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5 Exercises Men Can Do for Better Sex

Andy IT

Diamond Member
maxresdefault.jpg You are aware of the benefits of exercise to your health. But did you know that working out in the gym can also improve your sex life? Pete McCall, MS, an exercise physiologist and personal trainer for the American Council on Exercise, asserts that doing out three to four times a week will significantly improve your sexual technique, flexibility, and endurance (ACE). What forms of exercise are therefore ideal for improved sex? The following five "sex exercises" are suggested by McCall.

Better Sex Exercise No. 1: Weight Lifting

Strength training might be exactly what your sex life needs. McCall advises lifting weights heavy enough to feel fatigued by the tenth repetition because "weight lifting stimulates the body to create testosterone, which is the primary antecedent for the male sex drive." In fact, some studies have shown a correlation between elevated testosterone levels and brief, intense exercise, such as weightlifting. Perform some push-ups, sit-ups, and crunches to enhance your sex life. By bolstering the shoulders, chest, and abs, these muscle-building workouts can improve sex. The muscles in the upper body are employed during intercourse, hence having strong upper body strength might boost stamina.

Better Sex Exercise No. 2: Kegels

Kegels are regarded as a beneficial sex exercise for males because they can improve endurance and control by toning the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, which are responsible for allowing you to stop the flow of pee midstream. They improve sex by bolstering the pelvic floor muscles in your body. They are named after Los Angeles doctor Arnold Kegel. By clenching these muscles right before orgasm, men can utilise Kegels to postpone ejaculation, according to McCall. Start by stopping the flow of pee while using the restroom to get used to your PC muscles before performing Kegels. After that, by contracting the PC muscles anywhere, anytime, you can perform Kegels. Do as many reps as you can before becoming fatigued, holding for 10 seconds, then relaxing.

Better Sex Exercise No. 3: Yoga

Want to try some new positions in your sex life? By enabling your body to assume innovative positions for optimal enjoyment during sex, yoga practice will improve your sex. According to McCall, yoga will increase your flexibility, which could lead to greater sex. According to some experts, it can increase your stamina in the sack by bringing your energies up and inside. Yoga exercises including the Bow Pose, Peacock Pose (also known as the Forearm or Elbow Balance), and Shoulder Stand that strengthen the pelvic muscles are suggested by McCall.

Better Sex Exercise No. 4: Fast Walking

Harvard researchers found that aerobic exercise reduced the risk of erectile dysfunction by 30% in a study of 31,000 males over the age of 50. (ED). More specifically, a different study found that aerobic exercise that burns at least 200 calories per day (equivalent to two miles of rapid walking) can considerably lessen the risk of ED. By enhancing circulation and blood flow, brisk jogging is regarded to be beneficial for ED. Fast walking, jogging, and other forms of exercise are beneficial to your sex life for the same reason that they lower your risk of heart attacks, according to McCall. Your blood vessels are kept free by them. Erections may become longer and stronger as a result. Exercises that are strenuous, like jogging and brisk walking, can relax you and release endorphins, which can improve sexual function.

Better Sex Exercise No. 5: Swimming

In a separate Harvard study, 160 men and female swimmers reported having sex lives similar to those of people in their 40s. Long-distance swimming can keep you going and going like the Energizer bunny because engaging in sexual activity can be an act of endurance. According to McCall, swimming for at least 30 minutes three times a week will improve sexual endurance. Swimming is an excellent weight-loss exercise that can help improve sexual performance. One-third of the 110 obese men with ED in randomised, single-blind research who lost merely 10% of their body weight experienced an improvement in sexual function.

Try performing some (or all) of the exercises listed above to enhance your flexibility, endurance, and sexual technique. Along with impressing your partner with your sexual prowess, you'll also improve your health and fitness.

Andy IT

Diamond Member
Research suggests that certain meals may affect libido. Even if you don't experience a significant increase in desire, these products provide a wealth of additional health advantages.

  1. Black raspberries
  2. Pine nuts
  3. Avocados
  4. Watermelon
  5. Extra virgin olive oil
  6. Broccoli
  7. Celery
  8. Raw oysters
  9. Bananas
  10. Almonds
  11. Mangoes, peaches and strawberries
  12. Eggs
  13. Figs
  14. Garlic
  15. Chocolate


Legend Member
Interesting foods - but I would very much doubt consuming a truck load of garlic would do wonders for my sex life.