My longest booking was I think maybe 17-18 hours all up. The client had come in the night before and had seen a few different girls over a few hours before finally settling with myself and another girl. We stayed up with him all night then he wanted us to cuddle with him and get a few hours sleep. I had to go home around 6am to let my dogs out and walk them etc but he insisted I came back, so poor Warren drove 45 mins there and back to come and pick me up from my home!
Like the client that Sophie had, he was also in a very emotional state. He didnt really want to do anything other than cuddle and talk. He spoke of his wife, the breakdown of his marriage and the effect it had on his sons. We were actually a little concerned that he may have been suicidal because of some of the things he said but also the big money he was spending!
He said he had just been discharged from the army having worked for the special services. He went into great detail about his experiences and some of the physically and mentally challenging training he had gone through. I was a little suss on him at this point because from what I understood people working for the special services were strictly forbidden to talk about their experiences with anyone, even their own family. But it made for very interesting conversation so I went along with it.
After ordering some food, talking some more and making use of the spa the booking finally came to an end around midnight. All in all was a good experience and I like to think that he left feeling positive having had us to talk out his problems with.
Funnily enough, if my memory serves me correctly, I think he turned out to be a con man, not ex army/ part of the SS, which coupled with the long hours of the booking is what makes me remember him and this particular experience