bottle permanently.

What's the answer?


Silver Member
this country wastes money on bureaucracy and red tape,,,,i wanted to import a car from japan,,,8 stages an steps to do cocurring with several government departments etc.....i need a fucking pty ltd company to get a RAWS licence,,,what a fucken joke,,,,have u been to Sydney??? its a melting pot of cultures,,,i was in Bankstown,,,but i thought iwas in Lebanon crossed with Vietnam,,,,this country introduces so many policies and procedures its ard to fucking breathe!!!!


Legend Member
The reality is that the majority of illegal immigrants fly into Oz on visitors visas, then simply disappear - and they mainly come from the UK (around 70 % of all illegal immigrants, which is what 'boat people' are).

European countries have illegal immigrants in the thousands cross their borders.

So our boat people problem is mostly emotional - but no less real for that.

I don't like people jumping queues when there are thousands in refugee camps in Afghanistan - so if you are rich and can afford to pay people smugglers, than you can get into Oz !

My answer would be to take all expenses for housing, etc., boat people out of the foreign aide we give Indonesia - then watch the boats stop !



Gold Member
Tony Abbot says he'll stop the boats. Hasn't really revealed how exactly. But I trust him. If he says he's going to do something I'm sure he will do it.

But in all seriousness, two years ago a stat came out that if 'boat people' kept coming at the (then) current rate, it would take 20 years to fill the MCG. In recent weeks that's been revised to 4 years. For me... whether it's 4 or 20... it puts the problem in perspective. In that it's not as big a problem as some make out.

If you're worried about people that come on boats because you're genuinely concerned about their safety... go ahead. Worry away.
But if you're only worried about the problem because you think the country is 'bursting at the seems' or being 'overtaken' [by brown people]. And you just can't bear the thought of an extremely small percentage of your tax money going to help a small amount of, in most cases, very unfortunate people... you should take a look at yourself.
I think it's fair to say most of us here won in the sperm lottery. Most of us weren't born in shitty conditions in shitty countries. We so easily could have been. We're lucky. Unlike millions of others. So... stop being so shitty.


Bronze Member
I would tend to agree with this sentiment if the foreign aid to Indonesian was reduced commensurate with the cost of processing, housing and resettlement costs for each refugee it would not take long for the Indonesians to start really cracking down on people smugglers.


Perhaps the Australian government should take $50 million to Indonesia, go up and down the coast line to all the fishing villages, buy all the old boats from the locals, tow them out to sea and sink the damn things. If you want to increase our refugee intake fine, but don't allow people to jump over legitimate applicants.

As for the comparison with European 'illegals' who overstay their visa, that is apples and oranges, as the visa overstayer isn't looking for citizenship or to bring over fifty rellies. Once they are found, caught at an RBT for example, they are returned to their country of origin. We have a guy in detention that has been found guilty of mass murder and explosive offences in Egypt (how bad do you need to be to be found guilty of terrorism in Egypt) and we are still considering his application to stay. We don't want to deny him his rights.


As for the comparison with European 'illegals' who overstay their visa, that is apples and oranges, as the visa overstayer isn't looking for citizenship or to bring over fifty rellies. Once they are found, caught at an RBT for example, they are returned to their country of origin. We have a guy in detention that has been found guilty of mass murder and explosive offences in Egypt (how bad do you need to be to be found guilty of terrorism in Egypt) and we are still considering his application to stay. We don't want to deny him his rights.

"As for the comparison with European 'illegals' who overstay their visa, that is apples and oranges, as the visa overstayer isn't looking for citizenship" - and you know this - how?

as the visa overstayer isn't looking for citizenship or to bring over fifty rellies. - and you know this - how?


Legend Member
Visa over stayer or boat people, either way they need $$$ to come over. Visa over stayer, bought air ticket, pay for visa application, fly their butts here.

Boat people these days, bought air tickets to fly to an Asian destination such as Indonesia or Malaysia, then pay a large sum of cash or in gold, board a crappy fishing boat in Indonesia, sail for couple of days and hail presto they reach Geraldton, seeing a huge sign "Welcome to Geraldton", put a big smile on their face. lol...

Boat people in the 70's, e.g. those from Vietnam, paid in gold bars to board barely sea worthy boats in Vietnam, then sail the treacherous ocean many many miles to reach the land of great dreams.

It's fair enough Australia need to do its part in taking certain percentage of genuine refugees, but they need to work with our neighbours to curb illegal boats from leaving their shores in the 1st place. Stringent local policing is needed. Pinch it at the source not the destination. You can use as much fly spray as you like but you can never get rid of it without finding the source.

Farm Boy

"As for the comparison with European 'illegals' who overstay their visa, that is apples and oranges, as the visa overstayer isn't looking for citizenship" - and you know this - how?

as the visa overstayer isn't looking for citizenship or to bring over fifty rellies. - and you know this - how?

The facts are All visa over stayers if caught go ( fly out of Australia )

Now if you have a Visa and fly to Australia you can request asylum. but this must be done upon landing

One of the things about this method of entering Australia is you have Identity documentation we know who you are ( or purporting to be )


Legend Member
...the following summary is worth a read...it's only 2 pages... :)

Link is broken so has been taken down

Well done Fudd.

They are refugees, who we put in concentration camps, and treat worse than criminals. The criminals are Howard, Rudd, Gillard and Abbott and their supporters who instituted this policy and continue with it. Until 2001 when Howard looked like losing the elections we treated refugees as such, until racist Howard had his way with the lies about the Tampa incident which the Navy said were lies. The pandering media downplayed the navy's truth.
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Farm Boy

http://www.asrc.org.au/media/documen...mary-sheet.pdf I disagree Fudd

And this is how to get in the Q

You can make a request to the Minister by writing a letter which explains your situation and any important information about you. If you have someone helping you with your case, they can help you write that letter in your own name. If you have a migration agent helping you then they can write the letter to the Minister about you and your situation. Please click on the headings below to find out more information about how to apply to the Minister.

What should I put in the letter?

You should make sure that in your letter you explain how your situation fits into the Minister’s guidelines of what he will consider in a person’s case. You can find a copy of the Minister’s guidelines, which will help you to understand what to put in your letter by clicking here.

If you do make a request to the Minister it is really important to provide as much information as you can. If you just send a short one or two page request without providing evidence which supports your request – then usually your request will be refused. To give your case the best chance it is a good idea to try to gather as much evidence as you can to support your request to stay in Australia. It is a good idea to include these things in the letter you write.

Please click on each heading below to find out more information:

Include a statutory declaration

Include evidence about your integration in Australia and any special skills you have

Include references and letters of support

Include information about any risks to you if you return home

Include information about your medical, psychiatric or psychological conditions

It is important that any information you provide to the Minister is real and genuine. It will not help you to provide false information or documents.
Where do I send the letter?

You apply to the Minister by sending your request to the Minister to:

Postal Address:
Chris Bowen MP
Minister for Immigration and Citizenship
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Remember to send it by registered post so you have evidence of having sent it that you can show the DIAC.

Do that and you will be in a Q if accepted for a very long time . fly to Indonesia Hop an a old fishing boat and if you get to Aus your chances of living in the best country in the world are excellent


Legend Member
There is no queue. That is not how refugee stuff works.

Remember that Britain sent Jews back to Germany as late as 1939, saying that they had no case.

Both ALP and Lib leaders are British, and Howard wanted to be British.

Farm Boy

There is a wait while your application is being process that is Queue if you do not apply , and merely jump on a boat that is bypassing the process ie queue jumping . and my above post is exactly how the refugee process works .

Join a queue or hope on a boat there are Australian citizen in Perth who have used ether method , both work .


Silver Member
This is a very complex issue for many countries. Some of the 'queue jumpers' may really have grounds to seek refugee status and have no other option but to escape their countries by whatever means necessary (i.e. boats). Others in the same boat not so much.

Abbott has to be careful with what he intends to do. Australia has international legal rights which must be respected.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Well done Fudd.

They are refugees, who we put in concentration camps, and treat worse than criminals. The criminals are Howard, Rudd, Gillard and Abbott and their supporters who instituted this policy and continue with it. Until 2001 when Howard looked like losing the elections we treated refugees as such, until racist Howard had his way with the lies about the Tampa incident which the Navy said were lies. The pandering media downplayed the navy's truth.

Good on you Fudd and Demon........I so agree and I just want to point out a couple of things..........1) to get on a rusty old boat with your family and leave country and home and culture and language and parts of your familky behind to approach a new country....hang on.....people don't do that just because it is fashion or on a wimp......they only take a risk as such if they feel they have to because they are not save in their own country. Think about yourselves.....what would you guys make to leave your country on a rusty boat to a destination you hardly know anything about?
2) it actually turned out that 99% of boat people so far processed do have a legitimate case.
Instead of being hostile have empathy for people in need who risk everything to get to a save country.



Legend Member
Well said Rochelle
It is a pity more people don't show some empathy instead of hostility towards the refugees but that would just be un Australian to do that.
Its funny how everyone thinks of boat people as the major illegal refugee entries, look up the facts and find the truth ,but the truth doesn't scare Joe public like a good story or gain political leverage (just ask John Howard).
I feel sad to call myself Australian when I see all the bogans with the F@#k off we're full stickers, what if we said the same thing to the Vietnamese refugees in the seventies or the European migrants in the 50s and 60s?.
I don't think its so much the refugees fault that they don't assimilate in society rather than all the political correctness that seems so fashionable today. The main problem I see we have is with politicians of all parties not having the balls to make tough and unpopular decisions when in reality both major parties leaders are both unpopular and have no balls.

I think if any refugee is granted status to stay in Australia they and their family should be on a one strike policy break the law and home you go and that includes time waiting to be processed.

I'm amazed Contrarian hasn't had an opinion on this subject yet, he has one on everything else and this is one topic i'd like to see his opinion on.


Sparky, I do have an opinion but at the same time (presently), I can't be bothered dealing with extremists or racists hiding behind the cloak of feigned indignation. I'm sure if the refugees were white, there'd be no such argument. It's really hilarious when they pull some figure out of the air and can't back it up with an official source.

Your comment about how I have an opinion reminds me of the late Groucho Marx and two statements; "“Those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well I have others.” The other was "“He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot.”

Fortunately, I haven't seen this peabrain around. He or she seems unaware that it's "Fiofo" as well. Maybe his single brain cell went AWOL.


Gold Member
I'm sure the colour of the skin or country of origin has nothing to do with the hatred for parasitic illegals.
It is purely that they belong to a barbaric, illiterate and extremist religion that even persecutes it's own followers.

Do you know how they hang people in Arabic Islamic countries?
They put a hood over their head, tie their hands behind their back, put a rope around their neck, attach it to a building crane and hoist them into the air and let them thrash around until they choke to death. Then they are left hanging as an incentive to other followers of their loving, peaceful and compassionate deity. Agh you might say, that is quite civilised and not barbaric at all as they sinned and deserved their punishment.

But then again that may be untruthful just like the holocaust has been proven to be a fabrication that never happened.

My solution would be to pay the people smugglers more than the illegals do to ensure they do not to arrive.
Shark fodder and no evidence.


I'm sure the colour of the skin or country of origin has nothing to do with the hatred for parasitic illegals.
It is purely that they belong to a barbaric, illiterate and extremist religion that even persecutes it's own followers.

Do you know how they hang people in Arabic Islamic countries?
They put a hood over their head, tie their hands behind their back, put a rope around their neck, attach it to a building crane and hoist them into the air and let them thrash around until they choke to death. Then they are left hanging as an incentive to other followers of their loving, peaceful and compassionate deity. Agh you might say, that is quite civilised and not barbaric at all as they sinned and deserved their punishment.

But then again that may be untruthful just like the holocaust has been proven to be a fabrication that never happened.

My solution would be to pay the people smugglers more than the illegals do to ensure they do not to arrive.
Shark fodder and no evidence.

I rest my case.

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

"Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn't misuse it." Pope John Paul II


Legend Member
For those who believe that there is a queue.

The rate at which people in refugee camps are settled in new permanent countries means it will take close to 100 years to resettle everyone in the camps now.

You choose. Wait 100 years in a concentration camp or do whatever it takes to get somewhere.

I have assisted a refugee family resettle (parents + 4 children, 1 school age, the others finished school). They each worked 3 jobs and moved to better accommodation within 12 months. Their boat was raided by pirates twice, with everything stolen + rape.

Boats are not an easy ride. The supposed terrorists get on a plane.

Farm Boy

A one hundred year wait is a queue a long one , and a UN refugee camp is one thing a concentration camp another .

And Demon Have a look around Perth the evidence of a Queue is there Refugees from Africa none of who cane in a boat all were granted imagination status of some sort. They applied waited and then granted a refugee visa then permanent residency , in affect they queued And as far as I am concerned welcome to Australia hope they eat a lot of Mutton*'Wheatbix cake and bread.

*And if the market for chevon cabrito, or capretto grows I will Run some 01_about_boergoats1.jpg


Gold Member
Do you know how they hang people in Arabic Islamic countries?
They put a hood over their head, tie their hands behind their back, put a rope around their neck, attach it to a building crane and hoist them into the air and let them thrash around until they choke to death. Then they are left hanging as an incentive to other followers of their loving, peaceful and compassionate deity.

Sounds like a riot. Don't know why anyone would want to leave and come to, say... a country like Australia.


Legend Member
SHUT THE GATES...NO BUTS NO IFS....WE ARE FULL!!! They do it in other Countries why not is Australia

If we're "full" do we stop immigration for all the kiwis and other nationalities too , or just refugees?