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Do you believe in karma


Gold Member
Hi everyone wanted to know your thoughts about karma , do you believe in this , have you had any experiences this. I have seen this many times for myself . Some even in the bedroom , insert laugh.

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
I would like to believe in it but sadly seen bad happen to many nice people that should be blessed with goodness and amazing things. The arseholes just keep breezing through life


Gold Member
I would like to believe in it but sadly seen bad happen to many nice people that should be blessed with goodness and amazing things. The arseholes just keep breezing through life
I haven’t found this personally, I have seen it catch up with ppl, sometimes you have to wait and then it gets them. If you send or do good things , good things come back to you, if you do bad stuff , it comes back to bight you

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Sadly I haven’t seen that yet or well only once. A family member did bad to the woman who raised him. That was my grandmother’s sister. He lost 2 sons to 2 seperate car accidents then he died after botch up with chemotherapy treatment. He well and truly suffered. Seen to many good people suffer or pass way before there time.


Gold Member
Sadly I haven’t seen that yet or well only once. A family member did bad to the woman who raised him. That was my grandmother’s sister. He lost 2 sons to 2 seperate car accidents then he died after botch up with chemotherapy treatment. He well and truly suffered. Seen to many good people suffer or pass way before there time.
Sorry to hear that, hope good luck comes your way

Katrina Kiss

Legend Member
Hi everyone wanted to know your thoughts about karma , do you believe in this , have you had any experiences this. I have seen this many times for myself . Some even in the bedroom , insert laugh.
I believe give people enough rope & they will hang themselfs. An old saying my Farther used to say .


Ryder Deep
Diamond Member
I'm a moral nihilist, where I believe nothing is morally right or wrong. There's no meaning to any of this and we're all just fleshy bags of water. :)


Gold Member
I'm a moral nihilist, where I believe nothing is morally right or wrong. There's no meaning to any of this and we're all just fleshy bags of water. :)
Respectfully disagree , I myself am not a fleshy bag of water , more like an a curvy , hot women with big boobs . just saying


Gold Member
I'm a moral nihilist, where I believe nothing is morally right or wrong. There's no meaning to any of this and we're all just fleshy bags of water. :)
What happens if someone does something unkind to you , to you just think oh well and move on. Don’t you get angry ?


Ryder Deep
Diamond Member
What happens if someone does something unkind to you , to you just think oh well and move on. Don’t you get angry ?

Oh absolutely, but that’s my personal reaction to events. One day a person can cut you off in traffic and you couldn’t care less, the next day you might be in a hurry and get furious at someone cutting you off. The event is the same, but your reaction to it is different.

Maybe a silly example, but is cutting someone off morally “right” or “wrong”? It’s neither, in my book, and no universal karma system is in play to make it all correct. Sometimes, shit happens.


Gold Member
Oh absolutely, but that’s my personal reaction to events. One day a person can cut you off in traffic and you couldn’t care less, the next day you might be in a hurry and get furious at someone cutting you off. The event is the same, but your reaction to it is different.

Maybe a silly example, but is cutting someone off morally “right” or “wrong”? It’s neither, in my book, and no universal karma system is in play to make it all correct. Sometimes, shit happens.
Ok yes I get this. Shit does happen sometimes. I must say your thoughts are interesting


Silver Member
I believe in karma, I feel like I've been delt a lot of my karma in the last 2 years.
One example out of countless similar, the last rental I was in, both my housemate and I got locked out of the house so I broke in through the roof and never paid for the repairs. Last year on Christmas eve I locked myself out and had to break a window to get in, and this time I got it repaired ^-^
The lessons repeat until you learn forreal.
I love Hindu and Buddhist theories about the universe and reincarnation, samsara ect