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Legend Member
A freind just got back from Bangkok the other week and was telling me how he had actually been to the place that was bombed a few days ago...
I also spoke to a friend who lives in Bangkok that regularly goes there as well.
She tells me she is now too scared to go back.

So if you were due to travel to Bangkok or regularly attended the same place...
Would you go back or stay at home??


Foundation Member
I lived in Bangkok for eight years and walked right by Erawan Shrine maybe at least a 1000 times. Yes it does make you think, what if? But I still visit Thailand regularly. I was there for a month in July and I'll as sure as hell be going back for a month at Christmas. Also I still have many friends living and working there full time. None of them are thinking of leaving any time soon. Of course people shouldn't take unnecessary risks but these things need to be put in perspective. Last year there were over 1000 deaths on Australian roads! Is anyone going to stop driving their cars?
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Kylie Middleton

Gold Member
I actually booked tickets to Bangkok and the next day the bombings happened. It's still a month before I'm due to fly there so all I'm going to do is keep an eye on the travel advisories and see what happens. If it looks like it's going to be dangerous I'll probably just go to Phuket instead.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
... Of course people shouldn't take unnecessary risks but these things need to be put in perspective. Last year there were over 1000 deaths on Australian roads! Is anyone going to stop driving their cars?

The world has spent so many billions on counter-terrorism over the past 14 years that all perspective has been lost. There is no doubt in my mind that if even half of that money had gone to improving the public health system, many, many more lives would have been saved than have been by preventing or disrupting terrorist attacks.

That is not to say that we should not resource our agencies adequately, but we just need to keep the threat in perspective. By all means, let's do our best to prevent another 9/11, Bali, Madrid, London, Mumbai, etc. scale mass casualty attack, where dozens, scores, hundreds or thousands of people are murdered in one incident, but let's not pretend we will ever be in a position to stop all the lone fanatics popping up all over the place, or even the odd major attack like Paris earlier this year, by pouring ever more of our scarce resources down the drain and continually eroding our privacy and civil liberties.

There was another one in Europe overnight but the tosser picked the wrong target and failed: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34023361 :D

This is the new normal. Get used to it.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member

Actually, I am alarmed about our cricket team's performance in England. :eek:

And, of course:
Link is broken, so taken down.
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Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Do we let the terrorists win???

They are beginning too win, If ISIS crosses into Turkey the game will change and not for the good, ISIS has between 2-3 Billion backing them, they don't ruin military bases or torch things, they are capturing tanks, ammunition, and oil fields too, so ISIS are no way stupid fighters they are doing this methodically and with skill unlike other terrorism cells. They have northern Iraq, and each time you fuel your car up think where that cash is actually ending up?

The next time you get on a flight look how much security there is now at airports, are they winning Yes they are..