• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Have You Found What You Are Looking For?


Gold Member
Ahoy;- Hmmmm I still looking, but, I have come to the conclusion that the "Journey" is far more important than the "Prize", Thanks for asking.
Cheers and Pass the Rum

I totally agree its all about the journey not the destination

and me.....well I still have not found what I am looking for!

Adrianna Lush

I think best not t look and jist let it come to you.
The Gods, Universe or whatever is out there will guide you or lead things that are meant to be your way x
Seeking/searching often leads to expectations met with disappointment


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
still looking....assuming that there is something to look for.
As the old non believer I am........let's enjoy every day as it might be your last.........I am certainly not looking for fame.........or a mark in this world...........or any other questionable foot prints........we are there and then we are gone.....that's it......end of story.



Kirra Bell

Little bad girl
Diamond Member
Simple question. Have you found what you are looking for or are you still looking?

I'll answer your question with another; if you find what you're looking for, how do you know it was truly what you're looking for or whether you'll ever truly know what you're looking for.... we as humans are always looking for something new, something more... A new planet, new technology, etc... we need to sate our curiosity for information, and when something else comes along, we desire to find more out about it also.... who knows....


Legend Member
Piracy has lost its mystique
I mean whats a modern day pirate now Apart from say the Malacca straits and the Horn of Africa?
Anybody who downloads a movie or music illegally is a pirate So how many of us here are pirates 97% of us?
Wow real romantic being a pirate eh HP?


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy You have forgotten the Malaysian Pirates, they board tanker ship and rip off all the fuel, so yes H2 there arrrrrrrr Pirates


Legend Member
And you know I am not drinking at the moment And your just rubbing it in
You do have a pirates mean streak I will grant you that


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Ohhhhhhh, more rum for me;- Hmmmmm and maybe I treat myself to some ladies, let see now;- 3 or 4 Hmmmmm I need a few more drinks to decide.
PS;- Do`nt forget to take your MEDS


Legend Member
I did have your photo on the wall That stopped me drinking
But I had to take it down As it also took away my will to live:p


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Arghhhhhhhh Bro H2;- I will send some Rum your way;- You need to live------long Time--------LOL


Gold Member
Ahoy there Captain HP permission to come aboard and I bring with me the finest rums of this world so it is time for a Wench, a Whale and a good pint of Ale or Rum.

Captain HP I report that there has been recent surge in piracy off the Somali coast which has spurred a multi-national effort led by the United States to patrol the waters near the Horn of Africa to combat the piracy.

Captain HP may I be as so bold to suggest we alter course for the Island of Tasmania I hear there are many cargo boats their hulls filled with fine treasure that frequent the Port of Hobart.

An added bonus Captain HP is that there is still many a fine Wench to be found on the shores of this Island State.

Shall I up anchor, splice the mainbrace and set a true course for Van Diemans Land?

By the way Captain HP I have press ganged some women from a place on this fair shore known as Langtrees so we better Heave Ho rather quick before our plan is unhatched.

Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
I guess I must have found whatever I was looking for.....
Or maybe I have given up the search, In truth I no longer feel that I have missed out on anything or need something more than I already have. I say yes to just about anything new ....any opportunity to gain new knowledge in whatever shape or form it may present.
I am happy....life could always be better....but Its pretty good right now.
I know the unhappy side of life and I am grateful for today, because I know it will not last forever.
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Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Capt Sqizza, You arrrrrrrr a Genius, I do agree with all your accounts but;- I suspect there will not be too many Wenches on Van Diemans Land, hence I suggest we fill the boat with as many wenches as possible.
For you Capt Sqizza, I have a Treasure Tune for you, it is called:-
"A Tale They Won't Believe" by Weddings Parties Anything -
(A Tale They Won't Believe is a modern song that recounts an historical event of the 1820s. Alexander Pearce, a poorly behaved convict prone to escape attempts, was sent to Sarah Island for his poor discipline. Located on the remote west coast of Tasmania, the island was one of colonial Australia's worst penal settlements.)



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Actually I did find today what was on my "looking for" list...........books!!!!!!! I hate to run out of books to read and I was scarily low on pages to turn. So yes,..........today I belong to the group of people who found what they were looking for. Admittedly it feels good. Let's see what is on the "looking for"list tomorrow.


Gold Member
Ahoy Captain HP Thank you.

I know the SW and West Coast of Van Diemans Land well I fished that area professionally in my younger days from SW West Cape to Port Davy up to Point Hibbs and Cape Sorrell ....beautiful country.

Spent time with the character Deny King at Melaleuca Port Davey...who used to say better throw another chop into the kerosene tin and cook up a stew here come the Port Davey fishermen.

Sarah Island Argghhhh Captain HP ...The Men that God Forgot by Richard Butler