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50 Shades of Grey.. who Has read it???



50 shades of Grey has taken the world by Storm, Every one is reading........
Ive read the first 100 pages, it's good, but what is surprising to me, is soo many housewives are reading it, secretly while husbands are at work.......

have you read it or are reading it???

Watch a hilarous Saturday night live skit .​


Its a best seller, and has gone wild in the last few weeks.
There’s a reason the Grey series is being dubbed “mummy porn,” and it’s not just because of the rough sex and BDSM relationship that has its innocent, college student protagonist Anastasia Steele bending over backward (and forward and sideways) for the older, wealthy , successful Man.


Christian’s dirty talk makes us turn 50 shades of red
“Show me how you pleasure yourself … Keep still … We’re going to have to work on keeping you still, baby … Let’s see if we can make you come like this … You’re so deliciously wet. God, I want you … I’m going to fuck you now, Miss Steele … Hard ... Come for me, Ana.” (Pages 114, 116, 117, 118)

Anastasia’s ‘Inner Goddess’ comes out
“I pull him deeper into my mouth so I can feel him at the back of my throat and then to the front again. My tongue swirls around the end. He’s my very own Christian Grey-flavored popsicle. I suck harder and harder … Hmm … My inner goddess is doing the merengue with some salsa moves.” (Page 137)

Anastasia climaxes ‘again and again’ … and again
“He leans down and kisses me, his fingers still moving rhythmically inside me, his thumb circling and pressing. His other hand scoops my hair off my head and holds my head in place. His tongue mirrors the actions of his fingers, claiming me. My legs begin to stiffen as I push against his hand. He gentles his hand, so I’m brought back from the brink ... I come instantly again and again, falling apart beneath him … then I’m building again … I climax anew, calling out his name.” (Pages 195, 196)


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Love book recommodations........so as MA said......next time I am at the airport (which is not too far away) I have a look. I do have 20odd hours to keep myself occupied. The book sounds like a "GO"


Gold Member
omfg i love dirty books hahaha they are the only ones i can read none others really hold my attention my local dirty store i frequent just to buy a new book lol


It has taken people by storm , this book. There is apparently 3 in the trilogy . I must continue reading, purchased it from iBooks.


A Few more Pages from 50 shades of Grey................... its getting hotter

***But she still likes the idea of ‘silver balls’ in naughty places
“He holds out his hand, and in his palm are two shiny silver balls linked with a thick black thread … Inside me! I gasp, and all the muscles deep in my belly clench. My inner goddess is doing the dance of the seven veils … Oh my … It’s a curious feeling. Once they’re inside me, I can’t really feel them—but then again I know they’re there … Oh my … I may have to keep these. They make me needy, needy for sex.” (Pages 362, 364)

****She might even like the riding crop and wrist cuffs more!
“At the touch of leather, I quiver and gasp. He walks around me again, trailing the crop around the middle of my body. On his second circuit, he suddenly flicks the crop, and it hits me underneath my behind … against my sex … The shock runs through me, and it’s the sweetest, strangest, hedonistic feeling … My body convulses at the sweet, stinging bite. My nipples harden and elongate from the assault, and I moan loudly, pulling on my leather cuffs.” (Page323)


Would Love some "Real Reveiws" from those who have read the book or has just started reading........

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So I just read the review. Its erotica that incorporates Master/slave relationship and BDSM.

If you like that type of erotica that lives in fantasy land in relation to Master/slave, Dominant/submissive relationships and other areas that fall under the BDSM umbrella, then you may like

  • Exit to Eden by Anne Rice, writing as Anne Rampling
  • Sleeping Beauty Series by Anne Rice, writing as A N Roquelaure
  • Then there is also the Gor series can't think who wrote it.

Plus many more once you start searching.

For those that don't know BDSM generally stands for
B = Bondage
D = Discipline, Dominant
S = Submissive, Slave, Sadist
M = Master, Masochist

Though is generally used these days to cover all sorts of Fetishes


Exclusive Private Escort
Foundation Member
I'm on the third book, loved the first 2.

Its also going to be made into movie.


Hmmm . . . after I finish "Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter" (I needed something to read on the 24 hour plan journey home) I will most certainly be purchasing a copy of this book.
Just love a lusty read.


I am reading it!! And, might I whisper, **I was dripping wet after the first few pages**. My choice of porn is literotica, and this is the perfect way to carry around my mischievous side. Absolute book porn.

:love10: :love10: :love10:


I read it! and while the story was captivating, it was badly written. didnt stop me from reading all the books though :D


Legend Member
With amount of paper used to write this book Makes you wonder if the author liked sex or hated trees