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Your best parts of 2011?



What did you achieve or most enjoy in 2011?

- building and completing my first house. It's been in the works for around 4 years whilst I saved and planned but the results are well worth the wait.
- not spending too much on boy toys or my cars.
- got to see a bit more of the world.
- business is tough but it's going well. 2nd half of 2012 is shaping up to be great

Pretty good year but definitely keen to see how 2012 shapes up


Promotion at work
Fitness goals progressing well

Progression in 2 areas of my life in 2011, still need to find me a lady :p


The fine company of girls:notworthy:eek:ccasion14:love10::la::love10::eek:ccasion14:notworthy


Definately going private and meeting some great new people through it, having the wildest sex of my life...thanks guys...LOVIN IT :love10:

Perth boy

Travel overseas,

Italy,Phuket, china, Bangkok, Bali, Dubai. Hong kong.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
Private work rocks :) and with all the close calls we've had over the proposals, it sure has given me a new energy for the time I have with my awesome clients :)

I met an awesome transexual lady in June and she shone a light on my focus and what we can achieve in life - truly inspirational :D
Meeting her is a highlight for me in 2011,
Going to Melbourne and meeting all my awesome friends online from the East.
Melbourne rocks!! and I'll be back :)

And finally achieving high marks at uni and truly finding myself in my study's.

I hope 2012 gets better and that I have the strength to rise above diversity and achieve all I desire

Happy New Year to you all xx
Wishing you the best for 2012 xx :)
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what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Funny how things work out, fete or whatever but the option to move down south, country one side, surf the other, pretty hard to pass that one up. One of the best highlights of 2011 and seeing my youngest sons in over 10yrs.

So 2012 could be a much better year than the last few, especially 2011, didn't think any would be worse than 2008, but yep it was.

Definitely have a couple of things to do before that move though, a visit to someone, go back to the bay to see my youngest son and get him to come with me. Have a lot more money to spare which the wheels are in motion.
So if all that comes together it will be a much happier year, and about time..
One more thing which is pretty unlikely, find a nice lady that loves the country and ocean lifestyle...buy you never know.


Might just have had a win to finish off 2011.

Couple of years ago I bought a particular jacket from a small German town only to have it go missing shortly after I returned to Perth. Have a feeling it was pinched at a party. Been trying to find it but no luck until tonight... 77eu for the jacket and 40eu postage lol but with any luck it'll arrive safely!


I was able to put up a new house for myself this year. Not that big but a decent place for me and my girlfriend. And the latest investment I got is a new car and was happy that I sold my old one at a fair price and only added a few bucks for the new one. And I gave my girlfriend a surprise present for Christmas which is a trip to her fave place, expensive but we both enjoyed it, and that makes it all worth it.

I'm looking forward to 2012 hope it brings more luck and money!LOL! :headbang:


Finished year 12.
We moved house and my new next door neighbour let me babysit his son for lots of cash.
Had best netball season EVER (made final but lost).
That's all can think of...


Hello everyone! This is a filler post that the Admins put in here because this member is a small-minded potty mouth who has yet to learn how to respect women.
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