• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Adventures with the Child Support Agency

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Many years ago, when CSA first contact me and threatened me with all their possible legal actions.
I demanded to talk to the person's line manger who claimed to be a senior case officer and I expressed that I have suffer panick attack by their phone call (also I mentioned it should be evidenced because they claimed their phone calls are recoreded)
Then I was dealing with that senior case manager on another issue. (Took a 6 hours phone call, for me to agreed with the issue he raised, I demanded this person to write me a letter to state our conversation ,must indicated in the letter that I have done everything within my right and not to call me again as he is welcome to contact me via mail. If he choose to call before contact me via mail and hide their caller IDs, I will report them for harassment.
I must admit that speaking to the senior staff is more civilized, at least they know how to cover their asses which turned into a more polited conversations.

Did it work for you?

I once also demanded they never call me

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
When dealing with government no matter what it is, centrelink csa etc, always get the persons name, receipt number of phone call before talking, note down time date and person on note pad with pen. If you can record phone call yourself

Yes did that once on an officer tat went to far.

Had to call back and go and go on hold all over again to make a complaint. It went well that time


Diamond Member
The department child support staff are full of man hating women who are there only to punish as many men as they can. I have had many discussions with these man haters who have told me it's just to bad for you.
We don't care .
We have the law on our side
We can do what we want
You will pay know matter what.
You will pay every cent that we see fit.
We have your tax return and you are not getting any of it
Are many of the answers that I have received from csa.
Once again the sad sick twisted scum control the system.

That's my take on this.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
The department child support staff are full of man hating women who are there only to punish as many men as they can. I have had many discussions with these man haters who have told me it's just to bad for you.
We don't care .
We have the law on our side
We can do what we want
You will pay know matter what.
You will pay every cent that we see fit.
We have your tax return and you are not getting any of it
Are many of the answers that I have received from csa.
Once again the sad sick twisted scum control the system.

That's my take on this.

I had this view for most of 10 years and that is because it is the sad truth for a while.

I have noticed they are trying to change their image. Many officers are less unpleasant to talk to.

A couple of years ago I came across one officer that acted exactly like that when my ex claimed that she had our child 98% if the time in order to get more $$$.

I had to spend a lot of time and money gathering evidence and statements from people to disprove this. Even then case officer seemed to lack ears and was all mouth in a conversation. SHE literally did not hear a word I said and carried on her own conversation.

I’m the end a friend taught me a trick which was to look up their clause about false statements. Called in and asked if they can guarantee something. After a tantrum the officer dismissed the case.

There @Lord Spikey there’s one of my story. Did you want to tell the best part of this story?


Gold Member
Did it work for you?

I once also demanded they never call me
I even did a reverse "role", asked him to provide me with his identification and I am recording the call before our discussion. (Actually, he suggested I can call him instead but I said he maybe a scammer and he must provide me with some form of identification like employee number so I can call an office to check - I was just trying to be an asshole)
I was being a pain, I think it work because I never received any call from the CSA after that. Many years later, I called CSA for an enquiry and they told me no specific person is assigned to manage my case anymore.
Maybe it is the new system or maybe that senior case officer was on a promotional pathway and didn't want any complaints against him.
Apart from the usual letter, either way I didn't hear from them anymore.


Diamond Member
The mother of my child decided to put in 100% of control over our child. So I said fine . That's good just remember that you will be found out by our child and it will be you who pays the price later on . Yes my child doesn't talk about her very much. I took the lowest payed job I could find and earn sweet (f) all and pay next to nothing to the mother but have a account for the child with a good amount in it but I am happy. I get to spend time with my child. 3 more years and I am free. From csa. And the mother.
Then I will rebuild my life again won't be making that mistake again.

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
I had this view for most of 10 years and that is because it is the sad truth for a while.

I have noticed they are trying to change their image. Many officers are less unpleasant to talk to.

A couple of years ago I came across one officer that acted exactly like that when my ex claimed that she had our child 98% if the time in order to get more $$$.

I had to spend a lot of time and money gathering evidence and statements from people to disprove this. Even then case officer seemed to lack ears and was all mouth in a conversation. SHE literally did not hear a word I said and carried on her own conversation.

I’m the end a friend taught me a trick which was to look up their clause about false statements. Called in and asked if they can guarantee something. After a tantrum the officer dismissed the case.

There @Lord Spikey there’s one of my story. Did you want to tell the best part of this story?

@Master Yoda, you know my story well. If I recount it here, it would need to be several chapters. My concern is that it is very specific and detailed and if there is any chance of anyone on here recognizing those details, it could end in tears for me.

All I will say at this time is: I won, in each and every respect: I have maintained my sanity; I now have the brilliant relationship with my children, that my ex completely obliterated through lies and I foiled her attempts at extracting more money from me, mostly by using CSA’s own rules and regulations.

Over 23 years, the ex has become bitter, twisted, jealous and quite ill. It did not have to be this way and some of the blame needs to be placed squarely at the feet of her girlfriends and mother.


Legend Member
Had mine taken out of my pay . Some weeks I had not much more than $20 to live on . Child support didn't give a shit that I mostly lived in the truck and had to survive. But I guess it just makes us tougher 🤬

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
Had mine taken out of my pay . Some weeks I had not much more than $20 to live on . Child support didn't give a shit that I mostly lived in the truck and had to survive. But I guess it just makes us tougher 🤬

Yes, it does and when Karma comes to visit….. That feeling…. Oh so sweet.


Legend Member
I had this view for most of 10 years and that is because it is the sad truth for a while.

I have noticed they are trying to change their image. Many officers are less unpleasant to talk to.

A couple of years ago I came across one officer that acted exactly like that when my ex claimed that she had our child 98% if the time in order to get more $$$.

I had to spend a lot of time and money gathering evidence and statements from people to disprove this. Even then case officer seemed to lack ears and was all mouth in a conversation. SHE literally did not hear a word I said and carried on her own conversation.

I’m the end a friend taught me a trick which was to look up their clause about false statements. Called in and asked if they can guarantee something. After a tantrum the officer dismissed the case.

There @Lord Spikey there’s one of my story. Did you want to tell the best part of this story?

I call it legal terms: evidence, guarantees etc they start to hold tight coz they can make themselves liable. Gov departments work on the premise that the person doesnt know anything. Think there needs to be more community websites that help people. There are many pension consessions out there but how do you know if you dont you?


Sexty8 - you do me , and then I owe you one!
Diamond Member
Eighteen years, eighteen years
She got one of your kids, got you for eighteen years
I know somebody payin' child support for one of his kids
His baby mama car and crib is bigger than his
You will see him on TV any given Sunday
Win the Super Bowl and drive off in a Hyundai
She was supposed to buy your shorty Tyco with your money
She went to the doctor, got lipo with your money
She walkin' around lookin' like Michael with your money
Shoulda got that insured, Geico for your money
If you ain't no punk
Holla, "We want prenup! We want prenup!" (Yeah!)
It's somethin' that you need to have
'Cause when she leave yo' ass, she gon' leave with half
Eighteen years, eighteen years
And on the 18th birthday he found out it wasn't his?

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I call it legal terms: evidence, guarantees etc they start to hold tight coz they can make themselves liable. Gov departments work on the premise that the person doesnt know anything. Think there needs to be more community websites that help people. There are many pension consessions out there but how do you know if you dont you?

Trust me the case officers at CSA are no bright sparks generally


Diamond Member
Didn't you want to marry a hooker? Seems like you didn't learn your lesson.
Not quite the same thing. She is fixed . And I have never been married. Anyway it still might not happen. All's quite on the western front one would have to say. But point taken.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
For those interested. I found a great read from a support group helping people that are bullied by the CSA. This has helped me understand a lit more and I am about to use this knowledge to confront the CSA


Lord Spikey

Legend Member
OK. Here is a snippet or two from a multi-chapter story from an anonymous source.

Once upon a time, there was a married couple with children. They lived in a house that they were buying. Their relationship broke down, for reasons that are unimportant here.

After the mother had stolen some $20k or so from the father's bank account and the family court had divided up the remaining marital financial assets at about 86/14 in favour of the mother, the father continued to dutifully deposit money into the mother's bank account to be used for his children. This amount was roughly 40% more than the prescribed amount of child support would have been.

The family court also awarded custody of the children to the mother, with the father having free visitation rights. The father accepted this, as he would be busy working to earn the money to not only pay the child support payments, but to also pay for the mortgage on the family home, rent for somewhere to live, buy furniture, pay bills, petrol, food, etc, etc. This would require either long hours, or a second job. There would be little opportunity to be a real effective father to his children and spend time with them. The mother was a good mother, so all was acceptable.

However, as time progressed, things changed. The father would go to see his children each night after work and they would have fun. This obviously annoyed the mother and she requested the father only visit three times a week. Then two times a week and eventually, she cut him down to every second Saturday between 9AM and 5PM. The father agreed to this, as the mother threatened to get the Child Support Agency involved, who would enforce visitation conditions. Now, the father was not aware of what conditioned the CSA could enforce, but in the interest of peace and reduction of stress in his childrens' life, again agreed.

Then came a number of incidents that required a more formal response from the father. Firstly, the mother informed the father that she was not happy that he controlled the child support money that he paid each and every week and she wanted the CSA to take it from his pay. The father tried to explain that this was not necessary and that it would not benefit her, but I guess her girlfriends and mother knew better. Or did they?

The CSA informed the father that the prescribed amount would be taken from his weekly pay and given to the mother. So, six weeks later (the CSA lag time) she received the first payment from CSA, only to discover that it was only around 60% of what the father had been paying. She, of course, called the CSA and asked for the usual amount she had been receiving to be taken; to which they replied that they can only legally take the prescribed amount and no more.

So then, the mother decided to apply to the CSA legal department and bring a case of inadequate payment from the father. Both were summoned to appear before the CSA lawyers, where the mother showed claims and receipts of purchases for the children. The father, in a separate meeting was asked how he wished to respond to the mother's claims. The father asked if he was legally required to pay more than the prescribed amount, to which the CSA confirmed not. The meeting ended.

Finally, the mother submitted another claim for more money from the father by way of the CSA's official claim document.
In this document, she claimed to have no assets and no income. The father received a copy of this document and upon reading it in full, immediately contacted the CSA requesting confirmation that when they put the mother in jail, he would receive full custody of his children.

The CSA were initially confused, but after the father pointed out the statement typed at the bottom of their document that a fraudulent statement made in this document may result in a jail term, they asked the father why this would be the case?

Well, you see, although the mother had claimed no assets, the couple still owned the family home. About 60% of the mortgage had been paid, so even at a 50% split, it is still an asset to both the father and the mother. So that was a fraudulent statement.

Secondly, the mother had claimed no income and the fact was that although the mother and children had continued to live in the family home, while the father continued to pay the mortgage, they had moved out months before and the family home was being rented out. 50% of the rent went to the mother, so she did have an income. This also was a fraudulent statement.

The CSA promised to discuss this with the mother, who promptly withdrew her claim.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
OK. Here is a snippet or two from a multi-chapter story from an anonymous source.

Once upon a time, there was a married couple with children. They lived in a house that they were buying. Their relationship broke down, for reasons that are unimportant here.

After the mother had stolen some $20k or so from the father's bank account and the family court had divided up the remaining marital financial assets at about 86/14 in favour of the mother, the father continued to dutifully deposit money into the mother's bank account to be used for his children. This amount was roughly 40% more than the prescribed amount of child support would have been.

The family court also awarded custody of the children to the mother, with the father having free visitation rights. The father accepted this, as he would be busy working to earn the money to not only pay the child support payments, but to also pay for the mortgage on the family home, rent for somewhere to live, buy furniture, pay bills, petrol, food, etc, etc. This would require either long hours, or a second job. There would be little opportunity to be a real effective father to his children and spend time with them. The mother was a good mother, so all was acceptable.

However, as time progressed, things changed. The father would go to see his children each night after work and they would have fun. This obviously annoyed the mother and she requested the father only visit three times a week. Then two times a week and eventually, she cut him down to every second Saturday between 9AM and 5PM. The father agreed to this, as the mother threatened to get the Child Support Agency involved, who would enforce visitation conditions. Now, the father was not aware of what conditioned the CSA could enforce, but in the interest of peace and reduction of stress in his childrens' life, again agreed.

Then came a number of incidents that required a more formal response from the father. Firstly, the mother informed the father that she was not happy that he controlled the child support money that he paid each and every week and she wanted the CSA to take it from his pay. The father tried to explain that this was not necessary and that it would not benefit her, but I guess her girlfriends and mother knew better. Or did they?

The CSA informed the father that the prescribed amount would be taken from his weekly pay and given to the mother. So, six weeks later (the CSA lag time) she received the first payment from CSA, only to discover that it was only around 60% of what the father had been paying. She, of course, called the CSA and asked for the usual amount she had been receiving to be taken; to which they replied that they can only legally take the prescribed amount and no more.

So then, the mother decided to apply to the CSA legal department and bring a case of inadequate payment from the father. Both were summoned to appear before the CSA lawyers, where the mother showed claims and receipts of purchases for the children. The father, in a separate meeting was asked how he wished to respond to the mother's claims. The father asked if he was legally required to pay more than the prescribed amount, to which the CSA confirmed not. The meeting ended.

Finally, the mother submitted another claim for more money from the father by way of the CSA's official claim document.
In this document, she claimed to have no assets and no income. The father received a copy of this document and upon reading it in full, immediately contacted the CSA requesting confirmation that when they put the mother in jail, he would receive full custody of his children.

The CSA were initially confused, but after the father pointed out the statement typed at the bottom of their document that a fraudulent statement made in this document may result in a jail term, they asked the father why this would be the case?

Well, you see, although the mother had claimed no assets, the couple still owned the family home. About 60% of the mortgage had been paid, so even at a 50% split, it is still an asset to both the father and the mother. So that was a fraudulent statement.

Secondly, the mother had claimed no income and the fact was that although the mother and children had continued to live in the family home, while the father continued to pay the mortgage, they had moved out months before and the family home was being rented out. 50% of the rent went to the mother, so she did have an income. This also was a fraudulent statement.

The CSA promised to discuss this with the mother, who promptly withdrew her claim.

Yes my friend, I learned from you to quote their policies and demand that my child is returned to me when my ex wife goes to prison after making false claims. This case officer was highly emotional and had a tantrum. She later got in significant trouble for the way she conducted the phonecall.

But yes... the case was dismissed shortly after.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Many years ago, when CSA first contact me and threatened me with all their possible legal actions.
I demanded to talk to the person's line manger who claimed to be a senior case officer and I expressed that I have suffer panick attack by their phone call (also I mentioned it should be evidenced because they claimed their phone calls are recoreded)
Then I was dealing with that senior case manager on another issue. (Took a 6 hours phone call, for me to agreed with the issue he raised, I demanded this person to write me a letter to state our conversation ,must indicated in the letter that I have done everything within my right and not to call me again as he is welcome to contact me via mail. If he choose to call before contact me via mail and hide their caller IDs, I will report them for harassment.
I must admit that speaking to the senior staff is more civilized, at least they know how to cover their asses which turned into a more polited conversations.
I too refused to take the their phone calls for a long time. But they will call you anyway

No idea what to do

Legend Member
CSA are a bunch of arseholes IMO also.
If you got problems, they compound them until you crack the shit's,
Once you crack the shits with them, all they seem to do is harass the crap out of you.

3 Weddings
9 Kids
3 Divorces ........... 2 went well and we all still talk ....... 1 Really fucken ugly and cost a fortune
Wifey Number 4 ... Still around and tolerates me quite well :)

CSA only ever got involved with the Ugly deal, I was polite for a while, then they touched a tender spot and from there I was fucked.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
CSA are a bunch of arseholes IMO also.
If you got problems, they compound them until you crack the shit's,
Once you crack the shits with them, all they seem to do is harass the crap out of you.

3 Weddings
9 Kids
3 Divorces ........... 2 went well and we all still talk ....... 1 Really fucken ugly and cost a fortune
Wifey Number 4 ... Still around and tolerates me quite well :)

CSA only ever got involved with the Ugly deal, I was polite for a while, then they touched a tender spot and from there I was fucked.

I had my fair share of cracking the shits some years ago. Some officers really made it a point to be nasty and push people. My worst wasavouring at an officer that she must be part of an ex wives club that’s been traded up on for something better, thus the revenge on all men.

I have better experiences sometimes now. I just went out of my way today to praise an officer to his team leader about how great he was

The Voice

Diamond Member
I too refused to take the their phone calls for a long time. But they will call you anyway
My brother was a master at this. He got rid of his landline and his mobile phone account back then did not require ID. He always got CSA and Centerlink to only communicate by letter and if he would write back. As you can manage this was like putting sand in the gears. Even when finally setting up appointments after all the letters he woukd call from a payphone and say he is sick, so the process repeats. They always tried to get him to buy a phone or get on the net. He would say he can't afford it, so they would need to purchase a phone for him along with an account. Of course they won't do that so when they harrased him about (via letter) he'd complain about harrasment to the ombudsman (by letter of course). If they kept harrasing him he'd issue a complex FOI on the agency.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
My brother was a master at this. He got rid of his landline and his mobile phone account back then did not require ID. He always got CSA and Centerlink to only communicate by letter and if he would write back. As you can manage this was like putting sand in the gears. Even when finally setting up appointments after all the letters he woukd call from a payphone and say he is sick, so the process repeats. They always tried to get him to buy a phone or get on the net. He would say he can't afford it, so they would need to purchase a phone for him along with an account. Of course they won't do that so when they harrased him about (via letter) he'd complain about harrasment to the ombudsman (by letter of course). If they kept harrasing him he'd issue a complex FOI on the agency.
Ingenious. But won’t they just take it straight from his pay?