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What do men want?



ok all you guys out there, we have had the questions asked as to what women want..In and out of the bedroom from men.

Let me put the question to you...What is it that you look for in todays woman? Have we become too career orientated? Do we have less time for men in our lives now or is it that we don't feel the need to have you around the way we used to.

Do you prefer women the way they are today..or should we be as the cliche' goes "barefoot and pregnant"
Being a woman myself in the 21st century, I think we are better off today than 20 yrs ago and although we are still not classed as equals we take up the challanges and have a go get em attitude. I think that women and men have done a role reversal in many aspects, men are more "sensitive" now,well they show their emotions more than they did and women seem to have the "grab life by the balls" attitude now. what do you think?


Great topic

Personally I like strong willed women, providing they are not so strong that they believe they are right all the time and dont listen to reason.

I also like a wonan that knows when not to be so strong and allow a guy to do the things that a guy likes to do, like be the dominant partner in the bedroom every once in a while.

Its great to have a woman just lie back and let you pleasure her slowly at your own pace without having to rush.


Senior Member
Foundation Member
Shannon you are right women today it seem's to me grab the balls attitude but then again it is also the way people are teached by there parents about attitude's.

In our family us boy's were taught that it is okay to show your feelling's.It doe's not matter if your a women or man we all have to work to survive married or not.If i had a girlfriend i would like her to be my friend asswell as my lover and i would be the same for her.

I would like a women to come up to me and say do you want to go out, she taking charge. :hello:



Yes I must admit I am a woman who has the attittude of "If i want i go get"

I think i sat back and watched men for too long observing how these creatures get about and interact in life with the opposite sex and thought to myself that some of their ideas weren't so silly and could be well adopted by the female gender.

Thats not to say that i do not have the ability to sit back and let the man be the man at times and it is good to see that men are finally dealing with their femine side and showing more emotions than their previous generations.
Although in saying that us ladies don't like too much and over the top femininity but a little is good.

Mary Anne PA


I really think that today that women want to be more like men and men want to be like women. Everything has to be so politically correct. For instance a lot of dark skinned people are trying to get lighter and the fair skinned people darker. What ever happened to a happy medium.We really are two different species and the sooner the sexes realise that the better, we are meant to be different it is the mucus that binds us.Opposites attract. I gave up trying to understand the female form years ago now just learn to live with it. So basically what I am trying to say women must be women and men to be men. Perhaps more education like these forums are great it helps us come to terms with our differences and we can draw a line in the sand and except each other as we are.


No Simple Answer

If only there was a right or wrong answer!. Unfortuneatly like most things in the 21st century its not that black or white. I think some men and women like it the old fashioned way and good on them for having guts enough to admit it in this day and age. But i suspect most like the '' NEW AGE '' ideas as it gives both men and women more options no matter who you are without being judged for it. I THINK!! generally what most people want is to be equals and to be cosidered to stand up and be counted . Like they say ''different strokes for different folks'' and lets face it , it would be so-o-o boring if we all thought the same . Therefore the only way to find out what anyone wants in any aspect of life is to simply ask!!! . COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION! If we all learnt to just speak up in an adult and respectfull way there would be much less confusion and you could surround yourself with like minded people or at least have some interesting discussions!!

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
What a load of bull de dash

Girls are girls and guys are guys hasn't any one read Men are from Mars and woman are from Venus.It describes a scenario where Men lived on one planet and woman on another. we came from different worlds.Simultaneously both our worlds got space cars one day and we were joy riding around the galaxy and bang the Marsians banged into the Venitians or it could have been the other way around ( i personally fancy the first version)
From the confrontration and there is nothing worse than when some one dents your bumper, both races realised they fancied each other.Not being able to decide which planet either should live on they all decided to go for the middle ground and both relocated to planet earth.
That was the day they invented confusion and it seems to be getting more confusing rather than less.
History Lesson shall continue tomorrow but just to confuse the situation the question was
"What do men want" and the answer to this question is how to pleasure woman.All we have to do girls is learn how to pleasure ourselves and understand how our sexual body and mind works and we will be able to tell them.


We want...

I think one of the problem is... That we, the junger generation, are often men raised by women we little or no contact with older men. We are used to be under a women "supervision", women that often are over protective and create not so manly men. I think most men, myself anyway, are stuck in the middle. On one hand, we do want our control over women... being the head of the familly having the right of having what we want when we want, but we lack in examples. On the other hands we like to be under a woman authority, because that is what we are used to from our childhood.

What do I want... I want the impossible...

PS: Excuse My english... I am new at this.


I don't think it matters too much how a woman is as long as the guy is open to her traits.
Personaly i like a woman who is strong minded and independant but caring and loving at the same time, is that too much to ask i wonder..??
I like my space and i know what i want but i also like to snuggle smittenly and be pampered.
As long as one doesn't overpower the other i think it's ok, no-one wants to be treated like a child and no-one wants a relationship where you wonder if your actually in a relationship, it's all about finding the right balance between two people.. and of course finding the right person to have that balance with...



LMAO @ maryanne!

My beliefs on the subject are that women should be treated equally as we are just as capable as any man.. My partner and I are equal to each other. Although i am extremely strong willed and think any woman who lets a man tell her what to do is just plain foolish.. always be one up on your man! thats just my oppinion!


little big horn

Well well Seduction, i am afraid it will be an on going battle for eternity i am enclined to agree with Caveman.We being males were born to dominate, it is inbred in us. These knew wishy washy knew age guys. Really women marvel me they do have a special place, they do manipulate, and use there charm and beauty to get there own way. And they do as they have all the requirements to make a man happy. Cooking , cleaning bedroom functions. Baring sons and daughters. With out making women subservient there roll is so different, the reason being there biological clock makes them that way.Mood swings ect thats fine us men understand that. But really guys we all must agree if we admit it or not we love women but everyday of the month is different, and of course the premenstrual thing. Hey these are my thoughts without malice.


Hi all!

My question of the week is....why are men sometimes so intimidated by an intelligent woman? I have seen guys break speed and sound barriers to get away from me sometimes...??

Stephanie the Newshound


Senior Member
Foundation Member
Well maybe your getting the wrong men personaly who cares if a woman has brains you love eachother for who they are.That is my opion it maybe rigth and it maybe wrong who knows.


Member Forever
Foundation Member
Myself personally wish things could go back to times of olde
I was raised to be a lady and have subsequently raised my daughter to be a lady and my sons to be gentlemen.
I love having doors opened, chairs pulled out etc and I would never have a second date with a man who didnt.
I believe in mens work and womens work around the home.
Im not saying that I cant do those jobs or that I havent taught my boys to be independent but why should we be alone when we can share the load.
As far as the bedroom goes well please Id love caveman sex
Unfortunately in most ways the world has moved on from old times and its no longer possible to have a one income family
But there are small ways that we can remain in traditional roles.


yes i totally agree with Barbie on the one, but a women with brains is awsome who wants to be with a dummy, anyways 2 is better than one ever heard the saying together we stand devided we fall.
cheers tigs "ROAR"


Have to agree with Barbie, there is a lot to be said for good old fasioned values & a mutual respect for each other, this does not have to come at a cost. Perhaps if these values were taught by parents being responsible for what they created there may be a little less attitude as the results grow older into adults themselves.


All I want.

Some one to share my life to love and play with to grow old and laugh with. Someone who will tell me to pull my head in when I need it and also be happy to let me say the same to her. Interlect sexual respect and freedom... But most of all some one who will be with me at the end.... Theres a song called Kryptonite and the line that strikes my cord is " I dont care what happens between now and then as long as you will be my friend at the end. Play hard and love well .Cheers Sintoo

Mary Anne PA

I don't think it's to do with women having or being intelligence, it may be with how they use that intelligence.

Talking on every or any level based on who we're talking to can create the right atmosphere for people to feel comfortable.


caveman said:
I really think that today that women want to be more like men and men want to be like women. Everything has to be so politically correct. For instance a lot of dark skinned people are trying to get lighter and the fair skinned people darker. What ever happened to a happy medium.We really are two different species and the sooner the sexes realise that the better, we are meant to be different it is the mucus that binds us.Opposites attract. I gave up trying to understand the female form years ago now just learn to live with it. So basically what I am trying to say women must be women and men to be men. Perhaps more education like these forums are great it helps us come to terms with our differences and we can draw a line in the sand and except each other as we are.

Well said!


i think alot of people have raised alot of really valid points in this discussion and i would like to discuss them before giving my point of view [if you want to go to that bit go to the last paragraph of this post now, i wont be mad]

the first thing that was brought up was the recent sway towards women having equality in society, i would disagree with that. a more recent trend still is a reversal of this newly attained role in society brought on by none other than women themselves. there is a very large movement of women who are returning to more conservative roles in our modern society, they can go by many names, thier proponents would simply call them mothers and wife's while thier opposition would lable them "trophy wives" or "socially acceptable protitutes" [i need to make it clear so no one gets mad here, i dont have anything against either trophy wives or indeed actual working girls, i'm just using the parlance i've encountered]. i think the thing thats a little bit worrying about this "return to the kitchen" is that the women seem to be forgetting the lessons learned by thier feminist mothers and grandmothers. i think its important for every woman to have a career before settling down, if not for her then for her family she plans to have. if, as seems to be the trend in these volatile times the marriage breaks, and the woman is left at 30,35,40+ with a family and no fiscal security or career aspects... i think "hard" would be a supreme understatement.

another thing that was broght up was the gradual feminisation of men recently, this is a theme thats been broght up in quite well know peices of entertainment, from "fight club" [or indeed any phalniuk novel] to steven kings "the dark tower" series. as a person [a guy] who has traits common to both sects of this movement, from wearing girl jeans and pink shoes, to being violent and agressive i think the important thing that all of us need to remember is gender is a construction, i'll explain

say you got a baby, male or female, and put it in a blank room for 40 years with no stimulus what so ever [hypothetically of course] that human wouldnt know what homosexuality was, it wouldnt know the connotations we have for colours like blue and pink, anything of that nature. or if you would like to think of it in a different way, if my dick gets sucked by a guy or a girl its physiologically exactly the same process, the only difference is in the mind.

[having said that i'm just as much a slave to gender constructions as anyone else, and i'm still trying to overcome my many years of conditioning to be able to find the idea of mangina sexually appealing]

in answer to the original question of the post [i know i know i'm sorry] what i look for in a woman is the same thing i look for in a good friend, reliability, a wicked sense of humor, an openess and willingness to question [not necisairily defy] society norms. the only thing i look for in a partner that i dont look for in friends is looks and a really kinky streak.

having said all that i'm yet to meet a girl who has what i want, hence my line of ex's