I assume most people work a job to ultimately make money to reach financial goals..? I see some who also like power and prestige from employment. But similar to the point purple fixer made above; like any other job, you either have job satisfaction or you are stuck in a rut dreaming of being elsewhere.
People forget us ladies are working in sales, reception, customer service, cleaning, housekeeping with various bookkeeping and/or administrative duties. We have overheads like any other sole trader and are attempting to provide a unique service in a high risk environment. And that's what we charge for.
However, I honestly don't see the point if it is just for money and fortunately many WL's feel the same way.
It can be fun to dress up, feel sexy, play a different character, heal someone's loneliness, provide sensual relief, observe and learn intimately the workings of human psychology, explore your sexuality and boundaries, become a sexpert and the benefits go on.
There are some other dysfunctional motivations for working in the sex industry though which may cut close to home for some WL's who may not feel comfortable expressing struggles, abuses and various challenges life might have handed them to deal with.
We have been through some shit, we might have also been a supportive ear and hand to that WL next to us who has been through even more shit. Mental health issues, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, homelessness etc. these are situations that can motivate many young girls into the sex industry when all other options seem too hard.
Unfortunately, society takes this dysfunctional segment and paints the whole WL community with the crazy/desperate/victimised brush. Things couldn't be further from the truth.
Many WL's are highly educated with the choice of using their education and experience in other lines of work but choose not to because they love the sex industry. Many love having sex, they find good sex to be a highlight to a working week. Some might find that if they are going to be promiscuous anyway that it is better in a safe and controlled environment.