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ClaireBear. Evolution....This freaked me out.

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Cat got your tongue, or is it Cymothoa exigua?

Parasites often alter their host's behaviour or appearance, but Cymothoa exigua goes one further - it is the only parasite known to replace an entire organ. Its unfortunate host is typically the rose spotted snapper, which it enters through the gills and lodges itself at the back of the mouth. It hooks its claws at the base of the tongue and interrupts the blood flow, consuming it instead. Due to the lack of blood the tongue atrophies and falls off, where the isopod parasite attaches itself to the remaining stub. It then "becomes" a functional tongue for the fish, able to be moved as the fish would have moved its original tongue!

Like most cymothoid isopods, C. exigua is a hermaphrodite. In one study females were only found in the mouth, whereas males could be found in the gills and the mouth (and in the mouth they were clinging to females, suggesting copulation). A small proportion of extremely unlucky fish were found with females as the tongue and males simultaneously occupying the gills. Despite the "organ-replacement" part, it doesn't appear C. exigua has other adverse effects on the fish.

In case you were wondering (and we're sure it crossed your mind at some point), C. exigua does not affect humans. That said, don't pick one up - they deliver quite a nip.



Legend Member
That be scary to see a cock fight between a male and a female...lol...btw, if penis does that then guys will be wearing their penis on their heads.

Lilly Sweetheart

F*ck that shit! I'm never going swimming in the ocean again!

Tania Admin

I have to admit I have not eaten Snapper since this thread was posted,,eeeeew. I will stick with my Salmon steaks I think.

This made me laugh pretty hard..... Didn't realise how many Thrift shop Parodies there were!
I'm not much of a green thumb but have always loved roses. I took some pictures of one of my plants and even I was impressed with the colours and perfection!

Rose 1.jpg Rose 2.jpg Rose 3.jpg

Does anyone else have something they are proud of, or simply want to show?


Legend Member
Hey nice Roses Claire! I'm pretty useless at those but this is a little Fernery that I've put in a house that I'm renovating for sale at the moment. Oh and I'm also good at growing grass :)



You should join the rose society of WA - they have exhibitions several times in the year


I always rose to the occasion! Truth is if you like the rose, you've got accept the prick that comes with it:D


Legend Member
Do you have a voodoo or haunted garden perchance Claire? I am sure that in the third photo There is an eye looking back at us


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Ahhhhhh I have to say that roses are not my favourite flowers but Claire's do look beautiful (admittedly).

WA is not really an easy region to grow plants as I discovered.......with water as the main problem.
The town house setting I am living in uses bore water to sprinkle the gardens........so no point to try to grow something.......can't think of any plant that might like rather salty bore water.
And as I discovered most lawns in the neighbour hood are plastic........wonder why ;)



Legend Member
Ahoy;- Lads raise the Sails;- Weeeeeee have found the Treasure chest;- Sail west lads and sharpen my cutless

Ahoy HP, you beat me to it! I was about to recommend you to the lovely Zaida to assist her in build her treasure chest, I know you'd only charge a bottle of rum... or two pirate.gif


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Meeee Bro Dallas;- Mmmmmmmm I am sure Zaida chest is a Lovely Treasure, if she shows Meeeeee I will gladly give her some of my Rum.
Raise the Sails lads;- Weeeeee Arrrrrr going West
there Treasure Tooooo Beeee had
Copy of 11.jpg

Ahoy HP, you beat me to it! I was about to recommend you to the lovely Zaida to assist her in build her treasure chest, I know you'd only charge a bottle of rum... or two View attachment 12892
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