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A well trained woman.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Arrrrrrrrr a case of;-- Too Many Drugs and I do`nt get enough attention at Home, Well done to the passengers for throwing her off the train.
Dealing with rail rage... Oz style: Sydney commuters join forces to attack abusive passenger and throw her from the train
A woman who was filmed swearing and abusing people on a train in Australia, got what she deserved when she was thrown off onto her backside by other passengers.
The triumphant moment when her fellow commuters gang up on her and physically move her off the train was caught on camera and has become a hit on YouTube.
The video shows the young blonde spitting, swearing and hitting Sydney commuters until they finally snap and kick her off the train


Hahahaah LOl...That was the first thing I saw on you tube this morn. My first thought was...too many drugs? second thought was how much were they adding fuel to the fire and stirring her up ??? It was awesome but..I had a great laugh. Maybe she will see it and be like..oh shame !!


Typical ice behaviour. Spitting on people, hitting an old bloke. Thats when you need another girl to knock her the fuck out.

Junkie trash. Looks like an OD isnt far away.


Bronze Member
Nice to see the other passengers eventually taking action, too common people just stare ahead nowadays and let these people get away with their anti social behaviour :(


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Ok.........it is not a pretty show but hey.......the female in me is piping up........how many men do misbehave in Northbridge on a single weekend??????? and how many do end up on youTube????? Sorry,.......it is certainly not an academy award performance but she only does what hundreds of males do every weekend........that's not an excuse......not a green light for such behaviour but she not any worse than lot's of her male associates.
