• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

3 Points for discussion re-Punters / and Trying to Contact Private WL's.



3 points of discussion :

What's with Punters who want "book" the receptionist".

.... They walk in and you introduce them to 10 STUNNING ladies - they stand at the counter and monopolise the attention of the reception staff...then they say "They want the receptionist...the manager comes down, says no...etc." If a Manager had a dollar for every time a punter wanted to "book a non-working- staff member" WHAT IS WITH THAT ???
* iS it wanting what they cant have...is it the "challenge". Are these the guys that would want to play o/s the rules. Do they think the office staff would be more naieve ? or innocent .

What about the punters who try to sweet talk W/L into doing "private work" on the side ??

My thoughts on these guys is that they're looking for a "cheaper deal" which shows me that they're already scheming to exploit - not just the house but the lady as well. These are the guys who will expect to continually push the boundaries ..ie - the one hour booking turns into two hours for the same price, then they hope to eventually make friends enough to get her energy and her time for FREE. They are so transparent. I think these were the bad boys at school always breaking the rules.

And I think if they convinced weak willed W/L to see them outside work, privately then the lady is putting herself at risk- because it becomes "personal" and the guy could start to see her as a "girl friend" whom he has some hold / or strong attachment to. Then comes the jealousy, the abusive text messages, the question and answer (justification expected). There is no drivers / security.. he knows what car she drives... etc, it takes the anonymynity and business transaction out of it - which is the crucial role neccecary for the agency to play.

Private Workers

I have had calls from all over Australia in the last week....from punters seeking Escort Services... SEE www.langtrees.com WORKS...VERY WELL... This is when we access their nearest area and give them the number and description of the Private W/L to contact.

*** Heres the DOWNER- they're ringing me BACK sometimes twice...over a few hours even and "just letting me know" they've had problems getting through to the "Private". A0 Her phone is OFF. b) Incoming call restrictions is activated c) They're not getting ANY responses to their messages or texts. I have tried myself to get through , to no avail. It IS pretty frustrating. I agree. There shows the Pros of working In House - where we mann our phones / enquiry line / booking line 24/7. You remain anonymous at ALL times. There is security / protection / The laundry / linen is done, you don't have to pay for water / electricity - to organise food platters etc. These things cost time to organise yourself...and TIME is money. Afterall. Now that' s gold.

Comments Opinions and feedback would be appreciated. Thank You.


Foundation Member
I understand your angst Jessica. I have numourous enquiries for the swingers parties that you know will go no-where as the guy is just looking a thrill over the phone via call or txt. (more usually txt)
It ends with them asking if I know of any hot couples looking for a guy.
I facilitate classy parties for attractive couples and selected singles.. No-where does it say Im a matchmaker!
We charge for attending the parties thereby putting a value to the parties. If people dont want to accept the value placed on the parties then they are very welcome to attend lesser standard private parties.
Its a similar trend Jessica. But we have to accept this is going to happen on occasions, but we can enjoy the quality guests and clients that do turn up who appreciate quality


Yes Buzz... I have some really young guys @20 asking "the prices"...when I tell them they take a step back whilst trying to maintain their composure...then they ask...how about the swingers parties next door ?? is that OPEN now...Know what they're thinking hey !!! - I refer them to YOU Buzz !

Im starting to quickly recognise the callers who are self pleasuring on the phone...AND the text-ers too now. !!

I dont have angst with it, as such, I was just wanting to try to understand the psychologic dynamic behind their desire. :)


Legend Member
Are you sexy Miss Jessica? I would want to book you to if you were sexy

Buzz, I hear about the buff guys wanted adds and think I am not fit enough for the swingers parties :( *teareye


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Guess it is the nature of the beast (so to speak)
When it comes to clients wanting to book the receptionist I totally agree with you, Jessica. It is one of those childish notions.......you want what you can't get and maybe a bit of a power trip. Make the receptionist part of sexual desire which takes power off her......hmmmmmm does that make sense?
When it comes to private offers......SIGH.......it will always be there. At the end it is up to the W/L what she decides to do. But it is rather easy to deal with it.......just say NO if you don't want to do it......no discussion, no buts and ifs.
LOL....sorry but had to laugh when reading your last comment about the phone calls. I was actually wondering about how many annoying phone calls you have to deal with. Guess sometimes it helps just to hang up and if he rings back and complains blame the bad phone connection. ;)



Exclusive Private Escort
Foundation Member
I'm a private worker and despite clearly stating on my website and other advertising I don't work on call, nor take bookings by ph and completing roster on Langtrees, the majority of enquiries I get are "are you available now" or calls after 11pm. My phones set to silent, has voice mail with description etc,and ph has auto respond to mobile calls/texts.

Perhaps if potential clients actually took a few mins to clearly read a ladies add/site they would get a better response.

It frustrates the hell out of me.


Farm Boy

Receptionist No thanks were is Mary-Anne .

I am now going to wimp out and switch of my computer
I was actually wondering about how many annoying phone calls you have to deal with. Guess sometimes it helps just to hang up and if he rings back and complains blame the bad phone connection. ;)


My favourites are the young boys who call up trying to order a lady. I usually tell them to call back when their balls have dropped. If they start to get annoying (8-12 calls) I inform them the police have traced their number and are on their way. Works like a charm haha

Least favourite? The guys obviously having a pull while asking about the description of the lady. I must admit I was very naive when I first started and it took me a few months to realise the sexier the description I gave, the longer the pauses and sighs became!