What are you thoughts of street walkers..Here is mine...

Ms Sue

Legend Member
I want to have my bitch on street walkers....
We Langtrees pay a lot of money to advertise our beautiful ladies..
Our wonderful ladies take pride in their work...
Our receptionist staff take a lot of time talking to the clients over the phone
and THEN free loaders hang around the corners of our street and take our clients....
Well let me tell you from now on I will not be as polite as I have been, because I will call the bloody police and get you taken away... I have had it.... So let this be your last warning......
Wow now I feel better...
Does anyone think this is wrong or right..
Ms Sue


Legend Member
Also your ladies and us the clients are safe We can both walk in and know we will have a good time
The outside girls are taking there lives in their hands and so to are the clients whether that be in the form of theft or even the possibility of STD"s

Alecia the Foxx

I think everyone here knows my opinion on this subject by now - they are just trying to make a living like the rest of us.

I guess brothels don't like them because they can't make money off them, and privates don't like them because they feel threatened by them. I don't automatically think of drugs and disease when I see street walkers, I have known plenty who have practised safe sex, and know of street workers who don't take drugs. I think these ideas are common misconceptions and prejudices, the same prejudices that get levelled at all prostitutes. I don't need to look down on someone to feel good about myself.

Tania Admin

I think everyone here knows my opinion on this subject by now - they are just trying to make a living like the rest of us.

I guess brothels don't like them because they can't make money off them, and privates don't like them because they feel threatened by them. I don't automatically think of drugs and disease when I see street walkers, I have known plenty who have practised safe sex, and know of street workers who don't take drugs. I think these ideas are common misconceptions and prejudices, the same prejudices that get levelled at all prostitutes. I don't need to look down on someone to feel good about myself.

It's not the fact they are street workers that bug me,,it's the fact that they loiter near our establishment and under-cut our prices, when, as Sue said Langtrees spends a lot of money on advertising, and the girls on the floor work damn hard on networking, just to have clients taken from right under our noses.

It's NOT looking down on them, but if they want to work independently then be independent, don't steal our business and find their own territory other than in the close vicinity (ie: the corner or just up the street from Langtrees). This is not a personal attack on them, it's just a case of them respecting our hard work (and also I will mention some long internet hours) and good money that is paid for advertising.

Alecia the Foxx

So, I guess you mean that they are ok, so long as they don't take up residence near a brothel?


Gold Member
Awww I can see the claws being sharpened here.

But I think that you are correct in saying that walkers should go and do their own thing elsewhere.

If I were a retailer or the like, I don't think I'd like a freelancer to be selling their wares in front of my establishment. After all, I would be paying rates, taxes etc for the privilege of being there, whilst the freelancer is just taking the opportunity of cashing in on my hard work etc.

Let the walkers go and do their own thing......... elsewhere...... like across the highway........ plenty of scalps there to be had.... I would think.

My 2c worth

Alecia the Foxx

Yes, Bushbabe, I think that is a solution which would suit everyone. Like them or hate them, they are not going to go away. There is obviously a demand for them, otherwise they wouldn't exist.

And I have no idea what your comment about "claws" is supposed to mean. I have been open about this subject on this forum before, and have always opined in exactly the same way, whether it is another working lady taking a different point of view, or a male punter. The claws thing is purely your perception, not fact, and I doubt Tania has those feelings either. I asked Tania a genuine question, and I believe you supplied a valid answer/solution...............................
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Tania Admin

Merged duplicate posts

So, I guess you mean that they are ok, so long as they don't take up residence near a brothel?

I mean if that is their choice so be it, but if they want to be independent then be independent, network, find their own clientele, if some other WL was in another street workers territory there would be sparks flying. It's mutual respect for others working in the industry..

Awww I can see the claws being sharpened here.

But I think that you are correct in saying that walkers should go and do their own thing elsewhere.

If I were a retailer or the like, I don't think I'd like a freelancer to be selling their wares in front of my establishment. After all, I would be paying rates, taxes etc for the privilege of being there, whilst the freelancer is just taking the opportunity of cashing in on my hard work etc.

Let the walkers go and do their own thing......... elsewhere...... like across the highway........ plenty of scalps there to be had.... I would think.

My 2c worth

Nail on the head there BushBabe!!!
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Re: Merged duplicate posts

I mean if that is their choice so be it, but if they want to be independent then be independent, network, find their own clientele, if some other WL was in another street workers territory there would be sparks flying. It's mutual respect for others working in the industry..

Agreed! I imagine street walkers stake out "territory". Whether it be a Private or an Establishment it's not so much about territory. Each WL and Establishment spends time, money and energy advertising, building a clientele and creating rapport. It would be frustrating to have someone working close by scalping clientele.

Personally I think they should be zoned areas and specific times where they can work from. Like Buskers.......................


Legend Member
Personally I think they should be zoned areas and specific times where they can work from. Like Buskers.

Buskers perform before a panel or at least a council official To prove they are good enough to perform in the mall etc

I know there will be volunteers but who is going to test out these ladies? Before giving them a official zone to "Walk"in


Great thread!

I think at the end of the day we have to agree, there is a reason that a wpmen would put her self in harns way for what she thought was good reason....sorry Alecia the only one Ican come up with is homlessness, drug addictioin or mental health issues. All of those a sad and tragic place to be in....all of those things need help and assistance...I guess this is what Magenta are for.

Sue is it really that bad with SW stealing clients? How many a night would you say?

Is it something Brothels should just except as part and parcel of the industry..that we would rather them be on a well light and semi busy area were they may be safe then banishing them to dark streets were they are putting them selves in further danger...you may think that they choose to do this so they have to cop what they get. I wouldn't want to do anything that puts another human being at risk for a few extra bucks, but we are running a business so we have to come up with effective long term solutions. I dont think saying going independent and getting own clients is fair, they obviously face many barriers in their lives and that is insensitive and dismissive, I think if they could they probably would, is this a failure then of Magenta?

I think that we cant control the movements of these girls, they are erratic and I think somewhat a fight for survival BUT they would not go there if the guys did not stop...men who can make a conscious decision from a place not of desperation or hardship (and not sexual desperation does not count...lol) so its the old "supply and demand" if there was no supply there would be no demand.


Gold Member
I think at the end of the day we have to agree, there is a reason that a wpmen would put her self in harns way for what she thought was good reason....sorry Alecia the only one Ican come up with is homlessness, drug addictioin or mental health issues. All of those a sad and tragic place to be in....all of those things need help and assistance...I guess this is what Magenta are for.

Sue is it really that bad with SW stealing clients? How many a night would you say?

I have to agree with Saige, in a lot of cases, SW are not in control of their actions, whether it be homelessness, violence, drugs, pimps (bikies, asians, whatever) or other reasons. Unfortunately, that is the side of the industry that lawmakers use as leverage to control and suppress the entire industry. There's gotta be a better solution for these ladies.

I've never come across a SW here in Perth, the only time I came across something like it was in Tokyo, when a guy in his twenties walked up to me with a young girl, and, in broken English offered her to me for the night. I was just totally dumb struck and told him I wasn't interested. For one thing, the girl looked totally scared of this gigantic foreign guy, it didn't even occur to me until later that she even looked underage. That whole episode still haunts me to this day. I wish I'd had the common sense to report him to the cops, but he was gone by the time I could think.

Alecia the Foxx

Hi Saige

I'm sorry that all that comes to mind for you regarding street walkers is homelessness, drugs and mental issues. I know some of these ladies personally, and none are homeless. Some do drugs, but then so do a lot of brothel workers and private workers, and some have mental health issues - I would ask, "Who doesen't?"

One of the ladies reckons that the streets is the best place to work. And there are those people who feel that all prostitutes are taking their lives in their hands whenever they work. I think the whole point is moot anyway. If people don't like street walkers, then they should talk to the men who are using their services; if these men stopped patronising them, then they would have to go away. Street walkers fill a need, whether anyone likes it or not.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Legend Member
OK.....as a Langtrees Lady I might not be happy about the fact that street walkers are just around the corner of the of the establishment but I do look at it from a slightly different point of view as well.......hang on.......this is still a free world (?????????)......isn't it?.......so let people do what they think they have to do. It might be annoying and not necessarily in the interest of the establishment but at the end of the day it is their choice. This comment might be missing the point but I think WA has far too much regulations in general. Sometimes it is just ok to let things sort themselves out without interfering. MOre regulations won't make them disappear. As Alecia said.......there is obviously a demand or they wouldn't be here.
Sue, I can see your frustration........but is it really that big a problem?



I'm wondering if the clients that are using the SW in the area are really potential clients of Langtrees or the nearby asia establishment.


for the clients like me i think they're fine. But I would still choose to get those ladies from Langtrees than these free loaders coz i feel safer with Langtrees ladies.

Alecia the Foxx

Yes, I agree with your thoughts, Jas Rob. The bottom line is that the Langtrees option is a better choice, safer, cleaner, more comfortable. The clients either want that, or they don't. No amount of legislating or anything else will change that, until the clients want to change that.

Ms Sue

Legend Member
Wow what a lots of thoughts from everyone.....
I think you might need to know that as the clients are parking there cars to come into Langtrees they are being hit up by these ladies... I am a big believer on free enterprise but there is a line....
We have had quite a few ladies that have made the change from street walking to Langtrees so that is not my problem it is just downright stealing clients...
I don't care if it is 1 or 20 client there is a principle of ethics....
Ms Sue

Alecia the Foxx

That's a bit of a shame. Hardly a way for the street girls to build good will.