• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


I've probably seen 300 Asian girls over the years (30 years punting) and I have to agree they do seem to go off a little more as well as a little easier. Maybe it's the excitement of a different race of client, especially for those that are visiting here for a few months (the good old days!!).....not sure πŸ€”
The exotic allure of an Asian girl is what gets me going, especially since where I grew up there were about zero Asian girls around.....

Luckypete 08

Legend Member
I've probably seen 300 Asian girls over the years (30 years punting) and I have to agree they do seem to go off a little more as well as a little easier. Maybe it's the excitement of a different race of client, especially for those that are visiting here for a few months (the good old days!!).....not sure πŸ€”
The exotic allure of an Asian girl is what gets me going, especially since where I grew up there were about zero Asian girls around.....
Yes I'm the same as you as there were no Asian girls where i lived but i always had a fascination for them
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Tania Admin

Their active imagination also means that they’re likely to be porn aficionados β€” so don’t be surprised if they pay for a premium service and have favourite performers. However, they’ll happily turn off their laptops to spend time with a partner. For Geminis, porn is fun and titillating, but not too important.

Happy Birthday πŸ’‹βœ¨πŸŽ

May 25th

Sex, Sex, Sex. When do you want it? NOW. Where do you want it? WHEREVER..So why are you reading this,,,off you go....



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹


Silver Member
For Taurus, food is the most obvious aphrodisiac and sex is the natural expression of love.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹βœ¨πŸŽπŸŽŠ

April 24th

You’ve been bouncing through the world for some time now, Taurus, taking it all in like one big pleasure cruise. And why shouldn't it be? You work hard so enjoy your down time to the full.

View attachment 114385

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹
I will have to wait till next year, wish I had known…..

Cardinal Voiello

I've probably seen 300 Asian girls over the years (30 years punting) and I have to agree they do seem to go off a little more as well as a little easier. Maybe it's the excitement of a different race of client, especially for those that are visiting here for a few months (the good old days!!).....not sure πŸ€”
The exotic allure of an Asian girl is what gets me going, especially since where I grew up there were about zero Asian girls around.....

I was quite intriqued by the number of girls you had seen in 30 years of punting, so I asked my friend, who has punted longer than my goodself. Since Dec of 2013, give or take a few, he has, pleasured, his words, some 90 oriental ladies. In 22 years time I must ask him what is tally is!!


Legend Member
I've probably seen 300 Asian girls over the years (30 years punting) and I have to agree they do seem to go off a little more as well as a little easier. Maybe it's the excitement of a different race of client, especially for those that are visiting here for a few months (the good old days!!).....not sure πŸ€”
The exotic allure of an Asian girl is what gets me going, especially since where I grew up there were about zero Asian girls around.....

From what I heard, it is the tight fit that increases the sensitivity. Majority of them have tight vaginas that are fully stretched by our big dongs. Makes sense isn't it?


I was quite intriqued by the number of girls you had seen in 30 years of punting, so I asked my friend, who has punted longer than my goodself. Since Dec of 2013, give or take a few, he has, pleasured, his words, some 90 oriental ladies. In 22 years time I must ask him what is tally is!!

Yes - and that's just the Asian girls....I would guess around 200 or so of girls from other backgrounds....which could be a conservative number 😲

Tania Admin

When dating, Geminis love adventure and get bored easily. That means they’re more likely to have flings than to be serial monogamists. Geminis can be happy in a long-term relationship, but only if their partner can keep up with them.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹βœ¨πŸŽ

May 27th

When Venus entered your sign earlier this month, Gemini, she kicked off a three-week tour of fun and passion that has your name written all over it.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

As the mutable air sign, for Gemini love is primarily about a meeting of minds. Its passions don’t tend to run high – although with its fondness for change and variety, it can be quite innovative in trying out different sexual techniques.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹πŸŽπŸŽŠ

May 28th

Today is about partaking in the pleasures of life, so don’t hold back when it comes to going after whatever or whomever you want. This could be a day for the books, so make it count, alright?


@Up for anything

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Tania Admin

You see, the big strength of this sign in relationships is, without question, its communication skills. Often cited as the sign most likely to have phone sex, Geminis of both gender enjoy chatting endlessly to their lovers, whether remotely or in person.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹πŸŽŠπŸŽ

May 29th

You will have a clearer read on your own desires and know exactly what you do and don’t want in your life and you will have a clearer read on your own desires and know exactly what you do and you’re able to satisfy your desires without question.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

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Tania Admin

Don’t expect them to discuss emotions, though. Geminis are by and large ideas people who are happy to analyse the dynamics of a relationship from an intellectual point of view. But when it comes to empathising with their partner’s feelings, many of them haven’t a clue.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹πŸŽβœ¨

May 30th

Let the wind take you wherever it may, and if the world beckons then call up someone special and see if they want to join you for a bit of whirlwind romance. Chances are they will.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

To those of a more sensitive make-up, Gemini can appear to have rather a cold-hearted side. With its propensity for gossip, Gemini has a reputation for sometimes being rather indiscreet in disclosing the bedroom secrets of its lovers, and is the star sign most likely to kiss and tell.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹πŸŽŠπŸŽ

May 31st

Anything is possible right now, so be courageous in the way only your sign can manage and go out into the world with your heart on your sleeve. I promise you that the Universe will reward your actions now, so if there is someone you’ve had your eye on for a while might I suggest finally making your move!!!


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

What you need to know is that sex, for Gemini, is always going to be a fairly light-hearted affair – a bit of a giggle rather than something to make the earth move. For some people, this approach can be rather too superficial, for others it’s a welcome relief from the intensity of heavy love affairs.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹πŸŽŠπŸŽ

June 1st

You are full of energy and passion. If you you don't find an outlet you will get cranky. Time to sort this situation out!



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

Like their ruler, Mercury, Geminis tend to slip through your fingers like quicksilver. If you’re crazy about one of them, better find a way to hold their interest, or before you blink they’ll be on their way.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹πŸŽŠπŸŽ

June 2nd

Look for quality, not quantity, and you’ll surprise yourself with the diamonds you find among the rough.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

Infidelity can take many forms, and while Gemini won’t necessarily be physically unfaithful, it’s the Star Sign that’s most prone to cheating on you mentally or verbally.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹πŸŽŠπŸŽ

June 3rd

You could fall for someone a little–or a lot–older than you; experience is sexy, Gemini, so why not get out there and see what that special someone has to show you?



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

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Tania Admin

Because they live largely in their heads, Geminis often spend more time thinking or talking about sex than actually doing it – and their β€˜affairs’ are more likely to consist of inappropriate sexual conversations than actually jumping into bed with someone else.

Happy Birthday πŸ’‹πŸŽŠπŸŽ

June 4th

There’s something in the air today, Gemini, but whether it’s romantic or platonic might be a bit difficult to say. That’s not to imply you can’t enjoy yourself or indulge in a few physical extra curricular activities, but the stars are pointing towards a playful day, so why don’t we take a closer look?



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Tania Admin

Many born under this most oral of all zodiac signs claim that they can literally be talked to orgasm, or that they can chat their partners to nirvana.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹πŸŽŠβœ¨πŸŽ

June 5th

If passion starts bubbling up where you least expect it be sure to double check the source before you lock yourself away behind bedroom doors. All things considered it will probably be rather difficult to refuse an alluring offer, and you don’t need to provided you do your proper due diligence first.


@Diane Admin

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
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Tania Admin

Gemini are dirty talkers and have been known to elevate talking dirty to an art form. They're so good at it that it's difficult for partners to compete.

Happy Birthday πŸ’‹βœ¨πŸŽπŸŽŠ

June 6th

The unusual will probably appeal to you even more than usual. Have fun!


@Daryl Strawberry
@Harold ken
@One can't hurt

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

If you're trying to learn how to have great sex with a Gemini, don't worry. They'll appreciate your efforts to keep up, even if your naughty prose is nowhere near as creative (or downright nasty) as theirs is.

Happy Birthday 🎊🎁✨

June 7th

There are surprises waiting for you down the line, and something tells me that you’ll love what you find when you take your foot off the gas and just coast along–yes, that isn’t exactly your normal approach, but it’s time for something different.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

Filthy philosophizing just seems to effortlessly spill from between Gemini lips. In fact, after the heat of the moment has passed, they're apt to be a little embarrassed about what they said.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹πŸŽβœ¨

June 8th

If there’s someone you’ve been looking to take home try and be more receptive to their vibrations.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

Gemini tend to very gifted at kissing.

They will treat lovers to twists of the tongue they never imagined. Lip locks with one these twins is guaranteed to curl your toes, straighten your hair and tie your knickers in a bow.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹βœ¨πŸŽ

June 9th

With so many wonderful things happening I’d be shocked if anyone could turn you down on a day like this so go forward and lead with your heart, or any other body part you might prefer.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

Gemini are also highly skilled in oral sex. They're so fantastic at it that you might think they have two tongues.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹πŸŽπŸŽŠ

June 10th

It’s all about you and what you want right now, and since that isn’t always the case might I suggest you take this cosmic gift and run with it as far as you can!



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

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Tania Admin

Not only are Gems artful at cunnilingus and fellatio, but they supremely enjoy performing the act β€” so much so that they might actually prefer giving head a bit more than getting it.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹βœ¨πŸŽ

June 11th

Life sends you a wonderful and exciting opportunity completely out of the blue to pursue–well, I’m not entirely sure what it is, but from the look of things it’s going to be something quite wonderful.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

Don't be insulted if your Gemini partner would rather give than receive. It's just in their nature, so go with it. Believe it or not, they get off on you getting off almost as much as you do.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹πŸŽŠπŸŽ

June 12th

How do your desires line up when your entire vision changes?


@Col Thims

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

Be prepared for an enjoyable romp when you bed a Gemini. Their lovemaking is varied, energetic and creative. They're curious about all kinds of sexual expression, are usually game for anything and are willing to try out something new.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹βœ¨πŸŽ

June 13th

There is a lot of potential fireworks hanging out overhead, but it’s up to you whether or not you’re going to set them off. Are you ready to light up the night? It’s all up to you so decide what you want and then get to making it happen.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

They're comfortable and confident in threesomes, especially trios which include two same-sex partners. Again, this is due to the twin aspect of their Sun Sign. Role-playing games can be extremely fulfilling with a Gemini since they are imaginative and fun-loving, but be sure that the scenarios are varied. Gems are easily bored with the same old scenario, even in fantasy.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹πŸŽŠπŸŽβœ¨

June 14th

This could be a day that feels full of fantastic opportunity, Gemini, and you know what? It is, BUT it’s also got a few flies in the ointment so let’s take a closer look and go from there.



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