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Has Anyone Been to a Satanic Ritual????????


Foundation Member
No I haven't and yes they do.

Many little groups get together practising alternative religious rituals and go by various names, Wicca, or "white magic" is the most common. Wickipedia has quite a bit of info on these practises. Most followers tend to keep their activities to themselves for much the same reason working ladies and their clients do - much as we would like to believe otherwise our society just isn't that tolerant or understanding of alternative thinking.

Mainly they are harmless but, like all practises, there is a dark side. Wilder groups dabble in hallucinogenic drugs and dangerous practises like bloodletting and animal sacrifice which, especially under the influence of drugs, can get out of hand.

Besides the physical risks and illegality there is one more risk which Dennis Wheatley summed up perfectly in the preface to his book "The "Devil Rides Out"

"I strongly desire to state that I, personally, have never assisted at, or participated in, any ceremony connected with Magic – Black or White….Should any of my readers incline to a serious study of the subject, and thus come into contact with a man or woman of Power, I feel that it is only right to urge them, most strongly, to refrain from being drawn into the practice of the Secret Art in any way. My own observations have led me to an absolute conviction that to do so would bring them into dangers of a very real and concrete nature."

I once took part in an ouija session which went off the rails and am convinced that I did, really, come into contact with "the other side" briefly. Sufficient to say I never touched an ouija board again.
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I wouldn't say I've witnessed satanic rituals but in various islands around Vanuatu I've seen some stuff thats probably best described as black magic.

Cannabilism, witch doctors, people being made to turn into flying foxes (witnessed by villagers of course), scorcery and spells is all part of village life.

I watched a tree root get planted in soil and 1min later I couldnt pull it out and I'd be considered to have above average strength so nfi how that worked. I'm also not easily fooled!


Go on YouTube and watch John Safran when he goes to Africa and experiences voodoo.


Wiink. I'll Do the Rest
Gold Member
When I was in college the KKK held a rally at the park near my apartment. I walked over to see what the fuss was about. Not exactly a Satanic ritual, but equally ridiculous. A bunch of misguided and ill informed people.

There were more cops there than anyone else. Most of the crowd just heckled them for a while then went back to their usual Saturday stuff.


Foundation Member
When I was in college the KKK held a rally at the park near my apartment. I walked over to see what the fuss was about. Not exactly a Satanic ritual, but equally ridiculous. A bunch of misguided and ill informed people.

There were more cops there than anyone else. Most of the crowd just heckled them for a while then went back to their usual Saturday stuff.

There was a better KKK rally back story in the papers back when I was in high school. The idiots got out their bedsheets and burning cross and started doing their thing on an Indian (o.k. native American) reservation.

The locals dug up the war hatchet, painted themselves up in the traditional manner and did to the Kluxers what Cochise did to Custer's men. Didn't kill anyone but they made sure they didn't come back.


Silver Member
No haven't ever attended one. But heard as a urban legend that back in the 80s that a Satanic cult use to do their rituals in Kings Park here on blood moons.


Legend Member
I haven't had time as I work in IT, but I don't know I'd enjoy wearing a goats head while I was having sex so that seems like an extra that wouldn't interest me :)



Legend Member
That pic is kinda HOT Dallas!!!

Hmm ok, maybe Langtrees should have Satanic Ritual theme night, everyone wears robes with nothing underneath, talks Latin and carries candles and byo goats heads , oh and blood letting has to be done with tomato sauce which attracts a room cleaning fee. Ok bad idea sorry :p
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Diamond Member
Hmm ok, maybe Langtrees should have Satanic Ritual theme night, everyone wears robes with nothing underneath, talks Latin and carries candles and byo goats heads , oh and blood letting has to be done with tomato sauce which attracts a room cleaning fee. Ok bad idea sorry :p
Might have trouble finding enough people who can speak Latin.


Legend Member
I think you could be the evenings satanic host Lingham, what kind of wine should we have? Oh and since some of the ladies are vegan and animal rights activists well have to limit animal sacrifices to carved pumpkin heads and disrespectful Irish clients with stinky bums. I wonder if TAFE run a cert IV in satanic rituals :D
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Legend Member
I haven't had time as I work in IT, but I don't know I'd enjoy wearing a goats head while I was having sex so that seems like an extra that wouldn't interest me :)


If that enhances my sexual performance, I be wearing a goatie everyday. lol

I haven't been to a satanic ritual or heard of one, but I felt like the devil when little homer grows horny.
Baaa baaaa...

Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
There is magic everywhere and unseen forces at play around us all the time ....
stay protected and stay on the side of light.


Legend Member
Went to a Dockers match once The demons voice came from all around us His Acolytes came out in their Purple attire of worship and the crowd started this scary Nay!! Evil chant And their eyes glazed over And they were putty in the hands of there demonic overlord Screaming vile obscenities and woe betide any true believers in the crowd who were on the side of goodness and light
It really was disturbing