There is definitely a Mars v's Venus at work in every relationship, married or not. A man's ancient programming is to spread his seed and ensure his DNA survives. A Woman's ancient programming is to find a man with DNA that will compliment her own and produce fine, survivable offspring. In long ago times a women has also sought a man who can provide for and protect the family to improve the chances of continuity and improvement of the bloodline. It was all about survival and natural selection. Modern society and a list of endless ephemeral wants has f*cked with that. I'm all for equality in every respect but I think we've lost the plot a bit. DV is one of many abhorrent outcomes from people who are confused about their roles and responsibilities in a relationship. We can't go back but we do need to find a way of sustaining meaningful relationships, where everyone feels valued, respected and loved. Going back to the topic, A man will always want sex, that's his ancient programming, many women once they have completed their biological task will start to shut down sexually, every dad has seen the pressure mums are under......and then there's menopause. Long term relationships are never going to be easy but clearly we want them because we still try to have them. Very few of us give up on finding a soulmate.