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What is the worst thing about Menopause ?

Ms Sue

Legend Member
We all know that we come to that age when the change happens and unfortunately I seem to be in the thick of it....
Mood changes have been my biggest hurdle...
What was yours and or partners biggest hurdle and how did you deal with it...
I am feeling for my hubby as he is not only dealing with me but we also have 2 teenage girls...
Life is not sweet for him.............


Mouse chasing Pussy
Diamond Member
The fact that no man will even mention it (the mood swings) for fear of having his head bitten off. See it took reposting this thread to get one man to even reply. I saw it days ago and ran a mile.


WL Historian
Gold Member
Forgetting things and where I put things
Mood swings
Men have their own menopause too lol


Silver Member
FREEDOM. How great it is to walk past the tampons. Mood swings can be controlled with the right dietary supplements and exercise.Hormone replacement is also available and I did use that for a while.
Thing is to try things until you find something that works for you. Your mental health will thank you for it.
Hardest for me was the hot flushes or power surges as I like to call them. Being a Kiwi living in the coldest part of the country it wasn't too big a thing.


Silver Member
Viv, I need you to talk to my wife.

Her mood swings are so unpredictable. It doesn't matter how nice I am to her, I always get snapped out over the most trivial things. Yes there is supplements she can take to control this better but she refuses to take anything.
We lay in bed at night and I try and get intimate but the next things she screams, GET OFF me, I'm burning up. Or in the middle of the night, I am having my best sleep but then the blanket and quilt goes flying off the bed as she gets another flush.
She is now into her 7th year with this menopause and it feels that long since the last time we had sex.
I have tried to stay loyal but eventually about 3 years ago I succumbed to my needs and now go for a punt probably once every 2 months. :(

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
The night sweats thank goodness I have high fences as many nights I have gone sat outside naked to cool down
I just turned 45 so all new to me but it's not pleasent I got some herbal medication.

Dean so sorry to hear about your wife I say to men you get your car serviced seeing a WL is having you serviced


Silver Member
That's how I interpret it Miss M. Unfortunately though I am forking out more money servicing myself than the car.


Silver Member
Hey Dean3030 always the best place to start is with doctor.
There has been a lot of bad publicity about hormone replacement but my doctor thought it best for me at the time for the safety of my family. It is a mental time in a womans life.
Probably be good for you to do some research for your own piece of mind.
I never had a problem with sex but I have always had a high sex drive. Good Luck x