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Your role model...


Legend Member
Who is or who was your role model when growing up that you inspired to be just like? It can be parts of different people that you just loved the way they went about doing different things.

For me, it was my mother who taught me that you need to treat everybody as you would your best friend.
I loved the way she always seemed to find a positive out of any negative and would always be smiling.

It was my first boss who showed me that as much as you need to work hard, work can also be a lot of fun.

It was my brother who taught me that as long as your happy with what you are doing, never care what others may think.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Good on you BB for having role models in your life. After thinking hard I have to admit that nobody really did it for me. My parents are lovely.....hmmmmm........but role models? No, not for the rebellious teenage nightmare I used to be. And my teachers? Not one single one inspired me. At the end I would say that everybody I had closer contact with had some kind of influence on me but nobody really sticks out.



Full Member
Foundation Member
....ditto Rochelle's post. Who I am has been influenced not just by those close to me but also, to some extent, by external factors. For example, those I grew up with, work environment, social/political environment etc. :)


Gold Member
Certainly not my school teachers. My mother, like BillyBones's, used to say the same thing.... a little differently..... treat others as you would wish them to treat you. That worked well, but lately I wish my "ladies" would roughen up a little... LOL

My family were my role models. Great great grandfather who came to oz, really inspired his family and so on. Hope that I can do the same.

Tania Admin

....ditto Rochelle's post. Who I am has been influenced not just by those close to me but also, to some extent, by external factors. For example, those I grew up with, work environment, social/political environment etc. :)

I agree, but must say my parents inspired me to not become like them,,and though I left home as a teenager (for my own safety), and did it on my own, I wasn't a rebellious teenager...I am proud of who I have become and it is all my own hard work and lessons learnt.. :)


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
How about we turn the question around.........who did we influence/leave a lasting impression? LOL again I can say not that I know of.......which is probably not a bad thing :angel12:



Legend Member
Anyone who has had lots of women (1000s), anyone who is mega rich (mill - bill), anyone who has made a big difference in the world (saving the environment, helping disadvantage people), anyone fighting the big guys (Monsanto)


Gold Member
My Current Role models are Julia, Wayen, and Tony,
Truth, Open minded Compassion and Honesty.


Legend Member
My Current Role models are Julia, Wayen, and Tony,
Truth, Open minded Compassion and Honesty.

Why dont I believe you whilom

My role model would be saxonby my fathers most reliable stud ram He was still "working" at 15 .
Not bad when your average sheep would have a life span 0f 10-12 years
So in human terms He was still a fully operational gigolo at about 100- 120 yrs of age. Not to shabby

Farm Boy

Mine is that Red Rooster that lives in the sheering shed , any old chook will do he chases them holds there head down , a lighting quick thrashing on top, and then crows all about it. one of nature's gentleman .


Legend Member
Mine is that Red Rooster that lives in the sheering shed , any old chook will do he chases them holds there head down , a lighting quick thrashing on top, and then crows all about it. one of nature's gentleman .

Ever had pheasants on the farm FB ? Even more Gentlemanly. And several gentleman can be gentlemanly to the same lady


Legend Member
Well I certainly cant use them as role role models FB, As I wish to remain an entire
And it also the fact that age now tells my body "You can only be gentlemanly once at a time these days"

Farm Boy

you do realise if we behaved like that Red Rooster Jail Time would be immanent H2?


Gold Member
Why dont I believe you whilom

My role model would be saxonby my fathers most reliable stud ram He was still "working" at 15 .
Not bad when your average sheep would have a life span 0f 10-12 years
So in human terms He was still a fully operational gigolo at about 100- 120 yrs of age. Not to shabby

We had a Ram like that at HR back in the seventies....... turned the stud industry upside down. As was done in those days....... when his time was up.... we ate him. Yeah I know....... but that was what we did THEN.

I'm coming back as a stud ram........ girls delivered to me, no need to travel around looking, arranged marriage with mistresses by the score, fed daily, top quality food, endless time to spend swapping stories with your mates, always groomed........ only hope the animal libs outlaw electrical stimulation before I return.



Gold Member
Good thread, BB.

There are so many inspirational people over the years that have been role models.

One of the first was Carl Sagan, who allowed me to stop thinking "small" and gave me an understanding of the size of the universe, our place in it and how we'd better look after our planet, because we can't just "get into a spaceship" and fly to the next one to screw that up too. :)

Next in line, Tom Lehrer, master mathematician AND musical satirist genius. Taught me to be proud of being who I am and what I believe in, even if it is not socially acceptable. "Smut", "The Masochism Tango", "The Vatican Rag", nothing was too sacred back in the late 1950's when he wrote many of his most classic songs.

These are probably the two who have stuck with me throughout the last 25 odd years since my teenage years, there have been many more.


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
The guy in my avtar who is M.P. who not many people would know on here. Though being world champion twice and would of been many more times. Though never got the chance due to some crazy circunstances. The pic was taken in 1974 at Kirra Pt and featured in the movie and album "MORNING OF THE EARTH" Today i find out he passed away 3 days ago. R.I.P. Michael always the best and would of always been.
To young to soon, Keep it happening Tommy.. Best thing i saw was they now are reshaping all his designs...


Mine is Ben Roberts Smith the SAS VC winner. Everything he is, I aspire to be. Family man, educated, loyal, courageous, strong, fit, focused and healthy.

Abbi May

Homer Simpson any day of the week.
MMMMMMM donuts aghhhha gargle aghhhhhhh

Clever, clever man.


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Mine is Ben Roberts Smith the SAS VC winner. Everything he is, I aspire to be. Family man, educated, loyal, courageous, strong, fit, focused and healthy.

Dockers nmb 1 ticket holder, yeah he is a brillant man..