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Why Clients Appreciate Intro-Style Brothels - Harlots Canberra


Silver Member
When it comes to facilitating client-escort interactions in a brothel, there are two main methods. Lounge-style brothels feature a large common space, usually with a few tables, booths or barstools where escorts and clients can mingle before heading to the reception desk to make things official. Introduction, or intro-style brothels have small, private rooms with seats for one-on-one conversations.
Here are a few reasons why clients say they prefer Harlots intros.

1. Awkward Encounters
Discretion and confidentiality are among our core values at Harlots, and what better way to embody them than ensuring you don't run into any other clients while you're here. Many clients come in with mates or even brothers, but for most people, this experience is deeply private. You don't have to worry about running into colleagues, friends or family when you meet the escorts at Harlots; you will only interact with the gorgeous babes and the reception staff.

2. Closed-Door Conversations
Clear communication is key to making sure your booking runs smoothly, but it's difficult to discuss the nitty gritty of your fetishes with strangers around. When it comes to your deepest naughty fantasies, we are all ears but you can rest assured knowing no one else will be listening.

3. Stage-Fright & Social Anxiety
Walking into a strange space populated by strange people can be awkward at the best of times. Add in the distraction of a lingerie-clad supermodel and it can be quite overwhelming! Intros give you the space to focus on engaging with the escorts who are on-shift and deciding who you would like to spend your time with.

Whether you are well-versed in the ways of lounge-style establishments or interested in making an intro-style brothel your introduction to the industry, Harlots is happy to help! With a gorgeous line-up available from 10 am every day, there's something for everyone at Harlots.
You can find the escorts working this week here and all the other gorgeous babes working with Harlots below
See who else is in Canberra with Langtrees.com.
Or the German/Austrian model, whereby a client is wearing slippers and a bathrobe and walks into a massive lounge facing anywhere between 80 to 140 Naked women wearing stripper heels OR the any Tuesday in a Swiss based club that has public sex happening all over club, so client walks in in same bathrobe and slippers and is confronted with folks already engaged in sexual activity..... :cool::cool::cool: