• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.




could someone please tell me is there any cream on the market that can be used to get rid of pubic hair for men and women,not interested in shaving or waxing.


Marzena is a great one, with added hair growth inhibitor. Its a dilapitory cream available in most supermarkets. You still have to exfoliate though... nothing worse than annoying ingrowns, but wen I used to use it I found it to be gentle on my skin but definately strong enough to get rid of any hair. Wen the hair did grow back after a couple of weeks, it came back softer n softer each time... plus I did start to notice, after a few months of use, a few small gaps here & there that showed the hair was kind of 'thinning' ...... But if ya have the guts navillus, go get a brazillian!!! So much better!!!!!! :)