Lust is the initial stage of love - Lust is the sensation of intense sexual desire and the need to kiss and make love. The hormones oestrogen and testosterone define this stage. Men's libido is typically attributed to the hormone testosterone. However, testosterone actually makes both sexes more eager to mate. And it's even thought that women's desire is more significant than men's.
Attraction is the second stage of love - The reward centre of the brain is where feelings of attraction are housed. This is supposed to be the reason why we feel infatuated and drunk with love at the start of partnerships since we are continually getting rewarded.
Dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin control the attraction phase of romantic love. When we engage in behaviours that make us feel happy, dopamine is released in the brain. One of these is engaging in sexual activity. Both dopamine and norepinephrine have the ability to give us a little high. When they're let go, we experience euphoria and energy.
Attachment is the third stage of love -
Oxytocin and vasopressin are the hormones in charge of this third and last stage. During sex, oxytocin is released, frequently following an orgasm. It is known as "the bonding hormone" or "the cuddle hormone" because it is thought that when it is released, it makes humans more attached to one another. It can strengthen this attachment and our contentment with our partnership, even more, when we cuddle after having sex.
Contrary to Helen Fisher's thesis, which holds that sexual desire follows attraction, sometimes, attraction appears to come before the desire for sexual activity. When you first meet someone, their appearance, scent, or behaviour catches your attention and makes you want to have sex with them.