• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Did he or didn`t he???


Gold Member
Although I can`t be sure of their financial situation, if you could afford it and if it was one of your loved ones would you now be offering your own cash reward to find the killer? I know I would but my guess is that he will probably end up leaving the country.

Well, he can't do a runner just yet, he's gotta go to trial for the phone tapping case now.


Well, he walked today. Has yet to face the phone tapping charges however and of course - the big one is when he sues the shit out of the cops.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
Don't think he did it........no prove at all........innocent until proven guilty.


PS: I am with you, Smiley. Feel sorry for the daughters.....what a nightmare


Foundation Member
This is going to be another Lindy Chamberlain effort with everyone having an opinion but no-one really knowing anything.

Let us hope that, like the Chamberlain case, the truth does emerge eventually.

For sure I agree with the judge's verdict. That "case" had more holes in it than a fish net and fell a long way short of "beyond reasonable doubt", something the prosecutors must have been aware of. Why they even took it to trial is a mystery.

With his legal career in the toilet I have no doubt Mr Rayney will sue for damages and I hope the State Treasurer has factored this payout into his budget because it will be big bickies.


Legend Member
Is this going to open up a big can of worms?? I mean if he is able to sue because he was falsely accused does that mean anybody else that is found not guilty on any charge have the right to sue as well?


I saw Dredd 3d recently. Wonder what Judge Dredd's verdict would be for Lloyd Rayney.

Farm Boy

Is this going to open up a big can of worms?? I mean if he is able to sue because he was falsely accused does that mean anybody else that is found not guilty on any charge have the right to sue as well?

Sue whoever you like Bill be prepared to pay all costs if you loose .


Legend Member
Are you saying that your financial status should be one of the deciding factors on if I do or not I have the right to seek a public apology?? In some places overseas if your able to show you were incorrectly accused not only can you sue but also demand a public apology be put in all the national newspapers.
I was also just reading that if the government appeals the verdict , then the taxpayer will have another large legal bill. Similar to the question can you put a price on health, can you put a price on seeking justice?

Sue whoever you like Bill be prepared to pay all costs if you loose .

Farm Boy

Yes Bill if you wish to conduct a a legal action: or, proceeded against some one you had better have deep pockets .

Mary Anne PA

On costs......I remember a quote from a leading QC "recourse to the legal system is available to every citizen , as are the doors to the Ritz hotel'


Legend Member
Yes Bill if you wish to conduct a a legal action: or, proceeded against some one you had better have deep pockets .

Perhaps I should go back to studying law... See how many of these not guilty cases I can get based on using "the no win no fee" scenario.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
what is really annoying is the fact that they spent so much time and resources to set him up and whoever did it is still running around laughing.


Farm Boy

Perhaps I should go back to studying law... See how many of these not guilty cases I can get based on using "the no win no fee" scenario.[/QUOTE


The court battle between mining billionaire Gina Rinehart and her three eldest children over a family trust will enter a third year.

The children have today been awarded 80 per cent of costs, after their mother lost another attempt in October this year to have the case thrown out

Three years in court means someone has really very deep pockets Bill.


Legend Member
Well looks like ol Lloyd is going to be OK
If the papers are right and he gets to work on the murder cases As a defence lawyer

Maybe he can do a night course How to beat a MURDER RAP IN 5 EASY LESSONS
Lesson one get charged by the Western Australian Police If the coppers book you in another state your screwed Because they make sure they have the procedure done right first


The police commissioner's son runs a meth lab... It doesn't fill me with much hope.


Legend Member
Actually I felt for the Commissioner on that one
He had to be the good father and help his boy through painful rehab and on the other hand be the top cop and show that the law did not take sides


If I have a son I hope he doesn't run a meth lab. Because I have drug dealers should be shot type mentality.


What was the childs upbringing like to make him into a Drug dealer. Shoddy parenting most likely.


To be fair, the son was the product of a previous marriage and had become enstranged from the father due to the bitter acrimony usually brought on by divorce followed by drug abuse.

Also, children from families with "sound family values" and are succesful can and do also fall victim to drugs.

To blame it on "shoddy parenting" is surely shoddy logic.


Yeah you're right our police commissioner is a top bloke really.

The brake lights weren't working on my car the other day and the boys in blue pulled me over. Told me that I should get them checked out. Wished me a good night and off they went. No yellow sticker no nothing.