If you had 24 hours to do anything you wanted, without any consequences, what would you do?
If you had 24 hours to do anything you wanted, without any consequences, what would you do?
I would hire a massive truck and have it follow me and my friends around for the day, filling it with all the cash I could collect but also with all the items I would be acquiring along the way to the next cash pit stop. All my favorite stores would be visited and raided ... Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Rosendorfs, Tiffany's, Prada, Gucci ... filling the truck (obviously going to be a very busy and frantic day).
Then spend the next few years travelling and spending my money acquired to set myself up for the rest of my life
So when can we have this 24 hour dream period? Ha!
I would fly into space!-))))))):happy6::happy6: