• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.




Hello all,

I would like to know more about the pros and cons of my favourite passtime - cunnilingus. I went though my teens and twenties without ever truly appreciating how wonderful it can be to perform this ultimate sexual favour on my partners. I confess to becoming a bit addicted to it and never miss the opportunity to please a lady when i get the chance.

the big questions are - what are the risks, the do's and don'ts and the precautions to use when indulging my passion ? ( I am aware of vaginal dams but can't think of a less user friendly turn off of an idea...


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Foundation Member
Phillby last 4 guys i have bin out with wont "go down" as they call it? They say they dont like doing it but they crack it if u wont give them head :angry1:. Is this a growing trend amongst men? i hope not!


amazing sioxie 4 wks ago i was with 9 guys at a dinner and trade night the talk got to sex late in the night and the general 7 guys also didnt like licking which i thought was amazing and only a minority dislike but reading your comments maybe it is a trend to not like licking on the other hand there is guys like myself that get a huge kick and turn on by licking and sucking a beautiful pussy :toothy10: :thumbsup:


Sioxie that is so rude, if you want head you give it in my book.

I wonder if guys have been put off by stories or such?

Weird. Maybe trhey think all chicks are bi now and they dont have to bother going the growl? LOL :la:

Mary Anne PA

Hi again Philby with the nice C**k... LOL

There are differant answers to your questions.
Using a dam is no differant to a girl using a condom on a guy and the reasons would be the same for either one.

Why do we use a condom on a partner???
This is the same reason you would use a dam on a girl.

How much knowledge and info do you have on STD's?
Good reasont o also maybe attend one of Maryanne's sex education workshops as she teaches all this info to help people gain more knowledge of things they probably don't or aren't even aware of.

Using condoms doesn't always stop certain STD's, how would you tell if a woman is free of STD's Philby? Did you know that there is a STD that isn't even known by those that have it sometimes for a couple of months. Very good reason to appreciate why you should use a dam.

Believe me, licking a dam my not be much fun, but the sucking a condom isn't either, but gives you better security. There probably isn't any other way around it when it comes down to going down on a woman, I know most guys wouldn't even bother about it because they think they wont or dont care if they catch something, but even for the woman it is best to suggest a dam as you can also carry disease in the mouth as well, so either know your partner very well and use protection till both have been cleared by a simple blood test etc.

As for the other information re guys not wanting to go down, there are those who just want to do nothing else but go down, and go down, and go down and go down, thinking you don;t want them to stop... LOL.. but you do after a while..... and then there are those that may have had some experience with not so clan women and this might have turned them off from going down.

Best thing to do is never go down on a guy Sioxie till they go first, or perform a 69er at the same time...


I don't think either one of us has ever had sex in a group without mutual oral sex. I am amazed that guys don't like this. I love it and need oral sex to get my juices flowing and be ready for penetration!! Maybe they should do something else like cleaning the pool or watch footy... :dontknow:


OK well this has certainly opened up a topic ripe for discussion.

I thought it was a little unusual with the reactions I have been getting after 'going down' truth is I absolutely love it above almost all else. If my partner won't let me I get put out. Maybe the fact that it's naughty and even a little risque is what turns me on about it. Oh yeah - i like to take my time and make a thorough job of it... ever tried it with honey as an incentive ladies ?

Anyway I hope it's not a dying trend among hetero guys as i don't want to be in a minority group.

I won't put my manhood anywhere my tongue doesen't go first. I also don't expect my partner to choke for me - I'd often rather get on with the show than stop to receive head - makes me feel selfish and unless someone REALLY knows what theyre doing I find it tends to look more fun than it really is - but then again I'm probably a bit different to the average Aussie guy I guess.




[quote author=sioxie link=topic=507.msg2621#msg2621 date=1102848980]
Phillby last 4 guys i have bin out with wont "go down" as they call it? They say they dont like doing it but they crack it if u wont give them head :angry1:. Is this a growing trend amongst men? i hope not!

Who are these men? They should be dragged into the town square and flogged! But what about those girls among you who are to embarassed to have a man go down on them? There is nothing more frustrating than kissing/licking/sucking the feminine form from head to hips and then just as you think "Jackpot!"......'Oh, no, stop , don't'....."But I wanna!". Are there women who just don't want head or is it a "don't want the boys talking about my pussy" thing, as I have had some women tell me this.

I would like to offer my obligation free cunninlingus services to any of you needy ladies. :la: :tongue3:


Foundation Member
Hey voodoo mite just take u up on ur offer........I am very very clean so its not my hygiene thats the issue unless they have hangups from someone b4 who knows. I like to give as much as i recieve i just love mutual oral.
Even talkin to my male friends they all hate " going down" on their partner as well. Asked them y they say it takes too long to bring a woman to orgasm and they cant b bothered!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They reckon if u give them oral they can cum in a few mins so why should they take half an hour or more on the gal? :nono:

Selfish or what?


you mean there are actually men who dont like giving oral sex to their partners... Go figure that i can not imagine sex with out it.



Im with you BigMike, i cant imagine not going down on a woman before sex.

I find it a big turn on when her legs almost crush my head , and also find it quite satisfying when the juices start flowing, knowing that shes enjoying what im doing.

have had some bad experiences with very smelly vagina, and couldnt stay down for too long before feeling sick,gross. and have had a girl i couldnt make her come even though she enjoyed oral greatly (or so i think), stuck it out for over an hour before the tongue started to get tired.

I thought that prettty much everyone went down on women these days, as it is notfair to take but not give.

Mary Anne PA


Who's Big Mike...?
and where did you pop up from..

also I want to know what exactly the Big word describes thanks...



[quote author=serena link=topic=507.msg2844#msg2844 date=1103114019]

Who's Big Mike...?
and where did you pop up from..

also I want to know what exactly the Big word describes thanks...



Where did i pop up from ... well some one sent me an email saying join this site so i did

Well Im only abot 60 ish Kilos so the big can not apply to a lot of things IQ perhaps :)

Who is BigMike well i do Intend to post a lot so I am sure we will learm more as we go along.



my party trick is the length of my tongue. and from what i understand, i must use it fairly well. :la:

when i reveal my tongue alot of women seem to give me this look :love10: or this :notworthy: or :icon_blow_r: hahaaa.


:tongue8: :love10:any man who wont go down on a woman should be hung, drawn and quartered especially if he expects her to go down on him. Personally I reckon there's nothing better than going down on a woman and bringing her to the heights of pleasure. I had someone say to me the other week that I was one of the best she had go down on her and I should consider giving lessons :nike: :icon_blow_r:


we agree with most of your replies, must do oral, taking plenty of time in the process,had sex session last nite for two and half hours, which included plenty of oral by both parties, just makes for more intense sensation during the whole act. anyway thumbs up to those who do and bye bye to the those who won't.
Regards cicimila


I have never had an orgasm from oral sex. Never even close. I can orgasm quite easily during intercourse. Anyone else have this experience? Any guys or gals want to offer some tips that will get the job done? :blob3: :blob3: :blob3:

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Next Year when I do sex education which will change to Wednesday come along and see the video By Dr Betty Dodson on how to orgasm properly.Its simple and direct and will teach you more about your body if you are open minded to learn.
The biggest problem that most woman have and myself included is we don't underastand our own sex organs and how they work.I learnt how to orgasm full stop by practising some of Betty's tecniques and she would be the world's greatest teacher.

Her link to her web site is http://bettydodson.com/ I had the privelage of meeting her in New York a few years ago and she is a wonderful person.


STDS and Oral sex

Just a question same as in the original thread what are the dangers of contracting stds while engauging in cunniligus?

Cunniligus - no better way to tease a lady

Mary Anne PA

I would personally say the same as having sex without a condom... you should check for cleanliness etc first off and for any sign of STD like a girl can do with the guy.. but please bear in mind........ sex or fellatio... you can be at risk of some diseases not being detected immediately.

Some STD's aren't able to be detected immediately like Chlamydia. Anyone seeing a girl should always think about using protection to be safe from this invisible disease itself as it can make a guy sterile.
Most women cannot tell if they have Chlamydia for a while after getting it. But either way, never take chances, always use a condom and if your unsure of the female, then always use a dam as well for going down on her.


I dont think i could live without the oportunity to use my mouth and tongue to please my lover...and im quite happy just to do that without the "return favour". They say women need a time and reason and us guys just need a place...and its true for me to get my tongue going...ha ha
...and i think cheeky likes it when i do get in the mood for a bit of "You have been a naughty girl, so go to my room"
And my fantasy has always been having 2 or several ladies use my mouth as they will at one time


P.S Im not complaining either........Cheeky :)
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Mary Anne PA


you guys are both cheeky I think...

sorry I haven't been to the chat room but my shift hours have changed and am now on early mornings.

popped in yesterday though but no-one had been in much over Xmas...


Senior Member
Foundation Member
only make sure the woman is happy to have you buried for hours.. LOL...
sometimes it reaches a point where it can't take anymore... It's reached the maximum sensitive point.....
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maryanne said:
Next Year when I do sex education which will change to Wednesday come along and see the video By Dr Betty Dodson on how to orgasm properly.Its simple and direct and will teach you more about your body if you are open minded to learn.
The biggest problem that most woman have and myself included is we don't underastand our own sex organs and how they work.I learnt how to orgasm full stop by practising some of Betty's tecniques and she would be the world's greatest teacher.

Her link to her web site is http://bettydodson.com/ I had the privelage of meeting her in New York a few years ago and she is a wonderful person.

This sounds good, as I understand it a lot of women do not orgasm, albiet that does not mean they do not enjoy themselves...I myself seriously have never had a prob, I don't even think about it & more times than not have multiples of them. ;D

In relation to this thread, if ya wanna get it ya gonna hafta give it, I lurv giving myself & get right off on it/lose myself....I especially abhor it when you've just giving ya man a BJ & he won't even wanna kiss ya, I have had a few of them...it's like "Grow-Up". :happy6:

Mary Anne PA

sorry I couldn't resist it......




You are going to have to set up appointments if you keep making offer like that.


Mary Anne PA

well I've just found out that I am attending Saturday night...

so Mike.. set the appointments up for me please... LOL


jack hammer


hey i have no probs kissing after it's just the best thing. And the taste of a woman is the best i have no probs just going down there for a while with nothing in return.


jack hammer said:
hey i have no probs kissing after it's just the best thing. And the taste of a woman is the best i have no probs just going down there for a while with nothing in return.

I like kissing my man after he has gone down on me....just natural I feel.


GiVE ME HEAD GIVE ME HEAD....i say.....yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Im with you vyxx...i love to kiss him after the muff dive...immediately after...yummmmmmmmmmyy