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Young Bastard


Farm Boy

Man sentenced to paralysis over teen-stab crime

The punishment, which was reportedly handed down to 24-year-old Ali al-Khawahir for stabbing his friend in the back 10 years ago,

Al-Khawahir will be paralysed from the waist down unless he pays one million Saudi royals ($257,900) in compensation to the victim, according to Amnesty International, who quoted reports in Saudi Arabian media.


Legend Member
Is this under religious law or martial law? This is something you would see in a steven segal movie..though he will be doing all his moves in slo mo these days...It's a million or the wheelchair...

Tania Admin

Sounds like the punishment will fit his crime, should be more of it I think.


Foundation Member
Saudi Arabia operates on a fairly strict interpretation of Islamic Sharia law which allows for forgiveness if "blood money" is paid and also prescribes death by beheading for capital crimes such as murder. However, they have modernised somewhat and no longer chop hands off for theft.

This guy may well have been sentenced by a judge under Sharia law but I would be very surprised if the sentence is actually carried out.