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Guys tell me more ABOUT Edge gel?

Miss Carra

Miss Carra is looking for you...
Silver Member
Edge gel is used to delay ejaculation whereas Kamagra is more like Viagra. Here is a link for Edge Gel. https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/79476/edge-delay-gel-for-men-7ml
Edge gel has definitely improved my staying power, but sometimes can’t climax ☹
The reason being is you may of used too much... You only need to put a small bit on and then wash it off and wash your hands. Or, as you’ve found, it delays too much and you can’t climax. Try and let me know if that’s any better?


I find it funny that you resort to paying for a numbing agent. The Cheap and free way is to get something rough and masturbate, once you've built a resistance on your mushroom head pre ejaculation will be a thing of the past. Cut the nerves cut the sensations. Ever heard of Death grip?


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
I find it funny that you resort to paying for a numbing agent. The Cheap and free way is to get something rough and masturbate, once you've built a resistance on your mushroom head pre ejaculation will be a thing of the past. Cut the nerves cut the sensations. Ever heard of Death grip?

The clitoris contains 8,000 deliciously sensitive nerve endings, double the nerve endings in the glans of a penis which has 4000, you think with less nerve endings it would be easier to control!

Miss Carra

Miss Carra is looking for you...
Silver Member
I find it funny that you resort to paying for a numbing agent. The Cheap and free way is to get something rough and masturbate, once you've built a resistance on your mushroom head pre ejaculation will be a thing of the past. Cut the nerves cut the sensations. Ever heard of Death grip?
What works for some doesn’t work for others. People are free to make their own choices?


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
What works for some doesn’t work for others. People are free to make their own choices?

The issue is most Men are selfish lovers, By the time a woman is getting into the session her male partner has came, and is thinking of rolling over and going to sleep, which he has had his fun, but she has not, so she waits till he is asleep and gets out her vibe... I have been reading about loads of American women whom try love making with another woman and never ever go back to men ever, as they say women are so much better to be with, and are less selfish in the bedroom! The issue men need to cum as fast as possible thinking that is what she wants...

Miss Carra

Miss Carra is looking for you...
Silver Member
That’s where you need to use your tactics and woman skills to delay them...

I also have encountered some very selfish men lately and I’m going to tell them so the next time I see them!
One guy came 4 times and me 0! To be fair they need to know exactly how to get me off and I’m not easy but at least try! I’d appreciate that so much more. They’ll have their chance to rectify, and if they don’t, well then no more playtimes for them! With me anyway!


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
That’s where you need to use your tactics and woman skills to delay them...

I also have encountered some very selfish men lately and I’m going to tell them so the next time I see them!
One guy came 4 times and me 0! To be fair they need to know exactly how to get me off and I’m not easy but at least try! I’d appreciate that so much more. They’ll have their chance to rectify, and if they don’t, well then no more playtimes for them! With me anyway!

My advice to every female on the planet is to turn Lesbian, see what Gender really is superior where it counts. There is nothing on the planet that gives me more pleasure than seeing a woman cum, that to me is like a life time of Christmases all at once, the best present ever!


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Bullshit Phoebe some good men who writes the love songs snd the poems I dont know one famous woman poets name.

He may write poems, and songs etc etc, that makes a women feel at ease.. but read the lyrics of Lily Allen " Its not fair"

There's just one thing
That's getting in the way
When we go up to bed
You're just no good
Its such a shame
I look into your eyes
I want to get to know you
And then you make this noise
And its apparent it's all over


Gold Member
Phoebe I think that's unfair to say that men are selfish for cumming too soon. It can be a real problem for many men. It's actually not something that men like...at least I don't. I love nothing better than foreplay and to make a woman orgasm...that's when I've reached the peak of my ability. Once she has cum then it's my turn. However in saying this I have cum too soon on occasion but often it's because my love has wanted to suck my cock too soon or won't get her hand off it. Let me adore you first and saviour every inch of your body, bring you to orgasm and then maybe we can both cum together!


The clitoris contains 8,000 deliciously sensitive nerve endings, double the nerve endings in the glans of a penis which has 4000, you think with less nerve endings it would be easier to control!
Ah Phoebe my debating gal-friend haven't seen you in a long time. Is it spring cleaning already? :p Honey im living proof Less nerve endings work, come join me on a 1 on 1 session, i can guarantee our orgasm score board will be Phoebe 2-4 orgasms Alucius 0. LoL and thats doing it straight for 1hr with changing positions. Need to watch a women cum? Easy i'll install a mirror and you can watch yourself cum.:hilarious: Or how about a 2-3 hour session sound foreplay included? Don't test me gal, i'll load up half the fridge with monster cans. :p hehehe.
Go check the net on a bloke that needs sandpaper to masturbate that is so rooted. Sad but totally rooted.

Yes there are alot of blokes that are into self satisfaction before others if it comes around, but you just have to sift through that and find one. We're out there just that with every generation only a small percentage is that cream of the crop. Blame the schools for not teaching proper sex-ed to growing minds gal.


Phoebe I think that's unfair to say that men are selfish for cumming too soon. It can be a real problem for many men. It's actually not something that men like...at least I don't.
Just curious Longshot how often do you masturbate? Have you been doing it since pre-teens till now? Heard of Death grip with hardly to no lube? I use to be a quick ejaculater in my teens, fantasise about a girl boom 5mins easy I was a nympho. Even if I had sex I needed more so good old Hj to the rescue. If your mushroom is use to sensitive touch of course it's going to not last in sex, increase that resistance with rough resistance and eventually you'll be asking for help cause only tight hole works for you. Wanna change it, it take effort. Death grip the hell out of your stick but remember never to push it till skin starts popping off or too red.

Neptune 68

Gold Member
That’s where you need to use your tactics and woman skills to delay them...

I also have encountered some very selfish men lately and I’m going to tell them so the next time I see them!
One guy came 4 times and me 0! To be fair they need to know exactly how to get me off and I’m not easy but at least try! I’d appreciate that so much more. They’ll have their chance to rectify, and if they don’t, well then no more playtimes for them! With me anyway!
The ratio is the opposite with my partner, which frustrates her at times, as she wants to feel that she's giving as good as she gets but I can't usually do much about that. About 50% of the time I need to finish manually while she kisses me.
There's no call for being as selfish as your clients seem to be, that's just rude.


Legend Member
7ml for 30 @ 7 uses that $4.20 a pop that's if you manage to make 1ml in measurement. Still that Cheap liquid stamina.
If I add up the many times my stamina has taken me I'll be making Money in the Thousands. LoL

Sorry, what I am trying to say is that $30 is a marked up price. You
normally pay $24.99 and $19.99 when it is on special. 7ml will last you a long time. You need only a drop or two.


Legend Member
get some Ox tail and mutton bones going in a Broth with some dried herbs, after a few days, you will be rock hard in the morning and anytime anyone remotely touches you.... great for overnighters.


Is that the Chinese Herbal Viagra aarron.lee? It's be something to try out one day heh.


Legend Member
Is that the Chinese Herbal Viagra aarron.lee? It's be something to try out one day heh.
Unsure if it would work for everyone.
I learned it off a friend in Singapore in the late 90s when I worked there for a couple of years.


I believe the current best buy for that similar effect is Horny goat weed? Have yet to try it tho wonder how good the effects are or are not providing.