• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Are you a cop? Are you proud of this? Can anyone justify this behaviour?



True. That must make it difficult to judge the weights of loads... Are weights and measures boys a bit anal? Can you shovel some out on to the side of the road if you are a few kg over?


Legend Member
I do remember driving through Geraldton and the W+M boys were weighing a blokes car trailer which was full of yellow sand
Came past 10mins later and he was shoveling the sand on the side of the road They do follow the laws to the letter

Farm Boy

The weights and measures boys are actually serving West Australian Police Officers Coll with guns haven't seen them with tasers but have cuffs and they're not averse to cuffing truck drivers to the side of there truck . this is done because there van is full of equipment .

So its be polite or stand in the sun on the side of the road cuffed to your truck.


Sometimes I wonder if I should give up my way of life. My week in week out life of hookers and peephow girls and get a real job... Then I think that a real job might mean having to deal with the likes of the weights and measures boys.

Farm Boy

Then you can explain little hiccups like this to your boss.


Another truck rollover in Geraldton on Monday has turned the spotlight on increased trucking in and around the city.

The Patience bulk-haulage road train, carrying iron ore from Sinosteel’s Koolanooka mine and bound for Geraldton Port, tipped over on the corner of Brand Hwy and Rudds Gully Rd.

The number of recent truck accidents raises the issue of road sharing between heavy haulage operators and passenger vehicles.

With mining projects in the north ramping up and the Oakajee port and rail network delayed, some experts have predicted there could be a road train every 12 minutes travelling through Geraldton by 2012.

Mid West-Gascoyne District Police Inspector Peter Foley said WA police has conducted a number of heavy haulage operations to ensure trucks are operating within transport guidelines.

“We have obviously had a couple of bad accidents which are still under investigation and we have seen how dangerous these loads can be,” he said.


Legend Member
Good question col, I think if you weigh up the pros and cons you'll find there are just pros and cons :)


That might just be bad driving rather than being overloaded. I was a truck driver once only HR though. Being a truckie a thankless task really. Might just stick to my hookers and blow.


Gold Member
Wow this thread did get hijacked.
Completely off topic and much more interesting.
Mermaids have the equipment that is the core of this forum.


Legend Member
Wow this thread did get hijacked.
Completely off topic and much more interesting.
Mermaids have the equipment that is the core of this forum.

This site never goes off topic it just evolves..

Look a blue tit It must be cold outside..

As i said this site never gets distracte.....


The young man was thrown onto the ground while handcuffed so there was no way possible for him to break his fall.
Luckily he landed on his shoulder and not his head. Had he landed on his head he may have suffered brain injury as often happens
with the one punch attacks.
To do such an act without thinking of the consequences shows very little forethought.
The police officer involved looked like he was Indian or Middle Eastern, I have never seen a police officer with a beard.
My thinking is if that is the case then people from those backgrounds who are in positions of authority believe they often are above the law as they
are in their home countries.
I noticed he did not speak much and I wonder how good was his English.

Wow Diamond Dog - the cameraman has revealed the Policeman (whom you refer to as Indian/Middle Eastern) has a badge name “FAIRFIELD LAC 266″.

Here's the cameraman's comments in full - "The officer “FAIRFIELD LAC 266″ then grabbed him by the back of the neck and slammed his head into the stone pavement, as he tried to get up he was then punched multiple times in the head, leaving blood all over the pavement. The crowd of people overlooking screaming at the officer to stop.

So much for that theory then?


Foundation Member
Contrarian why are you so touchy about this guy? I think the consensus amongst the members on this forum is that the cop was justified so the origional question asked at the beginning of this thread has been answered. I support the Police fully because they have a difficult job to do and put their lives at risk everyday to protect people like us.


Contrarian why are you so touchy about this guy? I think the consensus amongst the members on this forum is that the cop was justified so the origional question asked at the beginning of this thread has been answered. I support the Police fully because they have a difficult job to do and put their lives at risk everyday to protect people like us.

You're right Smoggy. The cops should be poofter bashers, people who misbehave should get walloped and no one should film it. After all they have a difficult job and put their lives at risk every day. Not touchy about the guy at all - just am not in favour of police brutality and misbehaviour.

And of course the consensus makes it right :BangHead: And stereotypical racist comments about ethnicity should be supported.



Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy, in today society everyone walks around with a camera, so the police have a tougher job today than ever before, in today society we all not just the police will be judged by video. My personal view, allow the Police greater power.

The 1992 Los Angeles riots, also known as the Rodney King Riots, the South Central Riots, were a race riot and subsequent looting and civil disturbance that occurred in Los Angeles, California in 1992 following a police brutality incident. It was among the largest riots in US history.

The riot was first started in South Los Angeles and then eventually spread out into other areas over a six-day period within the Los Angeles metropolitan area in California during April in 1992. The riots started on April 29 after a trial jury acquitted four Los Angeles Police Department officers of assault and use of excessive force. The mostly white officers were videotaped beating an African-American named Rodney King following a high-speed police pursuit. Thousands of people throughout the metropolitan area in Los Angeles rioted over six days following the announcement of the verdict.[1]

Widespread looting, assault, arson and murder occurred during the riots, and estimates of property damages topped one billion dollars. The rioting ended after soldiers from the California Army National Guard, along with U.S. Marines from Camp Pendleton were called in to stop the rioting after the local police could not handle the situation. In total, 53 people were killed during the riots and over two thousand people were injured.[2][3]

After the riots subsided significant actions were undertaken in the Los Angeles Police Department including the retrial of the police officers involved, increasing minority officers in the police department, analyzing excessive force, resignation of the police chief, loss of support for the Mayor of Los Angeles, and analyzing the general political and economic atmosphere that contributed to the riots.


Pirate, you say "allow the police greater power". To do what? Don't they have enough already?

If not for those riots, or that Mardi Gras bashing being filmed, there'd be far less changes. The real issues are integrity, accountability and fairness.


Foundation Member
Contrarian I just dont think that being homosexual and putting on a pair of wings gives you licence to throw punches or kick a Police Officer in the head. Did the Police Officer use reasonable force? I cant answer that question maybe he did maybe not. Anyway Contrarian why do you keep calling homosexuals "poofters" as that surely is an offensive term for members of our gay community.

Perhaps we should be grateful that we live in Australia where we have the freedom to challenge the police and government without fear. Having said that maybe you cant challenge the federal government if you are a newspaper and question their spin but thats another story.


Smog Monster I don't think some of us are that free. How about the Ma and Pa's with the 2.3 kids working the 9-5 drudgery to pay of some over priced suburban S hole... Sure ain't freedom to me.

Farm Boy

"Can we all get along?" Rodney Glen King (April 2, 1965 – June 17, 2012)


Legend Member
Yes col he was found at he bottom of a swimming pool It was later found he had cocaine weed and booze in his system
Not that any of that should take away from what the LA cops did to him originally
He was even a reality TV star Celebrity Rehab and one called Sober I think


In my younger days I used to hang around at the bottom of swimming pools Mr2.


I don't drink so yes sober. I had those diving goggles that magnified the view and I could hold my breath for a long time.


Legend Member
I don't drink so yes sober. I had those diving goggles that magnified the view and I could hold my breath for a long time.

Most boys sit at the base of the stairs Looking up,
Never thinking they could have had a better view looking up from the bottom of the pool


Er Smoggy, did you make it past year 8? Irony really escapes you doesn't it? Whoosh!

Clearly, there's a sense of double entendre missing somewhere with you.

Was it Marcus Aurelius or Julius Caeser who said; "The object in life is not to be on the side of the Majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the Insane."


Most boys sit at the base of the stairs Looking up,
Never thinking they could have had a better view looking up from the bottom of the pool

One step ahead of the other perverts even in those days Mr2.


Foundation Member
I agree with happy2 you should start your own thread with Colzilla and leave this debate to Peter Van Onselen and myself to sort out.

Contrarian you have yet again made a wrong assumption. I am in fact university educated and hold a Masters Degree from a reputable University in the United Kingdom. Politically I am right of centre but clearly you are a Greens supporter. I just knew there was one in WA somewhere and I have found you. I reckon green on the outside red on the inside so that makes you a melon in factional terms.

Quod erat demonstrandum or just Q.E.D to you Contrarian.