1: Have you been tested for sexual chemistry? The quickest, simplest, and most effective approach to determine is with a date, albeit it is not the only one. Two months of IMing about the common interests shown on your profile can be replaced with five minutes in a coffee shop.
2. Who is this individual? In a one-on-one conversation, can she maintain eye contact? Can he carry on a conversation beyond "Hey, how are you?" Is her connection to her phone surgical? Dates give you the opportunity to quickly learn.
3. Dates provide a precise and unmistakable context. The tried-and-true best method to start a relationship is to have a predetermined location where you both have the opportunity to appear attractive, flirt, and do something enjoyable together.
4. Dates act as a crucial entry barrier. He probably won't be willing to commit to something meaningful if he can't even commit to meeting you for a specified amount of time in a specific location.
5. There's a reason why dating can be awkward at first. It forces you out of your comfort zone and into an unfamiliar setting with a stranger. You two then have the chance to create something new together. Or not. But at least the chance is there.
6: The ideal opportunity to practise (and fail) all the social skills you've been working on since high school is when you go on dates. It's time to get rid of the anxiety about telling a poor joke or unintentionally snorting in front of people.
7. You may always learn something new even from poor dates (see above). In comparison to "Yeah, I got out with this guy last night, and he made mac n cheese," they also make wonderful stories.
8: The likelihood of a financial transaction occurring at some time is significant, regardless of whether you have supper, go for a walk in a public park, or watch a band. You'll get a chance to get to know each other and discover a lot about this person.
9. Dating by definition entails doing something. Which is a lot more enjoyable and satisfying than waiting for a text message that might or might not express interest in doing things later.
10. Having a wonderful date feels like a real accomplishment and victory. Describe a fantastic "hang-out" (whatever that is).