A while ago here I also mentioned other forums which could serve as additional interests/reading.
For/from punters perspectives; there's
International Sex Guide (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/). A truly
amazing wealth of information no matter if it is a remote town in Italy or somewhere lost deep down in shinjuku district, Tokyo. You can search / browse by continent, country or directly to any city known in geography. This forum has been my reading material for quite some time (year/s) prior to joining Langtrees as a member. Though obviously, some areas are not so
(ethically) good to read through. But from such a huge database, there's a lot to gather.
For/from workers perspective; I found this and always recommended to many W/Ls as well -
SAAFE (Support And Advice for Escorts / saafe.info). Again, a truly amazing wealth of info and interestingly, this forum is open for public viewing. No user requirements or such politics whatsoever. As a client, I have found many things of what they find or think about us perhaps glad and reassuring....and at times also not so re-assuring even though my values & belief systems are as valuable and respectable as anyone sees me through in person (that forum made me realise that rejections & rascisms do occur and that to me always been painful).
Anyway, I believe SAAFE is UK based, but their members / workers are registered anywhere around the world. I've seen posts from france, the US, canada, europe, and (obviously of course) the UK.
Otherwise, there's other sites; but mostly catered towards punters & advertisers, but again this are national based.
Punterplanet, and Allsexwa are again additional resources.
Hope the above helps. Particularly SAAFE & ISG