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Work to live, or live to work?



Do we work to live
Do we live to work?

Have you noticed that in the millennium years we work more and enjoy less..
We haven't the time to stop, listen or care for ourselves and others, the way we used too..
Have we all become a money obsessed society?
Are we all guilty of keeping up with the Jones?

I have noticed spontaneity has dwindled, people are always under the pump..work loads professionally and personally have increased dramatically.

Is there a stay at home MUM anymore? Will this be a thing of the past?

please leave your views


I have always lived by the say:

"If work was fun ...it would not be work".... so how do I enjoy my day....

I paid the price earler on in y life... I did the bad hours, studied and worked the shit places to get my experience...no easy twenties for me, that's why I got married in my 30's;....

It allowed me to get to the top of my pile fast and now I enjoy my job, have time and money to spend with my family...

It's the old trade off... marry early. have family, try study again when you old and suffer later.
or suffer earler, study first, be broke and poor in your youth, but marry later, have the money and the place to enjoy it..(pity the body is used by then..:D)

I know this one always stirs the pot,,, bees and all come after me, but you at 16~18 choose which way your life will go. I knew where I wanted to go, made sacrfices and choices ( not popular ones to my family and freinds) to ensure, that I could enjoy my golden years later.

So yes I belive I have a good balance of enjoyable high paying job and enough family time to keep me grey....my young sons job!!!



( oh yes just to ticckle lickey and slave-girl: now also have the money to enjoy LP's and wild sex-parties tooooooo :evil4: )


Thats all we need is to have a balance....glad to see ur enjoying the pleasures of LP's....( LP's is definately enjoying you!!!)
I think alot of us missed that in the 80's, sacrifice , as a teenager-young adult, alot of us jumped in at the deep end and did the family thing...
Today'd world kids are alot wiser and now what they want...so relationships and moving out of home is the last thing on there minds...

Which is not to good for us..lol...

perfect world...acreage property..little mini houses for teens 200 meters apart from main house and each other..seperate driveways...no contact whatsover...


Its up to the individual...I stay at home...we have a few kids...we don't have a grand home, but we have an affordable mortgage...our focus is that our home life is a happy nurturing place...there are sacrifices...and that is we don't go to the movies every week....I don't have my hair coloured and cut every 6 weeks...etc...but we do have time together as a family...and my husband and I have lots of hot nights at home...so our focus is not so much on the material needs but on the needs of the heart.

As a society we are forgetting whats important...money is a tool to survive but its not everything!!

Everything in balance is essential


Yes, so many are forgetting that...Kids are missing quality time with there folks....
Quality, not Quantity..
Sounds really nice babe...just the way it should be for everyone..
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Oh i definitly work to live, it's a means to an end and nothing more.
Although in saying that i do enjoy my work, not that it's an very enjoyable job but i laugh and play no matter how intense my day or how much work i have, i think it's the best way to help get me through and it helps get others around me smiling too, even if i have to fake a good mood, the sooner i get those around me in good spirits the sooner that reflects back and brightens my day, it's just what you make it.

I believe that about life as well, all sorts of things can and do happen, so i smile and just deal with it to the best of my ability, worst case senario, i get drunk, put it on the to do list, go to bed and wake smiling wondering what the new day brings.
Life goes on,
I just go with it and try to enjoy the view... :)




The "too do list" never gets smaller...or finished.....

its like the washing....

never f**king goes away!!!!


Spice i want a tickle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):)


Is there a stay at home MUM anymore? Will this be a thing of the past?
yes it is
and same for dads

after the industrial revolution thats what started the move out of the villiage to the city to the factory. its not a new thing

also you cannot afford to be a stay at home mum, you can loose that support anytime and you will end up with the kids and with no money. its sad and simple fact of life that people get divorced and if a woman or a man has been a stay at home parent he/she will end up very very disadvantaged re returning to the work force.

apart from that kids need to see how it goes re reality and work ethic. yes I know we all bust our humps at home but the kids do leave and there you are a stay at home parent with another forty odd years to retirement.

so I strongly suggest that a person combines both keeping up your skills, some part time some voluntary work. after all the bread winner may get ill, the kids may want to go to uni you may want that overseas trip, its not just about money its about a broader perspective. were a global village now and it takes money to get about and live within that villiage.

you can still have quality parent time, even if the kids go to childcare that experience can broaden their minds as well.

work to survive if your lucky you will enjoy your job
there is the survival job
the interum job
and the job you love we all do that over time and now most people have at least eight careers in their life. one can be stay at home parent but only up to a point or you will disadvantage yourself.



lickedysplit said:
Spice i want a tickle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):)

well the kilt is for rent....lol..

Tickles are earned and not given, but if squeeze my nnutsss till the eyes water I'll do anything... :ky:

Ehat it with you woman now all wanting my hands,..,, bugger hey ..Yooo Hooo... look lower girls :D

Last of The Kilted Great blue Cavemen


I think that I manage to balance work and play... not so much in the time sense but in what I get out of each. I love my job despite the long hours. I also consider my uni studies which take up my weekends work as well. However that one hour at night I squeeze in watching a good show, the five minutes after work before the shop shuts where I can blow away my credit card, the three times a week I walk with my best friend and we catch up on the gossip and the one night a week I visit my niece and nephew for dinner make those long hours of work and study worthwhile. Working gives me the money to do the things I enjoy..... Its a give and take relationship...


I see it as the more I get payed the more hours I work my only ambition is to see how many zeros I can get in the bank I work on gold mine so my expenses are zero my work is my hobby for life as I’ve been doing it for 16 years I live to work


Senior Member
Foundation Member
I work to live not live to work.Living in the country on farms you enjoy your free time because working 6 days a week 12 to 14 hrs a day you learn to enjoy your day off.I get enough money to save pay off a house and car and still go to football all the thing's i like to do.

I have seen people have heart attacks because they work all their life and do not relax. :hello: