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You think its hot!


Legend Member
Its only 37 and forecast to get to 41 today and 42 tomorrow.

When I was a boy (along with Adam) it got to 46 in Perth. (mid to late 1980s).

Outside in the sun it was close to 60. That's hot.


Legend Member
Yes Demon a tad warm. You know its that hot when you go outside for a length of time and you dont sweat It just evaporates instantly
Soon as your under the aircon it pours out of you

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
Yeah I think its hot :p the difference with the sun these days,
Is...it burns instantly, 10m in the sun and you will easily turn into
a lobster, slip, slop, slap people's ;) actually forget that, stay indoors :)


Legend Member
Yes Vanessa You go to the beach smell everyone cooking BBQ
When its every body cooking


We've got it pretty good really.

I feel sorry for those at the mines where it gets really hot and they have to wear long pants and sleeves. That'd be warm.

It's the humidity which I hate.


Legend Member
Long pants and sleeves are cooler, because they keep the sun off your skin.

But, yes it is hotter away from the coast and up north. Mines and farms.

The day it was 46 in Perth, it was 47 in Albany, and I remember the ABC weather guy saying that Albany's record max was higher than Perth's (most people thinking that albany was never as hot as Perth.


So I have a theory...what do you think??? When I squirt someone recently commented I must get dehydrated as I lose so much fluid..and in this heat I havre found what normally makes me squirt (and trust me was REALLY turned on) I did not nor did I get a wet as I normally do...could this be dehydration from the heat???


So I have a theory...what do you think??? When I squirt someone recently commented I must get dehydrated as I lose so much fluid..and in this heat I havre found what normally makes me squirt (and trust me was REALLY turned on) I did not nor did I get a wet as I normally do...could this be dehydration from the heat???

Could be. What is this thing that makes you squirt?


Yes its immensely hot these days..Its because of this global warming thing


Legend Member
Yes its immensely hot these days..Its because of this global warming thing

So, how do you explain that these records are only the hottest since ... (i.e. sometime in the recent past was hotter.)?

Also, the computer models they use to predict the future, don't even explain the present climate.

Just 200 to 500 years ago it was hotter. We are coming out of a min-ice age. So hotter is 'normal'.

Alecia the Foxx

It is a fact that climate change spikes have been far more frequent in the last century.


Legend Member
Here in the Midwest we have many days to go before we break our string of hottest consecutive days set in the late 80's .


Legend Member
You will also notice that the climate fraud scientists only mention the ice at the North Pole.

Ice in Antarctica is increasing (and that is where most of the world's ice is).

I believe that climate changes all the time, but humans have a miniscule effect.

If the pollies and others who believe in human caused climate change were consistent they would not be encouraging more humans, but less. Population has increased from 1 billion in 1900 to 7 billion in 2012. What explains the hotter periods before 1900 with so many less humans?

In 1500s England's weather was as warms as south of France and Italy, Greece and Spain. That is why England became a European power. Best climate in Europe for agriculture. Scandinavia was also warmer.


Legend Member
There is a lot of money to be made from promoting the human caused climate change. But little money from saying the opposite.

As one of my economics profs said "You can buy any opinion you want if you pay enough".
It was a course in Economics and Politics. He won a Nobel Prize in Economics for his work in that field.

Alecia the Foxx

They ARE encouraging less humans, Demon. Population reduction/control is a huge part of greenie policies.


Legend Member
No one can deny we are polluting the atmosphere But is it just us? As demon has said we have seen extremes on this planet before and we will again
We have been studying the climate for so short a time we dont know how long a climate cycle is meant to be. We are making a lot of assumptions

I would listen a little harder If the global warming side Would listen to the "Sceptics"
rather than shout every one elses views down instantly Wasn't scepticism a healthy word in science once?


Legend Member
They ARE encouraging less humans, Demon. Population reduction/control is a huge part of greenie policies.

Australia pays $5,000 for every baby born. The pollies, their policies and the media are encouraging more kids, not less.

Howard and Costello's infamous 'one for Mum, one for Dad, and one for the country'. The current labor govt has further increased the payment.

Doesn't sound like population control.

Only China has real population control, and look at the outcry by most people about China's one-child policy.


Legend Member
I hate the word 'sceptics' being used when the scientific fraud is pointed out.

'Sceptics' is a PR spin word to kill debate. Debate only needs to be killed if the side wanting debate killed (settled science argument) have a weak, or poor, or fraudulent, argument.

At the time of Galileo the settled science was that Aristotle had solved everything, and any further debate was to be killed.

Alecia the Foxx

Australia pays $5,000 for every baby born. The pollies, their policies and the media are encouraging more kids, not less.

Howard and Costello's infamous 'one for Mum, one for Dad, and one for the country'. The current labor govt has further increased the payment.

Doesn't sound like population control.

Only China has real population control, and look at the outcry by most people about China's one-child policy.

I don't know what Australia's policy's regarding this are. I will have to check them out. I don't have a problem with China's population control policy. I also find that it's the skeptics who shout everyone down.


Legend Member
'Sceptics' = playing the person, instead of the policies.

People who play the person do so because their arguments are fraudulent. If arguments are valid, they focus on the case at hand.

Always an easy way to tell if a case is valid. Play the person if argument is false or weak.

This is not a reference to anyone on this forum. But to the climate change industry.


Which has got what to do with it?

They ARE encouraging less humans, Demon. Population reduction/control is a huge part of greenie policies.
Your original post at around 11:43am this morning. They can have the policies, but if nobody likes them or their party, fat lot of good they are!

Alecia the Foxx

They ARE encouraging less humans, Demon. Population reduction/control is a huge part of greenie policies.
Your original post at around 11:43am this morning. They can have the policies, but if nobody likes them or their party, fat lot of good they are!

Well, clearly China likes them and their policies, as they have population control measures in place, as well as other measures which I won't go into on here, because of the time factor. Considering how many people there are over there, I think your statement that nobody is into the greens policies is incorrect. Saying that "nobody" likes them is just the same as you criticising my use of the word "always."

And - excuse me, I like the Greens and their policies and I am not "nobody."


Legend Member
The United Nations celebrated the 7 billionth human late last year.

There was not comment that the population explosion is harming the climate.

Considering that the UN has been a big promoting of the climate change industry, lne would expect it not to celebrate this 'disaster' but to promote population control.

Most countries in the world are promoting larger populations, and I know of no religion which is promoting population control.